CourseWork is Stanford University's learning management system. It is used mainly by instructors to create web sites for their courses although a variety of campus groups have used CourseWork to manage and conduct project-based activities. Course and project sites share a number of common capabilities - collaboration tools, communication tools, content management, and a scheduling tool.
Course sites have additional capabilities specific to course-based activities; these include roster management and learning assessment tools. While many Stanford courses make use of CourseWork, not every course at Stanford has a CourseWork site since use of CourseWork is optional. Students should ask their instructors if CourseWork will be used for their courses.
Instructors or course assistants can set up a CourseWork course site once they are logged on to CourseWork. To request a project site, please submit a request via HelpSU.
CourseWork was originally a home-grown product. The latest version of CourseWork (CourseWork v5) is based on an open source development effort, called the Sakai project. In 2003, Stanford University joined forces with a consortium of universities including MIT, UC Berkeley, Indiana University, and University of Michigan, to develop the next generation of teaching and learning tools for the higher education community. CourseWork v5 was released to the Stanford community in Fall 2006.
For up-to-date information about new features and functions, please refer to the CourseWork release notes.
Stanford Syllabus is a centralized online repository of syllabi for Stanford University courses. Having syllabi available to students before they enroll in classes helps to facilitate course selection between students and their faculty advisors.
Instructors who use CourseWork may post their course syllabi to their associated course sites within CourseWork. Instructors who are not users of CourseWork may post their course syllabi at CourseWork is integrated with Stanford Syllabus, meaning that syllabi posted to CourseWork will automatically show up in Stanford Syllabus.
Stanford Syllabus was conceived by the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy (C-USP), funded by the Provost's Office, and developed by Academic Computing. It was released to the Stanford community in Fall 2006.