
Undergraduate Minor in MS&E

We are pleased that you are considering an undergraduate minor in Management Science and Engineering. You may officially declare the minor in Axess. Please see Lori Cottle, Student Services Manager, in the Huang Engineering Center, Suite 141, with any questions, or to assist in planning your program.

Background requirements

(may be taken for CR/NC)

  • CS 106A
  • MATH 51

Minor requirements

(must be taken for a letter grade)

  • MS&E 111 Introduction to Optimization, 4 units prerequisite: Math 51
  • MS&&E; 120 Probabilistic Analysis, 5 units prerequisite: Math 51
  • MS&E 121 Intro to Stochastic Modeling, 4 units prerequisite: 120
  • MS&E 130, or 134, or 233. Information, 3-4 units prerequisite: CS 106A and 180
  • MS&E 180 Organizations: Theory and Management, 4 units no prerequisites
  • MS&E 142 or 260. Investment Science or Production, 3-4 units prerequisites: 111 and 120
  • Elective: Any one 100 or 200 level MS&E course