In the high-stakes game of today's global marketplace, business leaders must successfully navigate a constantly changing and complex environment to ensure that their organization is winning. How do you recognize the unique challenges and opportunities your organization faces and craft strategies to effectively leverage your corporation's competencies? How do you instill your organization with the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit needed to continuously evolve and sustain competitive advantage? This program will enable you to resolve the challenges you face each day and ultimately finish the game with the winning hand.

Program tuition includes private accommodations, all meals, and course materials.

Program Overview

The Executive Program in Strategy and Organization enables executives to apply the results of pioneering multidisciplinary research in strategic management and organizational theory to their specific business situations. Participants explore how their own organization's competencies and shortcomings translate into strategic challenges and opportunities and come away with the skills necessary to build appropriate action plans.

Faculty Directors
Other Faculty
William P. Barnett

Thomas M. Siebel Professor of Business Leadership, Strategy, and Organizations; Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford; Codirector of the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization; Director of the Center for Global Business and the Economy; BP Faculty Fellow in Global Management for 2011-2012

William Barnett studies competition among organizations and how organizations and industries evolve over time. He has studied how strategic differences and strategic change among organizations affect their growth, performance, and survival. This research includes empirical studies of technical, regulatory, and ideological changes among organizations, and how these changes affect competitiveness over time and across markets. His studies span a range of industries and contexts, including organizations in computers, telecommunications, research and development, software, semiconductors, disk drives, newspaper publishing, beer brewing, banking, and concerning the environment.

D. John Roberts

John H. Scully Professor of Economics, Strategic Management, and International Business; Professor of Economics (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences; Faculty Director of the Global Management Program; Codirector of the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization

John Roberts' teaching and research involve the application of economic and strategic (game-theoretic) analysis to management problems. His specific areas of current interest involve international business, the organization of the firm, and the connection between strategy and organization. He also has published extensively on industrial competition, emphasizing how informational differences among various parties affect strategic behavior, and on complementarities as a driving force in organizational design and strategic choice. As well, he has helped develop new techniques for deriving robust conclusions from economic models.

Associate Professor of Political Economy

Laurence W. Lane Professor of Organizations; Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences; Codirector of the Stanford- National University of Singapore Executive Program in International Management

Professor of Economics

Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior; John S. Osterweis Faculty Fellow for 2011-2012

Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources; Director of the Managing Talent for Strategic Advantage Executive Program; Codirector of the Customer- Focused Innovation Executive Program

Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy; Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy, Hoover Institution; Professor of Political Science, School of Humanities and Sciences; Denning Director of the Center for Global Business and the Economy

David and Ann Barlow Professor of Political Economy; Professor of Political Science (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences

Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Professor; Professor of Organizational Behavior; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences; Director of the Center for Social Innovation; Codirector of the Executive Leadership Development Program; Susan Ford Dorsey Faculty Fellow for 2011-2012

Morgridge Professor of Organizational Behavior; Professor of Sociology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences; James and Doris McNamara Faculty Fellow for 2011-2012

Jagdeep and Roshni Singh Professor of Operations, Information and Technology; Codirector of the Stanford-National University of Singapore Executive Program in International Management

Faculty Director Introduction: Executive Program in Strategy and Organization
Faculty Director Introduction: Executive Program in Strategy and Organization
Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor William Barnett discusses the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization which teaches strategic business planning, identification of organizational capabilities and competitive strengths, and implementation of revitalized strategic objectives.
Key Takeaways
  • An understanding of how to gain alignment between a firm's strategy, the way in which it is organized, and the environment in which it competes
  • Analytical tools for identifying and evaluating a firm's strategy and its position in the industry
  • Applicable frameworks for executing change management initiatives effectively

Highlighted Sessions

Leadership in Crisis Management – NEW!
What should management do when a crisis focuses the harsh spotlight of public opinion on their organization? Whether it results from a firm's own missteps (think BP) or from strategic activism or media action (think Greenpeace), crisis is increasingly on the agenda for today's executives. In this session we will explore the skills and organizational structures required to prepare for, and productively manage, a crisis to avoid bringing lasting damage to a firm's reputation.

Discovering Successful Business Models – NEW!
While successful business models are often discussed and examined for their value as a preplanned approach to business, the fact is that most successful business models are actually discovered as the result of an iterative process conducted over time. We will review the three essential ways in which successful business models are discovered: through exploration into new possibilities, through improved exploitation of what we already know, and by harnessing competition as a source of continued innovation.

Decision Power and Ownership: Organizing Activities Inside and Outside the Firm – NEW!
We will study the economic principles governing optimal allocation of decision power within a firm as well as outsourcing activities and vertical integration issues. We will discuss a variety of ways in which incentives, monitoring, and asymmetric information interact and which organization method is optimal for each setting.

