Glenn R Carroll
Laurence W. Lane Professor of Organizations
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs on leave 2012/13 AY
Codirector of the Stanford-National University of Singapore Executive Program in International Management
Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Phone: (650) 736-1152
Email: [email protected]
Personal Homepage: https://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/carroll/index.html
Academic Areas: Organizational Behavior
Glenn Carroll's research interests include organizational theory, strategic management, and industrial evolution. He has pioneered ecological approaches to organizational analysis, as well as their application to strategy. Carroll helped develop the study of population dynamics among organizations, examining how the demographics of firms affect corporate change. His recent research investigates how organizational identities develop and impact society. Another program examines how the diversity of organizations in a community affects socio-political outcomes. Carroll has also studied the ways internal organizational demography shapes organizational cultures.
Glenn Carroll’s research addresses basic questions of organizational theory, strategic management, and organizational and industrial evolution.
Carroll has been centrally involved in the development of ecological-evolutionary approaches to organizational analysis, as well as their application to issues of strategy. His books on this general topic include: Logics of Organization Theory: Audiences, Codes and Ecologies (coauthored with M.T.Hannan and L. Pólos), The Demography of Corporations and Industries (coauthored with M. T. Hannan), Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection (coedited with M. T. Hannan), Dynamics of Organizational Populations: Density, Competition and Legitimation (coauthored with M. T. Hannan), Ecological Models of Organizations (edited), and Publish and Perish: The Organizational Ecology of Newspaper Industries.
Carroll has also been involved in analyses of the ways internal organizational demography shapes organizational cultures. A book describing this research program is Culture and Demography in Organizations (coauthored with J. R. Harrison).
Carroll’s recent research investigates how organizational identities develop and impact society. Another ongoing program examines how the diversity of organizations in a community affects social and political outcomes.
Carroll enjoys teaching organization design and strategy in MBA programs and Executive Education programs. His classes typically involve the application of theoretical ideas to real-world settings and managerial problems. He has supervised the development of a number of cases, including Cocoa Pete’s Chocolate Adventures, Wind River Systems, the Western States Affiliate of the American Heart Association, Agilent Technologies, Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream, American Craft Brew International, and the Mendocino Brewing Co. His classes typically involve materials from these cases.
Carroll has been appointed to partial or visiting positions to universities and institutes in the U.K. (Durham Business School), Norway (University of Oslo), Hong Kong (University of Science and Technology), Singapore (National University of Singapore), the Netherlands (University of Maastricht), Germany (Max Planck Institute of Human Development, the University of Munich, and ZUMA in Mannheim), and Switzerland (University of Bern). He has served on the editorial boards of 14 different journals. He has also been actively involved in university review boards and professional associations and conferences.
Carroll has received the Doctor Honoris Causa (in Applied Economics) from the University of Antwerp (2002), the Max Weber Award from the American Sociological Association (2002), and the Cheit Award for Teaching Excellence (in the PhD program) at the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley (1995, 2000). He has been named a Fellow by John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1997-98), a Fellow by Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (1990), and a Fellow by the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (1987-88).
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., 1982; M.A., 1977; Stanford University; BA, 1975, Indiana University
Professional Experience
At Stanford since 2000. Professor, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, 2004-6; Paul Cortese Distinguished Professor of Management (from Prof., Assoc. Prof., and Assist. Prof.), Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, 1982-2000; Assist. Prof., Sociology, Brown Univiversity, 1981-2. Visting Faculty Appointments at: National University of Singapore; University of Maastricht, the Netherlands; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; University of Bern, Switzerland; University of Munich, Federal Republic of Germany; Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany; Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen, Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany.
