Undergraduate Research

Through Undergraduate Advising and Research, the Office of the Vice Provost partners with faculty, departments, research centers, and interdisciplinary programs to facilitate and promote research opportunities for undergraduates. Read more in our Undergraduate Research Overview.

  Deadline for RFP Contact/Email
Department Grants October 31, 2012 [email protected]
Faculty Grants

October 31, 2012 (Fall)

February 15, 2013 (Winter)

[email protected]
Student Grants Every 1st of the month from October - May [email protected]
Symposia of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (SURPS and ASURPS)

SURPS will be held on  Oct 4, 2012, 3:30pm-5:30pm, McCaw Hall, Arrillaga Alumni Center

[email protected]
Field Work Preparation Course Grant   Brian Thomas - [email protected]
Bing Honors College   Marvin Diogenes - [email protected]
Overseas Research and Internships   [email protected]

Undergraduate Research Overview

Because independent research and creative work represent new kinds of challenges for many students, UAR advising staff pay special attention to helping interested students identify and approach the right faculty mentors. We help students understand the process of refining their interests into more focused project topics, and we emphasize the role that immersion in an academic department can play in developing their scholarly pursuits.

We fund student research projects through three different grant programs: Departmental Grants offer funding to Departments, Programs, and Research Centers that wish to support multiple students working with an array of affiliated Academic Council mentors. Faculty Grants can be used by mentors to support one or more students engaged in a specific facet of the mentor's work. Student Grants are offered directly to students who author independent project proposals under the supervision and advice of their faculty mentors.

The Office of the Vice Provost also runs programs aimed at enriching the research experiences of undergraduates at Stanford. We help fund courses that prepare students to conduct fieldwork in a specific discipline, and can help fund students who have been invited to present their results at scholarly conferences. We run the Symposia of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (each Autumn and Spring), and help students leverage their project experiences in their search for post-baccalaureate fellowships and graduate programs.

Department Grants

The Departmental Grants programs expand opportunities for undergraduates to work with faculty on research and scholarship. The programs match students with faculty mentors and provide them with stipends for full-time summer work and / or wages for part-time research during the academic year. Chairs or undergraduate studies directors, interdisciplinary programs and research centers may sponsor programs. Research institutes and centers are also eligible to participate.

As part of our effort to improve student research experiences, we ask that supported students complete an evaluation. In collaboration with staff from the Provost's Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, VPUE alerts students to their evaluation responsibilities and directly provides these students with a survey URL. Research mentors and coordinators do not need to refer students to a specific survey at this time. Reviewers examine the results of these evaluations closely when making funding decisions.

There is one proposal submission deadline for the 2012-2013 Academic Year, October 31st, 2012. For more information please see the Request for Proposals.

Faculty Grants

Individual faculty members may receive funds to involve undergraduates in their research or current scholarly projects. The program aims to provide a bridge for students between introductory coursework and advanced independent study. Faculty grants provide student stipends; travel expenses are eligible for limited support.

As part of our effort to improve student research experiences, we ask that supported students complete an evaluation. In collaboration with staff from the Provost's Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, VPUE alerts students to their evaluation responsibilities and directly provides these students with a survey URL. Research mentors and coordinators do not need to refer students to a specific survey at this time.  Reviewers examine the results of these evaluations closely when making funding decisions.

There will be two proposal submission deadlines for the 2012-2013 Academic Year: October 31, 2012 (Fall) & February 15, 2013 (Winter)

For more information please see the Academic Year 2012-2013 Request for Proposals.

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Student Grants

Undergraduate Advising and Research sponsors several types of grants designed to support rigorous, independent undergraduate research in all disciplines. The grants vary in their duration and budget, but they adhere to the same eligibility requirements, application procedures and other administrative policies.

Further information on Student Grants is available on VPUE's Undergraduate Academic Life website.

Symposia of Undergraduate Research and Public Service (SURPS)

Held over Homecoming and Admit Weekends, the SURPS are for Stanford undergraduates to present their research, creative projects and public service to the broader university community. Undergraduates from all disciplines present their current and recent academic projects, showcasing the diversity of topics, approaches and interests at Stanford.

The Symposia also serve as a resource for undergraduates. Those who are not yet engaged in these pursuits can learn how fellow students developed their intellectual interests, current projects and faculty or community connections.

Finally, they provide occasions for students, faculty, staff. prospective students and alumni to witness how student projects enhance faculty work and also serve the greater community

Further information on SURPS is available on VPUE's Undergraduate Academic Life website.

Fieldwork Preparation Course Grant

Undergraduates conducting scholarly projects off campus are faced with numerous challenges related to the methods, ethics, safety, and logistics of research. Funded courses will help students prepare for and navigate these challenges, increasing the number of students who are able to return to campus with 1) rigorous project results and 2) refined perspectives on the conduct and culture of observation, analysis, and/or creativity in their chosen discipline. For more information please see the Call for Proposals.

Bing Honors College

Bing Honors College (BHC) is a three-week program in early September for students actively engaged in researching and drafting their honors theses. BHC participants work individually and collectively on their theses during this time. As a result, BHC students begin senior year in an atmosphere of shared intellectual purpose with a serious commitment to independent scholarship.

Overseas Research and Internships

All of the programs (including funding programs) introduced above can be used by students whose projects take them off campus or overseas. Note also that many students integrate their overseas project interests with a much more immersive and rewarding experience through the Bing Overseas Studies Program.

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