The MS&E Department provides education and research opportunities associated with the development of knowledge, tools, and methods required to make decisions and to shape policies, to configure organizational structures, to design engineering systems, and to solve problems associated with the information-intensive technology based economy.
To provide exceptionally strong programs of education and research, MS&E integrates three basic strengths: (1) substantial depth in conceptual and analytical foundations, (2) comprehensive coverage of functional areas of application, and (3) vigorous interaction with other Stanford departments, with Silicon Valley industry, with the State and Federal governments, and with many organizations and corporations throughout the world. The department's analytical and conceptual foundations include optimization, dynamic systems, stochastic systems, economics, organizational science, and decision and risk analysis. These foundations support a wide variety of teaching and research groups.
We help students prepare for a variety of professional careers in business, government, non-profit institutions, and universities. Our graduates have achieved tremendous success in entrepreneurship, academia, industry, public policy analysis, consulting, management, and financial analysis.
In October 2010, Management Science and Engineering celebrated its 10th year anniversary. A vital vision
and much hard work has produced leadership in this new discipline at the interface of engineering, business,
and public policy. From three small, independent departments (Engineering Economic Systems, Operations Research, and Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management), MS&E has become a thriving intellectual community of more than thirty faculty, eight areas
of research, climbing enrollment, and strong links to industry and government.