Aharon Kapitulnik
The Theodore and Sydney Rosenberg Professor of Applied PhysicsProfessor of Applied Physics and Physics
Research areas:
Condensed Matter, Precision Measurement
Condensed Matter Physics
Condensed matter physics; Physics of low-dimensional systems; Disordered and Strongly correlated electron systems; Superconductivity, magnetism, quantum phase transitions.
Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering
Micro- and Nano- Mechanical devices; Tests of gravity at sub-mm length scales; Casimir forces at macroscopic lengths. Magneto-optics and near-field magneto-optics.
Courses Taught
Selected Publications
- Inherent Inhomogeneities in Tunneling Spectra of BSCCO Crystals in the Superconducting State
- Periodic Density of States Modulations in Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
- How to detect fluctuating order in the high-temperature superconductors
- Possible Field-Tuned SIT in High-Tc Superconductors: Implications for Pairing at High Magnetic Fields
- Feedback Control and Characterization of a Microcantilever using Optical Radiation Pressure
- High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Measurements of Sr2RuO4: Evidence for Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in the Superconducting State
- STM Studies of TbTe3 : Evidence for a fully Incommensurate Charge Density Wave
- Polar Kerr effect measurements of the high temperature YBa2Cu3O6+x superconductor: Evidence for broken symmetry near the pseudogap temperature
- New Apparatus for Detecting Micron-Scale Deviations from Newtonian Gravity
- Approach to a superconductor-to-Bose-insulator transition in disordered films
- Improved constraints on non-Newtonian forces at 10 microns
- Inverse proximity effect in superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer structures
- STM imaging of of Electronic Waves on the surface of the topological insulator Bi2Te3: Topologically Protected Surface States and Hexagonal Warping Effects
- Hidden quasi one-dimensional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4