and Quantum Engineering
Atoms, molecules, and fabricated nanostructures---fundamental principles of functional nanoscale systems from quantum to bio; nano measurement and control.
Characterization and modeling of nanoscale phenomena in physical systems ranging from polymerase to graphene; nanoscale probes and imaging; quantum measurement and control; applications of atom interferometry and quantum degenerate gases; principles and applications of nanoelectronics and nanophotonics; quantum information science; statistical physics of nanoscale systems.
Featured AP Faculty
Yoshihisa Yamamoto
Optically controlled electron spins for fault-tolerant quantum computing architecture. Ultra-fast single qubit and two qubit gates based on semiconductor microcavity quantum dots and broadband optical pulses. Decoherence time increased by optical sp... More >>
Hideo Mabuchi
Experimental and theoretical approaches to complex problems at the interface of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics with dynamical systems, estimation and control: real-time quantum feedback control, quantum information science, nanophotoni... More >>
W. E. Moerner
We optically probe single copies of fluorescent molecules in solution and in living cells, one at a time, with a combination of single-fluorophore labeling, active-control superresolution microscopy, stimulated emission depletion microscopey, FRET/po... More >>
David A. B. Miller
David Miller works primarily in novel devices and device physics in optics and optoelectronics for information processing. Quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures allows us to engineer new kinds of efficient and compact optoelectronic dev... More >>
Kathryn A. Moler
My group and I develop nanomagnetic probes for fundamental studies in experimental condensed matter physics. More >>
Benjamin Lev
Development of hybrid quantum circuits involving ultracold gases of highly magnetic atoms for quantum information networks. Development of novel atom chip microtraps of dysprosium for scaleable quantum memory directly interfaced with technologicall... More >>
Mark A. Kasevich
Quantum metrology and atom interferometry. More >>
Aharon Kapitulnik
Micro- and Nano- Mechanical devices; Tests of gravity at sub-mm length scales; Casimir forces at macroscopic lengths. Magneto-optics and near-field magneto-optics. More >>
Lambertus Hesselink
Professor Hesselink's research encompasses fundamental research on optics, photonics and optical materials guided by significant applications. We are focusing on ultra-high performance nano-photonics devices based on a new class of nano-apertures t... More >>
Harold Y. Hwang
Materials physics: Probing correlated electrons at artificial interfaces and in confined systems; Atomic scale synthesis and control of complex oxide heterostructures; Low-dimensional superconductivity; Novel devices based on interface states in oxid... More >>
Stephen E. Harris
My present projects are directed at 1) The observation and understanding of parametric down conversion at x-ray wavelengths, and 2) the development of a practical source of temporally long, visible-range, biphotons. More >>
Martin M. Fejer
Nonlinear optical materials and devices. Guided wave optics. Microstructured ferroelectrics and semiconductors. Photorefractive phenomena. Optical characterization of materials and material synthesis processes. More >>
Michel Digonnet
My research activities center mostly on advanced fiber-based sensors, in particular fiber optic gyroscopes, fiber hydrophones and microphones, and strain sensors. The primary aim in the area of gyroscopes is to develop radically new approaches to imp... More >>
Sebastian Doniach
My group is working as part of a consortium with Sarah Heilshorn (MSE) Nick Melosh (MSE) and Andy Spakowitz (Chem Eng) on self-assembly of nano structures from the natural protein clathrin to act as templates for metallization. These could potential... More >>
Steven M. Block
The Block lab, which carries out research in the area of single molecule biophysics, explores the nanoscience of life. Nature’s own nanoscale machines, which include proteins and nucleic acids, are complex macromolecules that are exquisitely ‘de... More >>
Philip H. Bucksbaum
One of my principal research themes is ultrafast quantum control. This is the engineering of electromagnetic fields to guide quantum evolution in atomic, molecular, and chemical systems. I have taught, and would like to teach again, an advanced gra... More >>
Additional Stanford/SLAC Faculty
Raymond G. Beausoleil
The goal of our Large-Scale Integrated Photonics Group research program at HP Laboratories is to build upon many of the breakthroughs made under our prior work in optics to accelerate developments in photonic integrated circuits for high-performance ... More >>
Daniel Rugar
My group develops advanced concepts in scanning probe microscopy. One project is focused on pushing magnetic resonance imaging into the nanoscale regime using ultrasensitive (attonewton) force detection techniques. Another project is investigating ni... More >>
David Goldhaber-Gordon
In order to perform condensed matter physics experiments, the Goldhaber-Gordon lab fabricates nanoscale devices using a variety of novel materials and seeks to perform "quantum engineering" to determine the parameters for our experimental systems. Fo... More >>
Jelena Vuckovic
Quantum optics, cavity QED, and quantum information processing with quantum dots in nanocavities; Single quantum dot switches and modulators; Active III-V devices (modulators, solar cells, lasers); Active silicon nanophotonics; Nanometallics; Inverse... More >>
Shanhui Fan
