

The Dionne Laboratories are located in Durand Hall and will soon include a full wet-laboratory and optics laboratory. The wet-lab is designed for device fabrication and nanocrystal synthesis and includes fume hoods, gloveboxes, an evaporation and sputtering chamber, spinners, centrifuges, dual-manifold schlenk lines, and characterization equipment. The optics lab will includes optical tables equipped with far-field and confocal fluorescence microscopes, a near-field microscope, a cryogenic stage, a low-temperature electro-optic probe station, and various CW and pulsed tunable laser sources. Additional characterization and fabrication facilities, including FIB, SEM, and TEM, are located in the SNL and CIS.


Research in the Dionne group is generously supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the Global Climate and Energy Project, a Hellman Fellowship, a Federick E. Terman Fellowship (endowed by William Hewlett and David Packard) and from a Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Fellowship. Research support from Intel, Northrop Grumman, the Gabilan family, and Stanford University's School of Engineering is also acknowledged.