March 22: Jon's paper is published as the cover article in Nature!
Article: "Quantum plasmon resonances of individual metallic nanoparticles"
News & Views: "Plasmons go Quantum"
Commentary: "Plasmons resonate in atomic-scale metal particles"
March 16: The Dionne Group holds its official Lab-Warming Party! Thanks to Alan from Princeton Instruments for generously funding the event!
February 17: Jen has been selected to receive the Outstanding Young Alum award from her undergraduate alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis!
January 31: Jen is awarded a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation!
January 12: Ashwin and Hadiseh each have invited articles published in the "Green Photonics" issue of the Journal of Optics: "Towards high efficiency upconversion with plasmonic nanostructures" and "Optimized light absorption in Si wire array solar cells"
January 5: Amr's paper on efficient plasmonic gain is published in Physical Review B! "Waveguides with a silver lining: Low threshold gain and giant modal gain in active cylindrical and coaxial plasmonic devices"
December 22: Jen was elected a member of Lawrence Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry Executive Committee.
December 16: The D-Lab takes the ice at Palo Alto's Winter Lodge!
December 12: Jen presented an invited talk at the Next Generation Solar Energy Conference in Erlangen, Germany.
December 7: Congratulations to Brian Baum, our newest Ph.D. Candidate!
November 6: Congratulations to Diane and Ashwin, who competed in the Marin Olympic triathlon! Ashwin finished 1st in his age group!
November 6: The Dionne group participated in the first annual Bay Area Science Festival, introducing ~20,000 attendees to "Nano-optics: More than meets the eye."
October 27: Jen presented an invited talk at the Institute for the Future's Technology Horizons fall research exchange.
October 18: Jen was invited to present at the Emerging Technologies (EmTech) conference at MIT.
October 12: Jen presented an invited talk at the IEEE Photonics Society in Arlington, VA
September 22: Jen presented a plenary talk to Stanford freshman at New Student Orientation on "Global Challenges, Nanoscale Solutions."
September 15: Jen Dionne and Harry Atwater have been selected to organize an MRS Bulletin on Plasmonics! The magazine is due for publication in August, 2012!
September 8: In collaboration with the McGehee group, the Dionne group is awarded a grant from the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy!
September 6: The Dionne group is awarded a grant from SLAC and the Department of Energy to develop high-frequency magnetic metamaterials!
September 1: In collaboration with Bosch, the Dionne group is awarded a SunShot grant from the Department of Energy to develop new upconverting materials for solar cells!
August 23: Jen is selected as a TR35: one of Technology Review's 35 researchers under 35, "tackling important problems in transformative ways." Read more here: "TR35"
August 5: Congratulations to Sassan and Aitzol for their paper on magnetic and electric Fano resonances, published in Nano Letters!
August 4:Ashwin's paper on Solar Upconversion is published in the Journal of Applied Physics! "Realistic Upconverter Enhanced Solar Cells"
August 1: Congratulations to Sassan for winning an ACC (American Competitiveness in Chemistry) NSF Fellowship!
July 7: Our research is featured in Technology Review! "Solar Cells that See Red"
June 28: In collaboration with Prof. Alberto Salleo, the Dionne group is awarded a GCEP grant!!
June 20: The Dionne Group welcomes summer undergraduate researcher, Justin Doane!! Justin will join Ashwin on synthesis of plasmonic/polymeric upconverters.
June 17: The Dionne Group officially welcomes new graduate students Diane Wu and Brian Baum!!
June 17: Jen is awarded a Hellman Faculty Scholar Award!
June 16: Jen has been invited to serve on the programme committee for the SPIE Europe conference on Metamaterials, 2012.
April 25: Jon Scholl and Ashwin Atre present their research at MRS!
April 21: Jen presented an invited talk at the Villa Metamaterials conference in Las Vegas.
March 1: Jen has been invited to join the International Advisory Board for the 2012 CIMTEC "Progress in Metamaterials" conference in Italy.
February 1: The Dionne Group welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Andrea Baldi from the VU University of Amsterdam and Delft. Andrea joins as a YES!-Fellow, funded by FOM-AMOLF to explore plasmon-enhanced energy conversion!
