First, we have to consider what is meant by the loaded term complexity. I would like to consider a definition of biological complexity related to the Kolmogorov complexity of computer science, which, for a given string of data is the shortest binary computer program for computing the string. What is the equivalent measure for biology? [...]
Topic: By Faculty
- Posted on:
- Jan 12, 2011
- Written by:
- skotheim
Topic: By Faculty
- Posted on:
- Dec 16, 2010
- Written by:
- dreis
Imaging nonequilibrium phonons

Phonons are ubiquitous in condensed matter, but detecting them can be difficult—especially with the momentum and time resolution necessary to follow their dynamics on the fundamental time and length scales of electron-phonon and phonon-phonon interactions. In a new paper published this week in Physical Review B, physicists from the Stanford PULSE Institute report on first [...]
Topic: By Faculty
- Posted on:
- Dec 10, 2010
- Written by:
- dreis
Intense laser-matter interactions results in high-order harmonic generation in solids

Harmonic generation (HHG) is a general feature of driven nonlinear systems and is well known to occur for strong field laser interactions with atomic systems. This is the basis for producing attosecond pulses in the VUV. The mechanism is well understood in terms of a simple three step model consisting of strong-field ionization, acceleration of [...]
Topic: By Faculty
- Posted on:
- Nov 22, 2010
- Written by:
- hmabuchi
Quantum-ready engineering

The engineers and scientists we are educating at Stanford today will drive technology development for the next thirty years. Very few of them will ever have an opportunity for substantial renewal of their core knowledge base after they leave graduate school with a Ph.D. Looking to the future, it is hard to imagine that forefront [...]
Topic: By Faculty
- Posted on:
- Nov 18, 2010
- Written by:
- hmabuchi
Graduate admissions 2010-11

Will you be applying to Ph.D. programs in the physical sciences for enrollment in fall 2011? Wondering whether Stanford Applied Physics is worth the application fee? A special welcome to you! Believe it or not, our brand new Department web site was designed largely with you in mind. Applied Physics is a graduate department in the Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. Our Ph.D. students…