Joanne Martin
Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior, Emerita
Phone: (650) 723-4791
Email: [email protected]
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Academic Areas: Organizational Behavior
Joanne Martin is best known for her research on organizational culture. More recently her work has shifted to the study of gender in organizations. Recent projects focus on large-scale, cross-institutional efforts to improve gender equity, here and abroad; the process by which gender is socially constructed in organizational settings; and the subtle and often unintended ways organizational cultures place women at a disadvantage.
Joanne Martin is the Fred H. Merrill Professor of Organizational Behavior, Emerita, and, by courtesy, Sociology at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Martin received a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard in 1977 and honorary doctorates from Copenhagen Business School in 2001 and the Vrej University in Amsterdam in 2005.
In addition to her work at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford, Professor Martin has been elected to serve on: the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management; the Stanford University Advisory Board (reviewing all tenure appointments) at Stanford; the Board of Directors of C.P.P., Inc.; and the International Advisory Board of the International Center for Research in Organizational Discourse, Strategy, and Change, for the Universities of Melbourne, Sydney, London, and McGill.
Martin has received numerous awards, including the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Award from the American Psychological Association in 1988 (for a paper with Thomas Pettigrew on barriers to inclusion for African-Americans); the Distinguished Educator Award from the Academy of Management in 2000, the Centennial Medal from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, for research-based contributions to society, in 2002; and the Distinguished Scholar Career Achievement Award from the National Academy of Management, Organization, and Management Theory Division in 2005.
Academic Degrees
Honorary Doctorate in Social Anthropology, Vreje University, Amsterdam, (2005); Honorary Doctorate in Economics and Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School (2001); PhD in Social Psychology, Harvard University, (1977); BA, Smith College, (1968).
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 1977.
Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow, Stanford University (2005-06); Visiting Scholar, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 2004–05; Visiting Scholar, Copenhagen Business School, Spring 2004, Spring 1998; Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow, Stanford University; James and Doris McNamara Faculty Fellow, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University (1990-91); Ruffin Fellow of Business Ethics, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia (1990); Visiting Scholar, Australian Graduate School of Management and Department of Psychology, Sydney University (1989-1990); Promising Young Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management (1982); Dissertation Award from American Psychological Association, Division 14, Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1978); Lena Lake Forrest Research Fellowship from Business and Professional Women's Foundation (1977) Sigma Xi Dissertation Award (1976).
Selected Publications
- Organizational Culture: Beyond Struggles for Intellectual Dominance: The Handbook of Organization Studies, 2nd ed.: Sage Publications, 2006
- Organizational Culture: Pieces of the Puzzle: Classics of Organizational Theory, 6th ed.: Wadsworth Publishing, 2005
- Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain: Sage Publications, 2002
- An Alternative to Bureaucratic Impersonality and Emotional Labor: Bonded Emotionality at The Body Shop: Administrative Science Quarterly, 1998
- Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives: Oxford University Press, 1992
Working Papers
- 1010: Bread And Roses: Justice and the Distribution of Financial and Socio-emotional Rewards in Organizations
- 1011: Injustice and the Legitimation of Revolution: Damning the Past, Excusing the Present, and Neglecting the Future
- 1186: Inequality, Distributive Injustice and Organizational Illegitimacy
- 1332: The Organizational Culture War Games: A Struggle for Intellectual Dominance
- 1374: An Alternative to Burearcratic Impersonality: Managing Bounded Emotionality at the Body Shop
- 1453: Women and Power: Conformity, Resistance, and Disorganized Co-Action
- 1456: An Alternative to Bureaucratic Impersonality and Emotional Labor: Bounded Emotionality at The Body Shop
- 1757: The Academic Marathon: Managing the Academic Career
- 1758: Feminist Theory and Critical Theory: Unexplored Synergies
- 1759: Meta-theoretical Controversies in Studying Organizational Culture
- 1847: Organizational Culture
- 1864: Organizational Culture: Beyond Struggles for Intellectual Dominance
- 520: The Effects of Level of Abstraction of a Script on Accuracy of Recall, Predictions, and Beliefs
- 521: Organizational Legends
- 522: Relative Deprivation: A Theory of Distributive Injustice for an Era of Shrinking Resources
- 542: Organizational Legends
- 543R: Stories and Scripts in Organizational Settings
- 552: The Fairness of Earnings Differentials: An Experimental Study of the Perceptions of Blue Collar Workers
- 553: Pay Inequality and the Perception of Injustice: A Relative Deprivation Perspective
- 555: A Garbage Can Model of the Research Process
- 557: The Development of Knowledge Structures
- 599: Double Jeopardy: Why Some Women and Minorities Object to Affirmative Action Programs
- 601: Distributive Injustice and Unfair Exchange
- 607: Catalysts for Collective Violence: The Importance of a Psychological Approach
- 613R2: Breaking Up the Mono-Method Monopolies in Organizational Research
- 633R: Organizational Culture and Counterculture: An Uneasy Symbiosis
- 654R: Measuring Organizational Culture
- 678: The Uniqueness Paradox in Organizational Stories
- 694: Psychological and Sociological Barriers to Collective Action in Organizations
- 717R: The Present-Minded Professor: Controlling One's Career
- 718: When Injustice Is Irrelevant: Relative Deprivation and Collective Action
- 726R: Founders and the Elusiveness of a Cultural Legacy
- 730: Riding the Wave: The Culture Creation Process
- 752R: Shaping the Organizational Context for Black American Inclusion
- 753R: The Tolerance of Injustice
- 799: When Expectations and Justice Do Not Coincide: Blue-Collar Visions of a Just World
- 807R: Organizational Cultures and the Denial, Channeling, and Acceptance of Ambiguity
- 839: Now That I Can Have It. I'm Not So Sure I Want It: The Effects of Opportunity on Aspirations and Discontent
- 885: Questioning the Assumptions of Value Engineering: Alternative Views of the Cultural Change Process
- 919: Revolutionary Visions of Injustice: Damning the Past, Excusing the Present, and Neglecting the Future
- 942: Economic Rationales for Hierarchical Control
- 946: A Black Hole: Ambiguity in Organizational Cultures
- 988: Externally Espoused Values and the Legitimation of Financial Performance
- 998R: Organizational Culture: A Key to Financial Performance?
Selected Cases
- OB33: Executive Women at Link.Com
Awards and Honors
- Distinguished Scholar Career Achievement Award, Organization and Management Theory Division, 2005, Academy of Management
- JMI Distinguished Scholar Award, 2003, Western Academy of Management
- Centennial Medal for, 2002, Graduate School of Business, Harvard University
- Distinguished Educator Award, 2000, Academy of Management
- Winner (with Thomas Pettigrew), Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize for Research, 1988, American Psychological Association
- Board Membership: International Advisory Board, International Centre for Research in Organizational Discourse, Strategy, and Change, Universities (2000 - present)
- Board Membership: Silicon Valley Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors . (2000 - 2003)
- Advisory Board: International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women. (1998 - present)
- Editorial Board: Gender, Work and Organization. (1998 - present)
- Board of Directors: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. (Member, audit committee; compensation and evaluation committee (1993 - 2003)
In The Media
- iMahal Interview Series, iMahal
- Business School's Joanne Martin Awarded Harvard Graduate School Medal, iMahal
- Practical Radicals, Fast Company
- Martin First Recipient of JMI Scholar Award, Fast Company