Stanford Alumni and the Peace Corps
Contacts: William Prescott (send message)
Region: Global
Members: 41 Member(s)
The "Stanford Alumni and the Peace Corps" group invites Stanford alumni with a connection to the Peace Corps, past, present and future. We provide a forum for exchanging information and experiences about the Peace Corps. We are also open to those connected to volunteer services of other countries (e.g. Canada CUSO, United Kingdom VSO, Europe EVS).
This group was formed in conjunction with planning for the 50th anniversary campus celebration of the Peace Corps on April 15-16, 2011.
Re-Connecting with Stanford Peace Corps Alumni
If you know other Stanford alumni who currently serve or have served in the Peace Corps, please invite them to join this group:
1. Click "Share" (in grey near the upper right-hand corner).
2. Type in their email adddress and hit the 'enter' key.
3. Type a short message.
4. Click on "Send." That's it!