January 21: Jen presented an invited talk at Photonics West in San Francisco.
January 15: The Dionne Group welcomes postdoctoral fellow Dr. Aitzol Garcia from Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CSIC) and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in San Sebastia. Aitzol joins us funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish government.
January 15: Lab construction is nearly complete! See updated photos here:
January 1: Jen presented an invited talk at NanoMeta in Seefeld, Tirol.
December 13: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate, Jon Scholl!!
December 10: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate, Ashwin Atre!!
October 28: Jen has been selected to recieve an AFOSR Young Investigator Grant! See the press release here:
October 20: The Dionne group has received a seed grant from Northrop Grumman!
October 1: The Dionne group has received a seed grant from Intel.
September 22: Jen presented an invited talk at the International Conference on Energy Conversion (ORCAS 2010), a workshop hosted by the University of Washington featuring researchers from SunPower, Solamer, University of Tokyo, UW, Cornell, Stanford, Imperial College London, and PNNL, among others.
September 1: Jen has been appointed an affiliate faculty member of the Precourt Institute for Energy.
August 20: Jen chaired a successful thesis defense in Chemistry. Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Welsher of Professor Dai's research group!
August 16: The D-Group welcomes it's newest member, postdoctoral fellow Sassan Sheikholeslami! Sassan joins us after completing his Ph. D. in Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley.
August 14: Mission accomplished: The Dionne group hikes Mission Peak in Fremont, CA.
August 12: Lab construction is officially underway! Click on the thumbnails for a higher-resolution image, compliments of Amr!
July 26: Jen's book proposal, "Introduction to Solar Photonics" has been officially approved by Taylor and Francis publishing group! Jen will be co-authoring this book with Dr. Luke Sweatlock of Northrop Grumman.
July 23: Jen was one of four invited speakers at the US Government sponsored workshop on "Emerging Technologies: Plasmonics" held in Arlington, VA.
July 1: The Dionne Group welcomes new graduate student, Laura Huntley!!
June 12-18: Jen participated in the plasmonics Gordon Conference, held at Colby College in Maine. Jen was invited to serve as a panel speaker and discussion leader for the Gordon-Kenan Research Symposium, a discussion leader of "Active Plasmonics," and a speaker on "Plasmon Photocatalysis."
April 5-9: Jen Dionne is organizing the "plasmonic materials and metematerials" symposium of the Spring Materials Research Society Conference meeting in San Francisco. The symposium will feature over 28 national and international invited speakers, an all-day tutorial on "Chiral and Slow Light Metamaterials", a Kavli Lecture plenary session by Harry Atwater ("Bending Light to Our Will: Nanophotonic Structures for Terawatt-scale Solar Energy Conversion"), and a plasmonic nanoparticle art exhibit by San-Francisco artist and TED Fellow Kate Nichols. Symposium co-organizers include Luke Sweatlock of Northrup Grumman, Gennady Shvets of UT Austin, and Luke Lee of UC Berkeley.
March 26: Jen served on a successful MatSci thesis defense committee. Congratulations to Dr. Cheng-Han Yang of Professor Harris' research group!
March 22: The Dionne group welcomes rotation student Jammie Peng!
March 19: The Dionne group welcomes new graduate students, Ashwin Atre and Jonathan Scholl!
March 12: Jen is named a Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Fellow!
March 1: Jen Dionne joins the faculty of Stanford University as Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. She has also been awarded a Terman Fellowship.
February: The Dionne group welcomes new graduate students, Amr Essawi and Hadiseh Alaeian!
January 20: Hadiseh Alaeian successfully passes her EE qualifying exam! Congratulations, Hadiseh!
The Dionne Group is continuously seeking motivated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to contribute to fundamental and applied research in the area of plasmonic and nanocrystalline metamaterials. Specific research areas include optical sensing of neural transmission, plasmon-enhanced photocatalysis, and the electrodynamics of coupled plasmon-quantum dot systems. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in materials science, physics, applied physics, engineering, or optics. Prior experience in nanofabrication, nanocrystal synthesis, or biofunctionalization is advantageous but not required. Interested applicants should send a CV and list of references to Professor Jen Dionne, [email protected].