Jonathan Levin
Professor of Economics (by courtesy)
Professor of Economics, School of Humanities and Sciences
Email: [email protected]
Personal Homepage: https://www.stanford.edu/~jdlevin/
Jonathan Levin is an applied economist whose research is in the field of industrial organization. He is best known for his work on contracting relationships and on the design of market rules and institutions. In the last few years, he has studied subprime lending, health insurance, the allocation of radio spectrum, and the economics of internet markets.
Jonathan Levin is a Professor in the Department of Economics, Professor of Economics (by courtesy) in the Graduate School of Business, and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Professor Levin joined the Stanford faculty in 2000 after receiving his PhD in Economics from M.I.T. Before that, he was a Stanford undergraduate and a Fulbright Scholar at Oxford University. At Stanford, he has won department and school-wide teaching awards, and his research has been recognized with a National Science Foundation Career Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, a Hoover National Fellowship, and election as Fellow of the Econometric Society.
In a past life, he moved to California for the mountains and white-water kayaking. These days, he enjoys adventuring around Palo Alto with his three small children.