For Faculty

Academic Technology Lab

Due to a staffing vacancy, the Academic Technology Lab for Stanford faculty is currently not in service. More information will be forthcoming in 2013.

Academic Technology Specialists

Academic Technology Specialists collaborate with faculty and graduate students on innovative research and teaching projects. There are currently ATS positions in the Department of Anthropology, Department of English, Department of History, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Humanities Center, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Program in Human Biology, and Stanford Language Center.

For questions about the program, contact


Academic Computing Services supports several innovative technology-rich classrooms in Meyer Library.

Other technology-enhanced classrooms are managed by the Registrar's Office.

CourseWork and Stanford Syllabus

CourseWork is Stanford's online learning management and collaboration environment, and Stanford Syllabus is a central online repository of course syllabi.

Digital Humanities

Academic Computing Services has a Digital Humanities Specialist program to support faculty creation of digital scholarly media projects through a proposal process.

Digital Language Lab

The Digital Language Lab is Stanford's multilingual computing facility.  Its three teaching spaces support language instruction and also serve as workshop and studio space for foreign language teaching and learning.

iPads for Learning Program

The iPads for Learning initiative is a trial program by Academic Computing Services (ACS) and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to provide iPads for use in academic classes or workshops. iPads are available for learning and teaching opportunites and faculty can submit proposals for short-term usage (workshops) or for as long as a quarter. 

Multimedia Services

The Meyer Tech Desk provides many services including large-format poster printing; equipment for loan, such as laptops, cameras, and projectors; and consulting support for the Multimedia Studio's digital video editing suites.

Software and Courseware Requests

The availability of software applications on public computers may vary by location. If you have questions about available software, or if you are an instructor with a request for software you would like installed on our public computers, email Please allow up to nine weeks for new software requests, which is typically how long it takes us to ensure proper licensing and test for technical feasibility.

Other Campus Computing and Faculty Resources

  • The Computing and Communication site maintained by IT Services provides a central source of information about Stanford's technology-related tools and resources, from software and servers to networks and mobile phones.
  • See Online Learning at Stanford for resources and venues for Stanford's online learning and teaching opportunities.
  • See IT Services Course Support to request a course website, email list, newsgroup, or disk space. ITS also provides self-service installation of several collaboration tools: WordPress blogs, Drupal websites, and MediaWiki sites.
  • The Center for Teaching and Learning provides course consulting, TA training, evaluation services, and other resources for faculty and TAs.
  • The Office of Accessible Education and the Student Disability Resource Center offer services for faculty seeking information about Disability Accommodations. Services include alternative-format production (e.g., Braille, electronic text) and assistive technology products such as screen readers and speech recognition.