Frequently Asked Questions - Doctor of Philosophy
Can I transfer credit to Stanford?
Doctoral students may transfer up to 45 units from another graduate program, if they do not plan to complete a master degree at Stanford. Complete the Application for Graduate Residency Credit form to have the units transferred.
Do I have to complete a master degree?
Doctoral students are not required to complete a master degree. Some students who have not previously earned a master degree choose to receive either the MS&E; master degree or a master degree from another department. Students should take courses that satisfy their PhD requirements first, so that they are prepared to take the qualifying exam in the second year.
Can I petition to deviate from the degree requirements?
To petition to deviate from the breadth requirements, please write up what you want to do and why, and bring or email it to student services. To petition to deviate from the depth requirements, mark the change on your candidacy form, have it signed by your advisor, and submit it to student services.