Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics
Physics-based approaches to complex problems in the life sciences; single-molecule biophysics, neuroscience and evolutionary dynamics.
Featured AP Faculty
Steven M. Block
The Block lab, which carries out research in the area of single molecule biophysics, explores the nanoscience of life. Nature’s own nanoscale machines, which include proteins and nucleic acids, are complex macromolecules that are exquisitely ‘de... More >>
Sebastian Doniach
My group is using small angle x-ray scattering to measure structure-function relationships for small functional RNA molecules such as ribo-switches. This work is being done in collaboration with Dan Herschlag and Rhiju Das of the Biochemistry dept. W... More >>
Daniel S. Fisher
Primary research interests are the dynamics of evolutionary processes. These include theoretical work on general issues and models in evolutionary dynamics, especially quantitative aspects, collaborations with experimental groups on laborato... More >>
Surya Ganguli
Our lab works on theoretical neuroscience, with the fundamental goal of understanding how networks of neurons and synapses cooperate across multiple scales of space and time to mediate important brain functions, like sensory perception, motor control... More >>
Hideo Mabuchi
Experimental and theoretical approaches to complex problems at the interface of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics with dynamical systems, estimation and control: chromatin mechanics and DNA/RNA folding studied by single-molecule fluorescence diff... More >>
W. E. Moerner
We optically probe single copies of fluorescent molecules in solution and in living cells, one at a time, with a combination of single-fluorophore labeling, active-control superresolution microscopy, stimulated emission depletion microscopey, FRET/po... More >>
Stephen Quake
Quake's interests lie at the nexus of physics, biology and biotechnology. Over the past half decade, he has focused on understanding the basic physics and biological applications of microfluidic technology. His group pioneered the development of Micr... More >>
Mark J. Schnitzer
Mark Schnitzer is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Departments of Applied Physics and Biology and is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He is a faculty member of the Neuroscience, Biophysics, and Molecular I... More >>
Additional Stanford/SLAC Faculty
Daniel Herschlag
The overarching goal of the Herschlag Lab is to understand the fundamental behavior of RNA and proteins and, in turn, how these behaviors determine and impact biological catalysis and biology. The lab takes an interdisciplinary approach, spanning and... More >>
Jan M. Skotheim
Our laboratory works on general aspect of control as applied to the cell division cycle. In spite of our exquisite molecular knowledge, we lack a precise understanding of the regulatory dynamics associated with cell cycle transitions. Surpr... More >>
William Greenleaf
The positioning and composition of nucleosomes provides an epigenetic layer of information to the genome itself, creating a molecular memory that can help to perpetuate cell-specific gene expression patterns through generations. Indeed it is becoming... More >>
Daniel Palanker
Our research is focused on interactions of pulsed electric field and light with biological cells and tissues. We study laser-tissue interactions and develop their biomedical (primarily ophthalmic) applications. The research themes include: cellular r... More >>
Audrey K. Ellerbee
Our lab is interested in developing novel forms of coherent microscopy for studying cellular dynamics and for assisting in the diagnosis of clinical pathologies. Presently, our lab is mostly focused on advanced technology development of optical coher... More >>
Vijay S. Pande
The central theme of our research is to develop and apply novel theoretical methods to understand the physical properties of biological molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipid membranes, and to apply this understanding to design novel s... More >>
Aaron Straight
The broad goal of our research is to understand the mechanisms that control eukaryotic chromosome segregation. We are interested in understanding the physical properties of chromatin and how those properties influence the higher order organization of... More >>
Olav Solgaard
In-Vivo Confocal Microscopy - Confocal microscopy is a promising technique for subsurface in-vivo imaging and early detection of anomalies associated with cancer and other diseases. In collaboration with the research groups of Professors Christopher... More >>
Jelena Vuckovic
Single molecule spectroscopy in optical nanocavities; development of nanophotonic tools for early cancer detection More >>
Philip H. Bucksbaum
My interest in biophysics is in the area of quantum control in rhodopsin, and this might also be extended to some other biologically relevant systems in the future. More >>
x-ray photons per second (peak) produced by the world’s first x-ray laser at LCLS
Related Facilities/Programs
- Biophysics Program
- Quantitative Biology @ Stanford
- Department of Biochemistry
- Department of Bioengineering
- Department of Biology
- Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Applied Physics/Physics Colloquium
- Stanford Photonics Research Center
- Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL)
- Bio-X
- Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford
- Center for Biological Imaging at Stanford
Featured Courses
- Biological Macromolecules
- Chemistry of Biological Processes
- Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics
- Neuronal Biophysics
- Methods in Computational Biology
- Introductory Biophysics
- Cellular Biophysics
- Biology by the Numbers
- Physical Biology of Macromolecules
- Principles of Cell Cycle Control
- Theoretical Neuroscience
- Engineering Principles in Molecular Biology
- Photons, Biological Photosynthesis, and Quantum Mechanics
- Physical Chemistry
- Stochastic and Nonlinear Dynamics