Request Support
Submitting a HelpSU ticket is the best way to get in touch with the CourseWork support team to ask questions, report problems, or give feedback about the CourseWork system. You can also use the Contact Us (HelpSU) link located on the footer of any CourseWork page.
To send a HelpSU ticket to CourseWork:
- Launch a HelpSU ticket form.
- We strongly recommend that you click the “auto-fill via WebAUTH” link. This will automatically fill in your information – first name, last name, SUNet ID, phone, email.
- Please include the following information in your Request Description:
- Date and time the problem happened
- Name of course site(s) in which you are having problems
- Description of what you were doing, including steps you took, for example: “I logged in, I went to the Sp07-Music-143 site, I clicked the Materials tool, then clicked Week 1 and couldn’t download any of the materials listed.”
- Please include any error messages that you saw. Either paste in the text or take a screen shot.
- Platform (PC or Mac)
- Operating System
- Web browser, including version
- The URL of the page you are on
- The line from the bottom of the web page (for example, Coursework 5 - Summer 09 Release 1 - Sakai 2.4.0 - Server cw5app08)
- Where you are connecting from: On campus? Off campus?
- How you are connecting: DSL? Wireless? Modem?
- OR – if you don’t have a problem, but have feedback about how the new CourseWork looks or acts, please let us know.
- Click Submit Help Request.
Request Training
The CourseWork team is available to give presentations, demos, and workshops to any department or academic group interested in learning more about CourseWork. We can customize content and presentation length according to your group's needs. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Brief overview of CourseWork
- Update on what's new in CourseWork
- Demo of CourseWork basics
- Workshop on particular feature/task (e.g., How to Create Assignments)
- Q&A Session
- In-class presentations for students
If you are interested in having the CourseWork team present to your group, please email [email protected].