Library Open House, Tuesday, October 9

Library Open House

Be sure to stop by to visit the Library Open House next Tuesday, October 9, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm here. Come to Green Library to find out about the amazing resources offered by campus Libraries and Academic Computing.

Two news stories on recent library acquisitions

Manet cat etching

There have been two news stories in the last couple of days about exciting new acquisitions here in the Stanford University Libraries. Yesterday there was a piece in The Dish about a book that the Art & Architecture Library has purchased that features an original 1869 etching by Edouard Manet. And in today's Stanford Report there's a story about a collection of 800 maps showing California as an island that's coming to the Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map Collections and that will soon be available digitally.

Hella words added to Oxford Dictionaries Online

Oxford Dictionaries Online August 2012 update Wordle

Oxford Dictionaries Online have added lots of words in their August 2012 update, including tweeps, lolz, ridic, and Bay Area favorite hella.

New library website goes live next week

Stanford University Libraries logo

The Stanford University Libraries’ new website will become our official homepage early next week! It's already up and available for you to explore.

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