Ilan Kremer
Professor of Finance
Email: [email protected]
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Academic Areas: Finance
Ilan Kremer’s research is in the intersection between finance and game theory as well as general equilibrium theory. He has examined the application of auction theory to financial markets as well as the role of incomplete markets in explaining known empirical patterns. Recently he is interested in applying game theory to option pricing.
Ilan Kremer is Professor of Finance at Stanford business school where he teaches the International Finance class in the MBA program as well as a Market Microstructure class in the PhD program. He got his BA and MS in Physics and Computer Science from the Hebrew University.
His research examines a wide range of topics in finance ranging from security design and auctions to option pricing. He also examined the relation between incomplete markets and relative valuations and their role in explaining portfolio selection and asset pricing.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern Univ., 2000; MSc (summa cum laude), 1995; BSc (summa cum laude), Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, 1993.
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 2000.
Lecturer, 1999-2000; Teaching Asst., Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern Univ., 1996-99.
Selected Publications
- Bidding with Securities - Auctions and Security Design, with Peter DeMarzo and Andy Skrzypacz: Economic Review (AER), 2005
- Diversification as a Public Good: Community Effects in Portfolio Choice, with Peter DeMarzo and Ron Kaniel: Journal of Finance, vol. 59, 2004
- The Relevance of a Choice of Auction Format in a Competitive Environment, with Mathew Jackson: Review of Economics Studies (RES), 2004
- Divisible Good Auctions: The Role of Allocation Rules: RAND Journal of Economics, 2004
- Competition in Financial Dealership Markets: Working Paper, 1998
- Information Aggregation in Common Value Auctions: Econometrica, 2002
Working Papers
- 1872: Bidding with Securities: Auctions and Security Design
- On Hannan and Blackwell’s Approachability- A Game theoretic Approach for Option Pricing, joint work with Peter Demarzo and Yish
- 1814R2: Ratings, Certifications and Grades: Dynamic Signaling and Market Breakdown
- 2102: Not Only What But also When: A Theory of Dynamic Voluntary Disclosure
Awards and Honors
- Doctoral Dissertation Award in Buinesss, 1999, State Farm Companies Foundation
- Treftzs Award for the best student paper in the WFA, 1999