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Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering

Atoms, molecules, and fabricated nanostructures---fundamental principles of functional nanoscale systems from quantum to bio; nano measurement and control.

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Lasers and Accelerators

Physics and applications of photon and charged particle sources including table-top lasers, accelerators, and Linac Coherent Light Source---the world's first x-ray laser.

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Condensed Matter Physics

Developing and characterizing novel materials; quantum many-body physics; nanoscale and ultrafast probes; applications ranging from energy science to molecular and cellular biology.

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Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics

Physics-based approaches to complex problems in the life sciences; single-molecule biophysics, neuroscience and evolutionary dynamics.

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Facts & Figures

0.23 aJ

Energy dissipation per edge, in spontaneous binary phase-shift keying by a dressed two-level atom (Mabuchi Lab)


sensitivity (radians) in cryogenic Kerr/Faraday measurements by Kapitulnik Lab.