Peter C Reiss

MBA Class of 1963 Professor of Economics
on leave Autumn 2011/Spring 2012

Professor of Economics (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies

Phone: (650) 725-2759

Email: [email protected]

Personal Homepage:

Academic Areas: Economics

Peter Reiss is an industrial organization economist and applied econometrician. His research studies how technology, consumer tastes, and industry structure affect firms’ competitive positions. In recent work, he has examined multi-part pricing policies, strategic entry and entry deterrence strategies, and the organization of securities, energy and airline markets. Professor Reiss also does research on statistical issues that arise in applied economic research.


Peter Reiss is the MBA Class of 1963 Professor of Economics at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He has a courtesy appointment in the Stanford Economics Department. He received his MA, MPhil, and PhD in economics from Yale University, and a BA with honors in applied mathematics and economics from Brown University. He is the winner of a Sloan Fellowship and an NBER Olin Fellowship.

Professor Reiss is an applied microeconomist who specializes in industrial organization economics, a branch of economics that studies the activities of businesses. He also does research in econometrics, a branch of economics that uses probability and statistics to evaluate surveys, data, and economic variables. His published work has appeared in leading economics and econometrics journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the Journal of Econometrics, the Review of Economic Studies, the Rand Journal, and the Journal of Finance. He has served on, or serves on, the editorial boards of major journals, including the American Economic Review, Applied Econometrics, the Brookings Papers on Micro-Economic Activity, Econometrica, the Journal of Econometrics, the Journal of Industrial Economics, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, and the Journal of Economic Literature. He has served as a reviewer for most major economics journals, major publishers, and government organizations. He also served two years on the National Science Foundation’s Economics Advisory Panel and has testified before the U.S. Antitrust Modernization Commission.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Yale Univ., 1982; MPhil, 1979; BA, Brown Univ., 1977.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 1982.

Visiting Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1993-94; Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1988-90; NBER-Olin Fellow, 1987-88; Fletcher Jones Faculty Scholar, 1986-88.

Selected Publications

  • Structural Econometric Modeling: Rationales and Examples from Industrial Organization, Handbook of Econometrics, V. 6.: with Frank Wolak, forthcoming, 2004
  • Anonymity, Adverse Selection and the Sorting of Interdealer Trades: Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming with Ingrid Werner, 2004
  • Recent Publications: Unknown, 2004

Working Papers

  • 1715: Household Electricity Demand, Revisited
  • 1829: Demand and Pricing in Electricity Markets: Evidence from San Diego During California's Energy Crisis
  • 1430: Interdealer Trading: Evidence from London
  • 1289: Transaction Costs in Dealer Markets: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange
  • 1061: Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets
  • 1015: Further Distribution Results for Correlation Coefficients and F Tests in Normal Samples
  • 1016R: Power Functions of Some Common Regression Tests
  • 1830: Household Electricity Demand, Revisited
  • 1831: Structural Econometric Modeling: Rationales and Examples from Industrial Organization
  • 708: A Note on the Selection of Parameters and Estimators in the Hausman Specification Test
  • 883: Entry in Monopoly Markets
  • 890: Alternative Nonnested Specification Tests of Time Series Investment Models
  • 893: Detecting Multiple Outliers with an Application to R&D; Productivity Studies

Selected Cases

Courses Taught



  • Member: American Economic Assn., Econometric Society, American Statistical Assn.

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