Add, Edit, or Delete Web Content Item

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You can add a link to an external website, or Web Content item, in the menubar for your course site if you have the appropriate permissions.

Adding a Web Content item to a site's menubar

  1. In the relevant site, click Site Info.
  2. On the Site Info page, click Edit Tools.
  3. Check the box next to Web Content. Click Continue.
  4. On the "Customize Tools" screen, you will see fields where you can enter information for a new item, as follows:
    • In the "Title:" field, add a title.
    • In the "URL:" field, enter a URL after the "http://" that already appears in the field.
    • If you'd like to add more than one item, select the appropriate number of items from the More Web Content Tools? drop-down menu.
  5. Click Continue. You will see information about the changes you have made to your worksite. Click Finish, or, if you would like to make further changes, click Back. Click Cancel to cancel your changes.

Editing a Web Content item

To edit an existing Web Content item, follow these steps:

  1. In your site's menubar, click the title of the appropriate Web Content item.
  2. Near the top of the Web Content frame, click Options.
  3. On the "Customize Web Content" form, you can change the the following:
    • Tool Title: The title that appears at the top of the Web Content frame
    • Page Title: The title that appears in your site's menubar
    • Frame Height: The height (in pixels) of the Web Content frame
    • URL: The URL for the Web Content item
  4. To make your Web Content item open in a new browser window, click in the box next to Open in a new window? .
  5. When you're finished, click Update Options to save your changes, or Cancel to cancel your changes.

Deleting a Web Content item

  1. In the relevant site, click Site Info.
  2. On the Site Info page, click Edit Tools.
  3. From the list of tools, uncheck the item you wish to delete, and then click Continue. Click Finish to delete the item.