ASCE library
- Publication
- Reston, VA : ASCE Publications, 2004-
- Physical description
- 1 online resource.
More options
- Contributor
- American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Summary
- A comprehensive online tool for locating articles of interest across all disciplines of civil engineering. The ASCE Library includes ASCE conference proceedings beginning in 1998, and all ASCE journal and periodical volumes published since 1995.
- Subjects
- Civil engineering > Periodicals > Abstracts.
- Technical literature > Periodicals > Abstracts.
- Civil engineering > Databases > Abstracts.
- Civil engineering.
- Technical literature.
- aerospace
- architectural engineering
- cold region engineering
- civil engineering
- construction
- disaster mitigation
- energy engineering
- engineering mechanics
- environmental water resources management
- forensic engineering
- geotechnical
- pipeline
- structural
- transportation
- infrastructure
- urban planning
- urban development
- geomechanics
- geoenvironmental
- geological engineering
- petroleum engineering
- engineering geophysics
- offshore
- marine geotechnology
- geothermal
- lunar engineering
- planetary engineering
- ice mechanics
- elasticity
- plasticity
- creep
- localization
- fracture
- instabilities
- statics
- dynamics
- nanomechanics
- micromechanics
- environmental engineering
- water
- waste
- hydraulic
- hydrologic
- irrigation
- drainage
- bridge engineering
- computational fluid dynamics
- wind
- advanced composite materials
- dynamics and control
- robotics
- surveying engineering
- ice engineering
- steel
- concrete
- timber
- computer-aided design
- renewable energy
- waste-to-energy systems
- hydropower
- sustainability
- waste management
- turbulence
- pollution
- dams
- soil dynamics
- nanostructures
- structures
- deformation
- boundary
- air transportation
- highway
- urban transportation
- airport
- pavement
- roads
- transit systems traffic
- railway engineering
- public works
- utilities
- dredging
- floods
- sediment transport
- shorelines
- waterways
- harbors
- ports
- offshore facilities
- deep ocean engineering
- shore
- Genre
- Databases
- Electronic reference sources.
- Databases.
- Full-text databases.
- Database topics
- Engineering
Bibliographic information
- Beginning date
- 2004
- Title variation
- Source code title: ASCE Library : civil engineering and its practical applications
- American Society of Civil Engineers library
- American Society of Civil Engineers research library
- ASCE online research library
- Former title
- ASCE research library <viewed Feb. 28, 2008>
- Note
- Title from home page (viewed April 22, 2020).
- Access
- An ASCE Library subscription is not required to use the search and browse features or to view tables of contents and abstracts. Downloading full-text digital papers is available only to ASCE Library or online journal subscribers.