Pizza Hut: Franchising, Misalignment, and Long-Term Relationships – NEW!
We will use a franchising case to analyze a situation combining aspects of organization, strategy, and game theory. We begin by applying the insights from the previous session to the franchising organization method. We then study the misalignment between the various types of franchisees and the franchisor and the impact of this multi-party disagreement on information revelation. We will see how the structure of the long-term relationship between the parties determines the control over the major strategic decisions that the franchise faces.

Industry and Competitor Analysis
One of the most important determinants of firm performance is the attractiveness of the industry in which it competes. This session will provide practical tools for conducting an industry analysis and for evaluating a firm's position in its industry.

Innovation and Competition
To sustain a competitive advantage, many of today's firms must compete in a global industry marked by rapid technological innovation that continuously changes the competitive landscape. In this session you will learn a framework that will help you identify the organizational challenges that need to be tackled in order to compete effectively in high-velocity industries and the business policies that can improve a firm's performance in these circumstances.

Organizing for Improved Performance
This session will introduce a broad range of themes in organizational design. Four main aspects of organization will be emphasized—people, architecture, routines, and culture—and while some are more easily influenced than others, all four can be shaped by the leaders of the firm.

Managing Organizational Culture
We will introduce a framework for understanding the concept of "organizational culture" that managers can use to diagnose and shape the culture in their own organizations. Relying on exemplary cases from several innovative firms, we will highlight strategies aimed at creating and reinforcing the desired culture as a way to advance the firm's overarching business goals.

Strategy Beyond Markets
For a company to achieve superior overall performance its strategy beyond markets must be integrated with its market strategy. This series of sessions considers firms' strategic interactions with important constituents, organizations, and institutions outside of markets. Topics of discussion will include boycotts, legislation, intellectual property enforcement, all of which substantially impact firms' performance and profitability.

Who Should Attend?

The program is designed for senior managers with 8 to 15 years of experience who have, or are about to take on, the strategic direction of their organizations senior functional managers transitioning into general management, or division-level executives who will soon assume corporate-level positions. It is tailored for larger global organizations in any industry.
SAMPLE Participant Mix
Stanford provides me with a new way to think and to approach business problems. The learning environment is superb, the course content very relevant, and the quality of instruction truly inspirational. Stanford's Executive Program in Strategy and Organization is an incredibly stimulating and exhilarating experience.
– Mark Sakowski
United States Navy
Executive Program in Strategy and Organization is the first course I have attended that has content that I immediately find applicable and relevant to the challenges facing my company right now.
– Les Miller
Orica Latin America
I wasn't surprised at the caliber of the professors, all of whom were outstanding. I was, however, pleasantly surprised at how accessible they were during the program, even beyond the classroom. They all had an openness to our interactions that enabled a real exchange of practical and helpful ideas. I expected this among the students and was happy to find that it also applied to the faculty.
– David Price
General Manager, Asia Region
Air Products and Chemicals
Stanford's Executive Program in Strategy and Organization provides a good opportunity to step back and really think about issues closely aligned but not directly connected with immediate, short-term business demands. A good broadening experience.
– Joseph M. Johnson
President, China Operations
Best Foods Asia Ltd.
The Executive Program in Strategy and Organization is an excellent program to upgrade and update my knowledge to general management level. Stanford offers a perfect study environment — energetic, world-class faculty, staff, and participants.
– Masakazu Osada, PHd
Senior Manager
Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation


Stanford University
The Stanford campus is world renowned for its natural beauty, Spanish mission-style architecture, and temperate climate. With more than 8,180 acres (3,310 hectares), Stanford's campus ranks as one of the largest in the United States. Participants in Stanford's Executive Programs become part of a quintessential university setting, residing together, walking or biking to classes, and enjoying access to Stanford University facilities.
The Knight Management Center
Opened in spring 2011, the Knight Management Center has transformed the Stanford Graduate School of Business into a vibrant and unified indoor-outdoor, living and learning community. Participants will take classes at this new state-of-the-art campus, which features tiered classrooms with extensive floor-to-ceiling glass, the latest in audiovisual technology, numerous breakout and study rooms, outdoor seating areas to encourage informal discussion, and an open collaboration lab that employs hands-on and design thinking techniques.
Schwab Residential Center
Designed by renowned Mexican architect, Ricardo Legorreta, the Schwab Residential Center gives residents ample privacy while promoting collegial interaction through shared lounges, outdoor meeting areas, a library, and an exercise room.


Dan Epelman
Director, Programs and Marketing
Phone: 650.725.7169
Email: [email protected]