Myra H Strober

Professor of Education, Emerita, School of Education

Phone: (650) 493-0400

Email: [email protected]

Academic Areas: Economics

Myra Strober’s research focuses on the economics of work and family. She has written on gender issues at work, occupational segregation, women in the professions and management, the economics of childcare, and feminist economics. She has also been an expert witness in cases involving the valuation of work in the home, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment, and a consultant for several companies on improved utilization of women in management. Her most recent work is on interdisciplinarity in academia.


Myra H. Strober is a labor economist and is both Professor of Education, Emerita, and Professor of Economics (by courtesy) at the Graduate School of Business. She teaches the course on Work and Family at the GSB. From 2002-07 she served as director of the Joint Degree MA program between the GSB and the School of Education.

Dr. Strober began her teaching career at the University of Maryland and the University of California, Berkeley, and moved to Stanford in 1972, when she became the first woman to join the GSB faculty.

She was the founding director of Stanford’s Center for Research on Women (now the Clayman Institute for Research on Women in Gender), and in 1993-94, served as the Chair of the Stanford Provost’s Committee on Recruitment and Retention of Women Faculty. From 1998 to 2000 she served as the Program Officer in Higher Education for Atlantic Philanthropies.

Dr. Strober’s research has focused on gender issues at work, and she has written on occupational segregation, women in the professions and management, the economics of childcare, and feminist economics. She has also been an expert witness in cases involving the valuation of work in the home, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment.

She has consulted with several corporations on improved utilization of women in management and on work-family issues. With Dr. Jay Jackman she has written on “Fear of Feedback,” (Harvard Business Review, April 2003) and "Why Senior Women Leave Organizations."

Dr. Strober's most recent book is Interdisciplinary Conversations: Challenging Habits of Thought (2010). She is also the coauthor with Agnes Chan of The Road Winds Uphill All the Way: Gender, Work, and Family in the United States and Japan (1999), and the coeditor of Bringing Women into Management (1975).

Dr. Strober received her PhD in economics from MIT.

Academic Degrees

PhD, M.I.T., 1969; MA, Tufts Univ.; BS, Cornell Univ.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 1972.

Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs, Stanford School of Education; Asst. Prof., Stanford Graduate School of Business, 1972–79; Lecturer, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1970–72; Asst. Prof., Univ. of Maryland, 1967–70;

Selected Publications

  • Fear of Feedback: Harvard Business Review, 2003
  • “What’s a Wife Worth?”: Couples, 2000
  • The Road Winds Uphill All the Way: Combining Work and Family in the United States and Japan: The MIT Press; New Ed edition, 1999
  • Husbands, Wives, and Housework: Graduates of Stanford and Tokyo Universities,”: Feminist Economics, 1998
  • “Making and Correcting Errors in Economic Analyses: An Examination of Videotapes,”: Journal of Economic Education, 1997

Working Papers

  • 248: Women Economists: Career Aspirations, Education and Training
  • 325: Wives' Labor Force Behavior and Family Consumption Patterns
  • 376: Wives' Labor Force Behavior and Major Family Expenditures
  • 396: Sex Differences in Economists' Incomes
  • 398: Initial Observations on a Pioneer Cohort: 1974 Women MBAs
  • 431: The Female/Male Salary Differential in Public Schools: Some Lessons from San Francisco, 1879
  • 465: Use of Strategies to Reduce Time Pressures: Some Non-Difference Between Working Wives and Non-Working Wives

Selected Cases

  • OB68: CrossRoads: Balancing Elder Care, Work and Family


  • Board Member: National Center for the Workplace, Now Legal Defense and Education Fund
  • Board of Editors: Sage Annual Review of Women and Work. Assoc.
  • Chair: Stanford Program in Administration and Policy Analysis
  • Director: Stanford Education Policy Institute
  • Editor: Journal of Economic Education and Feminist Economics
  • First Chair: Natl. Council for Research on Women
  • President: Intl. Assn. of Feminist Economists

In The Media