var NREUMQ=NREUMQ||[];NREUMQ.push(["mark","firstbyte",new Date().getTime()]);    Library Open House | Stanford University Libraries                         Skip to main content Skip to navigation       Secondary menuMy Account Login          Home AboutHours & locationsPeople Contacts News Events Blogs Projects & innovations   LibrariesArchive of Recorded SoundArt & Architecture Biology (Falconer) Business Chemistry & ChemEng (Swain) Classics Earth Sciences (Branner) East Asia Education (Cubberley) Engineering (Terman) Green Hoover Hoover Archives  Law (Crown)Marine Biology (Miller) Math & Statistics Medical (Lane) Meyer Music Philosophy (Tanner) SAL1&2 SAL3 SAL Newark SLAC Special Collections   Using the libraryAccess & privilegesBorrow, renew, return Connect from off campus Interlibrary borrowing Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility   GuidesCourse guidesTopic guides   Research supportResearch servicesSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists  Search toolsSearchWorks Databases eJournals   Ask us        Search          You are hereHome › Open House  Library Open House          

    Tours  (Tour groups meet at the Tours Start Here sign located outside of Green Library at the Greeter Table.)

 A Curated Tour of Green Library’s New ExhibitScripting the Sacred: Medieval Latin Manuscripts. The presentation will be in the Peterson Gallery & Munger Rotunda, 2nd Floor, Bing Wing, starting at 3:00pm. Book-Scanning RobotSee how our robotic page-turning book scanner works. 8 person limit; sign up outside Green Library at the Greeter Table. Tours will last 45-50 minutes, starting at: 1:15pm, 2:15pm, and 3:15pm. Born Digital/Forensic LabLearn how we preserve and provide access to born digital media such as computer hard drives, floppy disks, and CD-ROMs. Tours will start at: 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Map Imaging LabSee the process of digitizing maps and other over-sized materials. Tours will start at: 2:00pm and 2:30pm.     Special appearances   Stanford Mendicants will be performing live between 1:00 – 1:30pm. Stanford Talisman A Cappella will make a guest appearance, singing live on KZSU (98.1 fm) at 3:15pm.  KZSU (98.1 fm), Stanford’s radio station will be broadcasting live, outside of Green Library’s east entrance, featuring some music from our Music Library Collection, hosting on-air interviews with students as well as some library experts from 1:00 – 4:00pm.     Participants  Art & Architecture Library and the Visual Resources Center The Business Library Circulation & Reserves Cubberley Education Library Data Management and Stanford Digital Repository (SDR) Digital Humanities Digital Language Lab Digital Library Systems and Services (DLSS) Digital Manuscripts East Asia Library eBooks and eResources Geographic Information Systems GIS and Maps Hoover Library and Archives Information Center KZSU Lane Medical Library & Knowledge Management Center Library Web Site Media & Microtext Meyer Technology and Multimedia Services Music Library & Archive of Recorded Sound Protecting Our Collections Searchworks: the online catalog Science Libraries Social Science Data and Software (SSDS) Special Collections and University Archives Subject Librarians SUL in Second Life Tracking your Citations xSearch        Tuesday, October 9, 2012. 1:00 - 4:00 pm  Come to Green Library to find out about the amazing resources offered by campus Libraries and Academic Computing.

 Learn about our vast collections of books, films, data, e-resources, and more. Meet staff from the libraries on campus and talk to them about your project needs. Discover how to find databases in SearchWorks and how to search multiple databases with xSearch. See a demo of our book-scanning robot. Talk to experts about managing your citations using RefWorks, Mendeley, and Zotero. Enter the drawing to win fabulous prizes. And much more...

           openhouse_2012_flyer.pdf 770.08 KB Open House 2012 flyer (PDF)               Prizes and giveaways  1- Apple iPad* 1- Beats Solo™ HD On-Ear Headphone* Autographed books from the 2012 Saroyan Prize for Writing In addition to the drawing prizes there will be many other giveaways, including free books from previous Saroyan Prize for Writing.

 You will need to register online at the Library Open House to be entered into the drawing but you do not have to be present to win. (Apologies, but library staff are ineligible.)

 Tasty treats will make the list of giveaways this year. Thanks to Coupa Cafe for generously donating many of the delectable items.

 *Subject to federal taxes.

                      AboutHours & locations People Contacts News Projects & innovations Blogs Jobs Supporting the Libraries Copyright reminder  Using the LibraryAccess & privileges Borrow, renew, return Interlibrary borrowing Connect from off campus Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility  LibrariesCollections  Guidesby Course by Topic  Research SupportSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists SearchWorks Databases Socrates eJournals  ASK US(650) 725-1064 Chat Email us Give us feedback               Stanford University Home Maps & Directions Search Stanford Terms of Use Copyright Complaints© Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. (650) 723-2300          if(!NREUMQ.f){NREUMQ.f=function(){NREUMQ.push(["load",new Date().getTime()]);var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";document.body.appendChild(e);if(NREUMQ.a)NREUMQ.a();};NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};NREUMQ.push(["nrf2","","ff6e4b123c",358267,"ZwEEYEQHWkJYBkdfDl5LJ1dCD1tfFhVSUQRvCQdaVwFRQ2YLXFIEbxIPUUE5RFBeAA==",0,1099,new Date().getTime()]);