Faculty & Research


Research in the Management Science and Engineering department focuses on understanding the problems involved in the engineering aspects of managing systems and technologies, creating appropriate problem formulations and solutions, and providing relevant decision support. This breadth of scope is complemented by our expertise in areas such as high technology, production and manufacturing, information systems, supply chain management, economics and finance, decision and policy making, work and technology, management of technologies and of technological risks, and in the mathematical tools supporting research in these areas, such as optimization and stochastic systems.

Our department focuses on 8 research areas:

  • Organizations, Technology and Entrepreneurship
  • Production and Operations Management
  • Decision Analysis and Risk Analysis
  • Economics and Finance
  • Systems Modeling and Optimization
  • Probability and Stochastic Systems
  • Information Science and Technology
  • Strategy and Policy

Department Centers, Workgroups, and Teams:

Through research, education, colloquia, and industry workshops the WTO is building a community of scholars to investigate the conditions and implications of modern work.

The Energy Modeling Forum is an institution designed to allow experts to come together to analyze energy and environmental issues of great mutual interest.

Operations research offers a wide variety of career opportunities in industry, public service, and academia—applying operations research methods to improve how organizations or engineering systems perform, developing products that leverage operations research tools, consulting, conducting research, or teaching.

Stanford University's Forum on Global Supply Chain Management (the Forum) is a program in partnership with industrial organizations that works to advance the theory and practice of global supply chain management. As a leading research institute in the area of supply chain management, Stanford's Forum seeks to identify, document, research, develop, and disseminate best practice as well as new innovations in this area in order to advance teaching and research in global supply chain management.

The Stanford Technology Ventures Program is dedicated to accelerating high-technology entrepreneurship education and creating scholarly research on technology-based firms. STVP believes that engineers and scientists need entrepreneurial skills to be successful at all levels within an organization. The program prepares students for leadership positions in industry, academics, and society. In addition, STVP disseminates research and teaching knowledge throughout the world.

The Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL) conducts basic and applied research on large-scale mathematical programming, including algorithmic development and analysis, model formulation, and software production. SOL software is used world-wide both directly or as embedded solvers within application software.

The Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center has been pioneering Decision Analysis research since the 60s. The goal of the center is to promote research on decision analysis, voluntary social systems, and ethical analysis.


Additional programs and projects are listed here: