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What it does

The Announcements tool is used to inform site participants about current items of interest. Announcements can have multiple attachments, such as documents or URLs.

To see the Announcements from all the sites to which you belong, in the menubar of My Workspace, click Announcements.

Key concepts

Sorting: You can sort announcements by subject, sender, access, or date.

Posting: Announcements are posted to a site. Site owners and instructors can choose to have an announcement automatically sent via email to all site participants by using the "low" or "high" notification setting.

Things to consider

  • Announcements are a useful way to post a notice about an important change in deadlines, meeting times, or meeting locations.
  • You can save a draft of an announcement before you send it out to site participants by choosing the Hide option. Hidden announcements appear grayed out in the Annoucements list.