GSB Town Square Email
GSB Town Square
February 2013

to the GSB
Town Square

The GSB Town Square is our newest alumni email that helps alumni to stay in touch, continue learning, get involved, and give back. This bimonthly publication replaces "@GSB Today."


Experience Entrepreneurship

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The 2-Hour Job Search

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Host an MBA

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for Research

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Get Involved

Experience Entrepreneurship
An Immersion in Venture Design
March 5 @ 6:00 - 9:30 pm
CEMEX Auditorium, Stanford GSB

Join the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at its flagship annual event. This year's interactive format allows participants to collaborate with student and alumni attendees, local entrepreneurs, and prominent venture capitalists in an immersive venture design experience.

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GSB @ South by Southwest LPF
March 8 @ 7:30 pm | Austin, Texas

The GSB Austin Chapter welcomes alumni attending the South by Southwest conference (SXSW) to a GSB LPF. Alumni, students, admits, and their guests are invited to enjoy a GSB evening of networking and reconnecting with friends and classmates.

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Hispanic Business Students Association Latino Leadership Banquet
March 9 @ 6:00 pm | Stanford GSB

The Hispanic Business Students Association honors Phil Pompa, MBA '82, at their annual award banquet celebrating the history and achievements of the Latino community at the GSB. Sol Trujillo gives the keynote address.

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Healthcare Innovation Summit
April 17 @ 1:00 - 8:00 pm | Stanford GSB

Information technology has the potential to be a lightning rod for disruptive change in healthcare. This year's Summit will provide industry professionals, faculty, and students with a forum to explore and debate the challenges and opportunities that health IT creates for patients, providers, payers, and companies/innovators.

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Excellence in Leadership Award Dinner
April 17 @ 6:30 pm | New York City

This year's Leadership Award will honor Henry A. Fernandez, MBA '83, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MSCI Inc.

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See full calendar for events in Los Angeles, Mexico City, Paris, or other cities near you >

Keep Learning

Virtual Event
"The 2-Hour Job Search" with Steve Dalton
March 6 @ 1:00 - 3:00 pm (PST)

The "2-Hour Job Search" splits the networking-based job search into three main components: prioritizing targets, outreach, and informational interviews. It's a cutting-edge framework for using technology to find the right job faster.

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Directors' Consortium
March 6 - 8 | Stanford GSB

Board members learn frameworks for making effective decisions on financial reporting and policy, compensation, fiduciary duties, litigation risk, CEO performance evaluation, and succession planning.

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See full calendar of Stanford Executive Programs >

Give Back

Host an MBA for a 4-Week International
Immersion Project

The GMIX Program provides summer opportunities for GSB students to spend four weeks working outside the United States in corporate, government, or NGO-sponsored settings. Interested in hosting an MBA for a project?

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Alumni Volunteer Opportunity: Business Coaching in Ghana

Apply today to coach entrepreneurs and business leaders with the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED). A selected team of alumni will spend six months in Africa helping to launch SEED's work.

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Board Match
February 27 @ 5:00 - 7:30 pm | San Francisco

The Center for Social Innovation is partnering with the Volunteer Center for this annual event. Representatives from 150 Bay Area nonprofits will be on hand to talk to interested candidates about serving on their organization's board of directors.

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Stay In Touch

Sign up for the New Stanford RE:THINK

This new, biweekly email newsletter brings the best insights, research, and ideas from in and around the Stanford GSB to alumni and an audience of global influencers.

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Join the Official GSB Alumni LinkedIn Group

Want to catch up and reconnect with fellow alumni? Join the official Stanford GSB alumni LinkedIn group! Just make sure your GSB alumni email address is listed in your LinkedIn profile before requesting to join.

Join LinkedIn

Connect with the GSB on other social media >

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