Selected Publications
- Logics of Organization Theory: Audiences, Codes and Ecologies (coauthored with M. T. Hannan and L. Polos): Princeton University Press, 2007
- Culture and Demography in Organizations (coauthored with J. R. Harrison): Princeton University Press, 2006
- The Demography of Corporations and Industries (coauthored with M. T. Hannan): Princeton University Press, 2000
- Dynamics of Organizational Populations: Density, Legitimation and Competition (coauthored with M. T. Hannan): Oxford University Press, 1992
- Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection (coedited with M. T. Hannan): Oxford University Press, 1995
Working Papers
- 1732: Structural Inertia and Organizational Change Revisited I: Architecture, Culture and Cascading Change*
- 1733: Structural Inertia and Organizational Change Revisited II: Complexity, Opacity, and Change*
- 1734: Structural Inertia and Organizational Change Revisited III: The Evolution of Organizational Inertia*
- 1915: Differentiation, Variation and Selection: Evolutionary Implications of Technical Change Among the Worldwide Population of Hard Disk Drive Makers, 1965-1998
- 1920: Growing Church Organizations in Diverse U.S. Communities 1890 - 1906
- 1944: Contentious Legitimacy: Professional Association and Density Dependence in the Dutch Audit Industry 1884-1939
- 1994: Organizational Evolution with Fuzzy Technological Boundaries: Tape Drive Producers in the World Market, 1951 - 1998
- 1995: The Organizational Construction of Authenticity: An Examination of Contemporary Food and Dining in the U.S.
Selected Cases
- SM188A: Illycaffè and Gruppo illy (A): Expanding Beyond Gourmet Coffee
- SM188B: Gruppo illy SpA (B): Università del Caffè
- SI110: Maria Yee Inc.: Making 'Green' Furniture in China
- E187: Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures (Abridged)
- E188: Note on the U.S. Chocolate Market
- OB53A: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (Abridged)
- SM200: Attune Foods: Challenging the Goliaths with Authenticity
- OD6A: GlobeOp: Enabling Hedge Funds, 2000-2003 (A)
- OD6B: GlobeOp (B): Organizing for Hedge Fund Growth, 2003 to 2008
- SI108: Monitoring Factories Around the Globe: The Fair Labor Assoication and the Worker Rights Consortium
- SM15: Mendocino Brewing Company (A)
- OD6C: GlobeOp (C); The Financial Crisis and its Aftermath, 2008-2010
- OB35A: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (A)
- OB35C: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream
- OB35B: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream (B)
- OD1A: Agilent Technologies: Organizational Change (A)
- OD1B: Agilent Technologies: Organizational Change (B)
- OD2: American Heart Association: Reorganization of the Western States Affiliate
- OD3A: Wind River Systems (A)
- OD3B: Wind River Systems (B)
- E153: Cocoa Pete's Chocolate Adventures
Awards and Honors
- Doctor Honoris Causa (Applied Economics), 2002, University of Antwerp
- Max Weber Award, 2002, American Sociological Association
- Fellow, 1997, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
- Fellow, 1990, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
- Fellow, 1987, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
- Professor of Organizations (partial appointment): Durham Business School, University of Durham, U.K. (2004 - present)
- Dean's Visiting Professor: National University of Singapore Business School (2009 - 2012)
- Coeditor: Industrial and Corporate Change (1995 - present)
- Editorial Board: Organization Studies (2004 - present)
- Editorial Review Board: Organization Science (2004 - present)
In The Media
- The Key to a Successful Merger of Cultures? Look at Employee Demographics
- Is Your Office a Petri Dish?, Globe and Mail
- Diverse Immigration Patterns Change Church Communities, Globe and Mail
- The Life Cycle of Business is Studied Through Organizational Ecology, Globe and Mail
- Calculating Ways to Stop Terrorists, Stanford Business
- Make Mine a Microbrew: The Story of Change in the Life Cycle of the American Beer Industry, Stanford Business
- Change, Easier Said than Done, Stanford Business
- Glenn R. Carroll Receives Honorary Doctorate From University of Antwerp in Belgium, Stanford Business
- Business School Announces New Endowed Chairs, Faculty to Fill Them, Stanford Business