Books, media, & more
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- At the Library7,473,310
- Online4,516,943
- On order10,603
- Archive/Manuscript52,050
- Archived website6,140
- Book9,084,326
- Database3,153
- Dataset23,773
- Equipment78
- Image545,425
- Journal/Periodical551,628
- Map210,615
- Music recording339,601
- Music score150,469
- Newspaper15,612
- Object2,983
- Software/Multimedia12,730
- Sound recording25,912
- Video118,274
- Archive of Recorded Sound91,327
- Art & Architecture (Bowes)135,793
- Business87,307
- Classics4,789
- David Rumsey Map Center16,500
- Earth Sciences (Branner)129,582
- East Asia315,941
- Education (Cubberley)42,678
- Engineering (Terman)6,549
- Green1,447,631
- Hoover Institution Library & Archives293,671
- Lane Medical175,677
- Law (Crown)347,291
- Marine Biology (Miller)20,670
- Media Center296,056
- Music130,439
- Philosophy (Tanner)5,642
- SAL Newark (off-campus storage)1,053
- SAL1&2 (on-campus storage)22,593
- SAL3 (off-campus storage)3,961,364
- Science (Li and Ma)29,884
- Special Collections252,954
- Stanford Digital Repository923,308
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Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
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