Mary Ann Huckabay

Lecturer in Organizational Behavior

Mary Ann Huckabay’s teaching focuses on micro-organizational behavior: the dynamics of small groups and interpersonal effectiveness. In her teaching, she espouses the integration of the personal and the organizational domains of human behavior since it is the separation of these two spheres that has been so profoundly costly to the effectiveness of the organizational systems we all inhabit. This emphasis on integrating the organizational and the personal runs through the Interpersonal Dynamics course, as well as the Group Facilitation Training Program and the Women in Management Student Group Program, for which Mary Ann is faculty director.


Mary Ann Huckabay has been a lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the GSB since 1990, where she teaches the Interpersonal Dynamics course. She is also the Director of the Group Facilitation Training Program, a program that develops SF Bay Area professionals to facilitate the student training groups so central to the Interpersonal Dynamics course. Mary Ann also is the faculty Women in Management (WIM) Director, overseeing the delivery of the WIM student group program that over half of our women students participate in each year.

She came to the GSB from Kaiser Permanente, where she worked for eight years as a management and organizational development consultant to both health plan administrator and physician groups. While at Kaiser, Mary Ann also developed human resource policy and position papers on employee involvement, employer-sponsored childcare, and improving employees’ service orientation.

She received her doctorate in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University in 1980, before and after which she taught interpersonal and group dynamics courses to undergraduate, master's, and doctoral level student at Case Western Reserve. She has an undergraduate degree in American literature from Stanford, and a master's degree in counseling from San Francisco State University. Mary Ann is a licensed psychotherapist with a small practice in Berkeley, where she specializes in work with couples and groups.

Her writing and theoretical interests focus on women in management, interpersonal dilemmas in small groups, and personal/professional issues in later life (integration and renewal, mentorship and generativity, loss and grief). For the past decade, she has run groups for hospice nurses and social workers focusing on their own accumulated grief and stress, and consulted to grief support organizations throughout the SF Bay Area.

When Mary Ann is not at Stanford, she is often bicycling abroad or tending her weekend place in Sonoma County where she has a cabin and a barn built from six of her own redwood trees, keeps bees, and is developing a trout pond.

Academic Degrees

PhD, Case Western Reserve Univ., 1980. MFCC, 1985 (California); MS, San Francisco State Univ., 1972; BA, Stanford Univ., 1968.

Professional Experience

At Stanford since 1990.

Private practice in Clinical and Organizational Consultation to Individuals, Couples, Groups, and Organizations, 1972-; Adjunct Faculty, John F. Kennedy/National Training Labs, 1989-91; Adjunct Faculty, California School of Professional Psychology, 1988-96; Organizational Development Consultant, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, 1984-87, Senior Research Associate, 1987-92; Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve Univ., 1982-84; Assistant Professor, Lake Erie College, 1979-82.

Selected Publications

  • The Issue of Dependency in Organizational Consultation: Gestalt Review, vol. 6, no. 1, 2002
  • Women's Identity and the Context of Shame: The Voice of Shame: Silence and Connection in Psychotherapy: The Analytic Press, 1996
  • Gestalt Group Process: Gestalt Therapy: Its Theory and Practice: Gestalt International Study Center, 1990
  • Employer-Sponsored Childcare: Kaiser Permanente in-house publication, 1989
  • Co-author - Issues in Co-Facilitation: National Training Labs Basic Reader: NTL, 1985
  • Employee Involvement at Kaiser Permanente: (two managers' guidebooks) Kaiser Permanente , in-house publications, 1988, 1989
  • Factors Contributing to a Service Orientation in Employees: Kaiser Permanente in-house publication, 1986