My research interests lie in the study of basic physics properties of nanophotonic structures including photonic crystals, meta-materials and plasmonic structures. There is a significant emphasis on developing advanced computational techniques in ord... More >>
Evan J. Reed
We are engaged in theory and modeling for ultrafast science, photonics, electronics, and materials under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure. Recent research topics include shock and other forms of dynamic compression of materials, ultraf... More >>
Hari Manoharan
My research program seeks to apply the "bottom-up" approach of atomic and molecular manipulation to a variety of outstanding problems in science and technology. The effort is interdisciplinary in nature, centering on physics and engineering but invo... More >>
Xiao-Liang Qi
Quantum entanglement is the unique feature of quantum mechanics, which is essential for quantum information and quantum computation. The understanding of quantum entanglement provides a new probe to the physical properties of the many-body systems co... More >>
Olav Solgaard
Time-Resolved Tapping Force Near-Field Microscopy - The interaction forces between the tip and sample in Atomic Force Microscopes (AFMs) operated in tapping mode contain information about the topography as well as the chemical and mechanical properti... More >>
Michael D. McGehee
We research molecular solar cells. Many of these cells have nanostructure that determines much of their performance. Our research is broad and focuses on understanding the physics behind these devices, engineering better solar cells, and investigatin... More >>
Zhi-Xun Shen
Devepment of AFM-based near field microwave microscopy that enables measurement of electrical properties with 50nm or better resolution---this is becoming a powerful tool to study physics and material science problems of mesoscopic length scale., suc... More >>
Malcom R. Beasley
The study of quantum transport in natural (single molecules and nanotubes) and synthetic (lithographic) nano-sturctures is a well established field. By comparison, the study of local quantum transport in macroscopic systems is largely uncharted te... More >>
Yuri Suzuki
My group exploits atomically precise control of thin film materials synthesis and novel patterning techniques to fabricate nanostructures of correlated electron materials. Through these model systems, we develop a fundamental understanding of their b... More >>
Wendy L. Mao
Our group is looking at the effect of pressure on nanostructured materials in particular Li battery compounds. More >>
William Greenleaf
As a natural extension of our interest in individual cells and molecules, we are motivated to adapt and develop methods that allow manipulation, observation, and quantification of very small amounts of biomaterials through the use of microfluidic de... More >>
comfortable seats in the brand new AP student study lounge (120 Nano)
photons per sq cm in high-intensity quantum control of retinal isomerization by Bucksbuam Lab.
Related Facilities/Programs
- Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory
- Stanford Photonics Research Center
- Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford
- Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering
- Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF)
- Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory (SNL)
- Center for Probing the Nanoscale
- Applied Physics/Physics Colloquium
- Optics and Electronics Seminars
- Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology
Featured Courses
- Probability and Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Device Physics of Atomic and Semiconductor Systems
- Physics of Quantum Information
- Quantum Optics and Measurements
- Fundamentals of Noise Processes
- Introduction to Nanophotonics and Nanostructures
- Optical micro- and nano-cavities
- Electrons in Nanostructures
- Nanophotonics
- Laser Cooling and Trapping
- Literature of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
- Atom-based computational methods for materials
- Introduction to Atomic Processes
- Advanced Imaging Lab in Biophysics
- Photons, Biological Photosynthesis, and Quantum Mechanics
Recent Graduates
McGuinness, Christopher
Dissertation: Particle Accelerator on a Chip: Fabrication and Characterization of a Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Accelertor
Hoke, Eric
Dissertation: Factors that Influence the Open Circuit Voltage and Stability of Polymer: Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells
Lee, Jongmin
Dissertation: Collective Atom-Cavity Interactions in a High Finesse Dual-wavelength Cavity
Jun, Young Chul
Dissertation: Plasmonic Control of Light Emission: Tailoring Light Emission Properties with Metal Nanostructures
Kinkhabwala, Anika
Dissertation: Coupling Fluorophores to Nanophotonic Structures
Faraon, Andrei
Dissertation: Locally Controlled Photonic Crystal Devices with Coupled Quantum Dots: Physics and Applications
Jura, Michael
Dissertation: Imaging Electron Flow, Interference, and Interactions in High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gases
Bjorkholm, John E.
Dissertation: Measurement of several optical nonlinearities using focused Gaussian laser beams
Hicks, Clifford W.
Dissertation: Scanning SQUID Microscopy on Iron-Pnicide & Time-Reversal-Symmetry-Breaking Superconductors
Yu, Zongfu
Dissertation: Dynamic Structures to Control the Flow of Light On-Chip: Optical Isolation, Loss Suppression & Tunable Resonance
Press, David
Dissertation: Quantum Dot Spins and Microcavities for Quantum Information Processing
Cizek, Nick
Dissertation: Interplay of Attractive Interactions and Trap Anisotropy in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Clark, Susan
Dissertation: Ultrafast Optical Control of Semiconductor Donor Electron Spins