Benoît Monin

Professor of Organizational Behavior

Professor of Psychology, School of Humanities and Sciences

Philip F. Maritz Faculty Fellow for 2012-2013

Phone: (650) 721-2178

Email: [email protected]

Personal Homepage:


Academic Areas: Organizational Behavior

Using the methods of experimental social psychology, Professor Monin's research investigates the interplay between self-image and morality. He seeks to understand for instance when individuals behave unethically, and how they live with it; the consequences of high or low moral self-confidence; the meaning and role of morality in everyday life; and what empirical psychology can contribute to ethics.


Benoît Monin received his undergraduate degree from ESSEC Business School near Paris, his MSc in Social Psychology from the the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, and his PhD in Psychology from Princeton University. He has taught at Stanford since 2001, and has held visiting positions at the University of Michigan as well as at the University of Paris. Monin's work has appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Psychological Science, and the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Academic Degrees

Ph.D., Psychology, Princeton University, 2002
M.Sc., Social Psychology, London School of Economics, 1995
ESSEC Diploma, Cergy, France, 1994

Courses Taught

  • GSBGEN 208: Ethics in Management
  • OB 652: Statistical Methods for Behavioral and Social Sciences

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