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Welcome to the Family

Stanford Young Alumni Guide Heading to a new city? We've gathered hot tips and resources from in-the-know young alumni across the country. Check out the guides below.

Bay Area
East Bay Boston New York
Peninsula & South Bay Chicago Washington, D.C.
San Francisco Los Angeles

Stanford Where You Live

Career ServicesEvery month, there are plenty of new and interesting alumni events and activities happening around the world—likely in your backyard. Alumni in regions with a high concentration of fellow grads (15 regions in all) receive a monthly email with the complete digest of stuff to do plus info about virtual Stanford opportunities and more. Don't live in a region with an e-newsletter? That's okay—keep your email and mailing address current so you'll receive emails about local events in your area when they occur. Want to plan an event where you live? Contact Ryan Goetz, '09 at [email protected] for more information.

Don't miss out! Make sure Stanford has your preferred address on file.Update Your Email

Cardinal Young Alumni

Cardinal Young AlumniWe'll CYA when we see ya! These young alumni–led groups organize all kinds of great stuff for fellow young alums in cities across the US: from happy hours to career mixers to football viewing parties to tailgates. There are CYA groups in the Bay Area, LA, New York, Chicago, Boston, San Diego and Washington DC! There is also an active young alum group in Seattle.

Contact Ryan Goetz, '09 at [email protected] for more information.

Career Services

Career ServicesGet ahead in the real world with great tools, helpful advice and important connections through Stanford CareerConnect. Wherever you are in your career, +219,000 Stanford alumni are there to support you. You'll have exclusive access to our job board that lists hundreds of alumni-posted jobs around the globe. Plus, get links to the Alumni Directory, career videos coaching and more. You can also join the private Stanford University Alumni LinkedIn group with over 34,000 Stanford alums.Explore CareerConnect

Welcome Parties

Welcome Parties Moving to a new city? There are parties to welcome you in Boston, Chicago (join FB group for details), Denver, LA, New York, Sacramento, San Diego and San Francisco! Hosted by the Stanford Alumni Association and planned by young alumni (who've been in your shoes), these parties are a great way to meet other Stanford alumni in your area.

Recent Grad Reunion

Recent Grad Reunion The party doesn't end just because you've graduated! Each October more than 1,000 recent grads come back to the Farm for the year's biggest campus gathering of over 9,000 Stanford alumni during Reunion Homecoming. This must-do weekend is full of fun events for recent grads including the Friday Night Recent Grad Party, the Recent Grad Tailgate with an all-you-can-eat BBQ and open bar, plus other campus events including tours, Classes Without Quizzes and open houses. Get Details

Young Alumni

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