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Academic Calendar 2012-13

This calendar is also available at the University Registrar's web site. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the University.

Autumn Quarter 2012-13

Date(s) Day/Time Description
August 1WedAxess opens for course enrollment.
August 27MonM.D. first-year students, first day of instruction.
August 30ThuM.D. second-year students, first day of instruction.
September 4TueLaw School instruction begins for 1st-year J.D. students.
September 14Fri, 5:00 p.m.At-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund by first day of term.
September 17MonMBA first-year instruction begins.
September 18TueNew undergraduates arrive; Convocation.
September 24MonFirst day of quarter; instruction begins; Law School instruction begins for 2nd/3rd-year J.D. & Advanced Degree Students.
September 24Mon, 5:00 p.m.Preliminary Study List deadline. Students must be a "at status"; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200.
September 24Mon, 5:00 p.m.Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2012-13 for a full refund schedule.
September 26WedYom Kippur (classes held: some students will be observing Yom Kippur and are not expected to attend classes; some faculty will not be holding classes).
September 27ThuConferral of degrees, Summer Quarter 2011-12.
September 28FriGSB course add/drop deadline
October 12Fri, 5:00 p.m.Final Study List deadline. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a "W" notation will appear on the transcript.
November 6Tue, 5:00 p.m.Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
November 16Fri, 5:00 p.m.Change of grading basis deadline.
November 16Fri, 5:00 p.m.Course withdrawal deadline.
November 16Fri, 5:00 p.m.Application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral.
November 19-23Mon-FriThanksgiving Recess (no classes).
November 30FriLast day of Law 2L/3L/Adv classes
December 3-9Mon-SunEnd-Quarter Period.
December 3MonLast day of Law 1L classes
December 7FriLast day of classes (unless class meets on Sat).
December 7FriLast opportunity to arrange incomplete in a course, at last class.
December 7Fri, noonUniversity thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit.
December 7Fri, 5:00 p.m.Late application deadline for Autumn Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee).
December 7-14Fri-FriLaw School examinations.
December 10-14Mon-FriEnd-Quarter examinations.
December 18Tue, 11:59 p.m.Grades due.
January 10ThuConferral of degrees, Autumn Quarter.

Winter Quarter 2012-13

Date(s) Day/Time Description
October 28SunAxess opens for course enrollment.
December 28FriAt-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund by first day of term.
January 7MonFirst day of quarter; instruction begins for all students.
January 7Mon, 5:00 p.m. Preliminary Study List deadline. Students must be "at status"; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200.
January 7Mon, 5:00 p.m.Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
January 11FriGSB course add/drop deadline
January 21MonMartin Luther King, Jr., Day (holiday, no classes).
January 25Fri, 5:00 p.m.Final Study List deadline. Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a 'W' notation will appear on the transcript.
February 18MonPresidents' Day (holiday, no classes; Law does hold classes).
February 20Wed, 5:00 p.m.Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
March 1Fri, 5:00 p.m.Change of grading basis deadline.
March 1Fri, 5:00 p.m.Course withdrawal deadline.
March 1Fri, 5:00 p.m.Application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral.
March 11MonLast day of Law classes
March 11-17Mon-SunEnd-Quarter Period.
March 15FriLast day of classes (unless class meets on Sat.)
March 15FriLast opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class.
March 15Fri, noonUniversity thesis, D.M.A. final project, Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit.
March 15Fri, 5:00 p.m.Late application deadline for Winter Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee).
March 15-22Fri-FriLaw School examinations.
March 18-22Mon-FriEnd-Quarter examinations.
March 26Tue, 11:59 p.m.Grades due.
April 4ThuConferral of degrees, Winter Quarter.

Spring Quarter 2012-13

Date(s) Day/Time Description
February 10SunAxess opens for course enrollment.
March 22FriAt-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund by first day of term.
April 1MonFirst day of quarter; instruction begins for all students.
April 1Mon, 5:00 p.m.Preliminary Study List deadline. Students must be "at status"; i.e., students must have a study list with sufficient units to meet requirements for their status, whether full-time, 8-9-10 units (graduate students only), or approved Special Registration Status. The late study list fee is $200.
April 1Mon, 5:00 p.m.Deadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
April 4ThuMBA first-year instruction begins.
April 9TueGSB course add/drop deadline
April 12Fri, 5:00 p.m.Application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral.
April 19Fri, 5:00 p.m.Final Study List deadline. Last day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a "W" notation will appear on the transcript.
May 14Tue, 5:00 p.m.Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
May 24Fri, 5:00 p.m.Change of grading basis deadline.
May 24Fri, 5:00 p.m.Course withdrawal deadline, except GSB, Law, and M.D.
May 27MonMemorial Day (holiday, no classes).
May 31FriLast day of Law classes.
May 31-June 6Fri-ThuEnd-Quarter Period.
June 3-7Mon-FriLaw School examinations.
June 5WedLast day of classes.
June 5WedLast opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class.
June 5Wed, noonUniversity thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit.
June 5Wed, 5:00 p.m.Late application deadline for Spring Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee).
June 6ThuDay before finals, no classes.
June 7-12Fri-WedEnd-Quarter examinations.
June 13Thu, noonGrades for graduating students due.
June 15SatSenior Class Day.
June 15SatBaccalaureate Saturday.
June 16SunCommencement. Conferral of degrees, Spring Quarter.
June 18Tue, 11:59 p.m.Grades for non-graduating students due.

Summer Quarter 2012-13

Date(s) Day/Time Description
April 14SunAxess opens for course enrollment.
June 14FriAt-status enrollment deadline in order to receive stipend or financial aid refund by first day of term.
June 24MonFirst day of quarter; instruction begins.
June 24Mon, 5:00 p.m.Preliminary Study List deadline.
June 24MonDeadline to submit Leave of Absence for full refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
July 4ThuIndependence Day (holiday, no classes).
July 5Fri, 5:00 p.m.Final Study List deadline. Final day to add or drop a class; last day to adjust units on a variable-unit course. Last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units. Students may withdraw from a course until the Course Withdrawal deadline and a 'W' notation will appear on the transcript.
July 26Fri, 5:00 p.m.Term withdrawal deadline; last day to submit Leave of Absence to withdraw from the University with a partial refund. See Tuition and Refund Schedule: 2011-12 for a full refund schedule.
Aug 2Fri, 5:00 p.m.Change of grading basis deadline.
Aug 2Fri, 5:00 p.m.Course withdrawal deadline.
Aug 2Fri, 5:00 p.m.Application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral.
August 10-15Sat-ThuEnd-Quarter Period.
August 15ThuLast day of classes.
August 15ThuLast opportunity to arrange Incomplete in a course, at last class.
August 16-17Fri-SatEnd-Quarter examinations.
August 20Tue, 11:59 p.m.Grades due.
August 30Fri, noonUniversity thesis, D.M.A. final project, or Ph.D. dissertation, last day to submit.
August 30Thu, 5:00 p.m.Late application deadline for Summer Quarter degree conferral ($50 fee).
September 26ThuConferral of degrees, Summer Quarter.

Academic Calendar 2013-14

First day of classes and last day of finals:

  • Autumn 2013-14: September 23 and December 13
  • Winter 2013-14: January 6 and March 21
  • Spring 2013-14: March 31 and June 11 (Commencement June 15)
  • Summer 2013-14: June 23 and August 16