RPH Chapters:


Research Policy Handbook

Document 9.6
  • Visiting Scholars
  • Stanford University Policy
Originally issued
  • May 1989
Current version
  • March 8, 2010
  • Vice Provost and Dean of Research
  • None for this document
See also…

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Stanford University reserves the right to amend at any time the policies and other materials contained in this handbook. Currently applicable versions are provided here, superseding any previous versions.

Visiting Scholars (RPH 9.6)

Current version: March 8, 2010


Defines policies and procedures related to the appointment, roles, requirements and responsibilities of visiting scholars at Stanford. Visiting Scholar status is not applicable for enrolled students pursuing advanced degrees at other universities (see Procedures for Registering Visiting Researchers). Information regarding Visiting Scholar Identification Cards added in 2010.

Scholars established in their field who are visiting Stanford from outside institutions or organizations and are funded from external or personal sources may be recommended by a Department Chair for a fixed-term designation of Visiting Scholar.


    The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for a Visiting Scholar designation at Stanford University:

    • the individual must be visiting from an outside institution or organization;
    • the individual must have a doctoral degree or be a recognized expert in his or her field; and
    • the source of salary funding for the individual must not be Stanford University.
    Individual schools may establish more restrictive eligibility criteria. Contact the School Dean's Office for specific requirements.

    The sponsoring department should ensure that a candidate for Visiting Scholar meets the criteria listed above. Upon approval of an appointment, a Visiting Scholar invitation letter should be issued to the Visiting Scholar by the Department Chair. The invitation letter should:

    • specify the term of the Visiting Scholar designation (that is, the dates of residency at Stanford University)
    • identify the sponsoring Stanford individual or entity
    • confirm that no salary or other form of financial compensation from Stanford is associated with the appointment
    • provide that the Visiting Scholar must follow all regulatory requirements and Stanford policies that apply to his or her activities while at Stanford, and
    • incorporate by reference the terms of this policy.

    The sponsoring department should arrange for the Visiting Scholar to receive any required university training (such as relating to health and safety or other mandatory training), and should see that applicable university policies and compliance programs are followed and that any other university requirements related to the visit are met.

    (See separate description in Section 6 of this policy for appointment procedures in the School of Medicine.)

    Visiting Scholars may subsequently be appointed as Postdoctoral Scholars if they are employed to participate on Stanford research projects for which they receive salary and benefits (see policy on Postdoctoral Scholars, Research Policy Handbook document 9.4).


    If a visitor is going to work on research projects (whether sponsored externally or not) on the Stanford campus for one quarter or more, the sponsoring department should secure the signature of the visitor on a Patent and Copyright Agreement (SU-18). This agreement recognizes Stanford's right to ownership of patentable inventions which are conceived or reduced to practice in conjunction with work done at Stanford, or which involve more than incidental use of Stanford resources and facilities.

    If the visitor already has an intellectual property agreement with another institution, the visitor should be asked to sign an alternative version of the Patent and Copyright Agreement (SU-18A).


    Upon receipt of an approved Visa Certificate Request Application Form, the Office of Foreign Scholar Services at the Bechtel International Center will prepare a Stanford visa certificate (DS-2019 Form). Departments must pick up the approved Stanford visa certificate and assure that foreign visitors receive their DS-2019 well before departure from their home country, and that they understand that they must use the DS-2019 to apply for a J-1 visa at a U.S. Consulate.


    Visiting Scholar status is a privilege, not a right, and an individual holds this status at the pleasure of Stanford University. The status may be revoked at any time (even during the term of the designated status) by the University in its discretion, without the necessity of a reason. Similarly, there is no right to a renewal of the status at the end of the term.

    Visiting Scholars are not employees or students of the University, and therefore are not entitled to Stanford compensation or other benefits available to regular staff, faculty or students (including health insurance). The Visiting Scholar title may not be used for personnel or payroll purposes. If a department wishes to make a special payment to a Visiting Scholar for participation in a seminar presentation or similar contribution, that should be done through honoraria. If a Visiting Scholar is asked to make a short-term contribution to a research effort, payment of appropriate consulting fees should be arranged.

    A Visiting Scholar Identification Card will be issued to Visiting Scholars who are in residence for a minimum of one quarter. Cards may be obtained by visiting the Stanford Card Office presenting the appropriate signed invitation for appointment as a Visiting Scholar for a fixed period of at least one academic quarter, and showing a valid government-issued picture ID. More details about the issuance and use of the Visiting Scholar Card may be found in Administrative Guide Memo 28.4 and at the Stanford Card Office web site. Visiting Scholars are eligible to use the following Stanford facilities and services:

    • Libraries: Holders of Visiting Scholar Cards will have access to certain Stanford University libraries in accordance with regulations and policies governing the use of its libraries. The possession of a Visiting Scholar Card does not assure access to any particular library. Visiting Scholars without ID cards may apply for library privileges at the Privileges Desk in Green Library. Privileges will be granted in accordance with library policy.
    • Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation (DAPER) facilities and events: Holders of Visiting Scholar Cards have access to certain facilities and events specified by DAPER, subject to payments of established amounts, if any, for tickets and use fees.
    • Auditing University lecture courses without fee, subject to permission of the instructor (Classes that require individual instruction and participation, such as laboratory and language courses, studio and performance courses, or creative writing courses are not authorized for auditing.)
    • Campus parking privileges for a fee (arranged through Parking & Transportation Services)
    • access to off-campus housing information.

    The Department Chair should send the following to the Office of Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine Dean’s Office at least 30 days prior to the arrival of the Visiting Scholar (60 days for foreign visitors requiring a visa):

    1. Stanford University School of Medicine Application for Visiting Scholar Status form (all sections must be completed)
    2. J-1 Visa Application (for foreign visitors requiring a visa). This should be a printed copy of the completed online application. The Office of Foreign Scholar Services, upon receipt of this form and approval of appointment from the Office of Academic Affairs, will prepare the Stanford visa certificate (DS-2019), to be picked up by the department when ready.
    3. The individual's curriculum vitae and bibliography. These should be attached to the Application for Visiting Scholar Status. A candidate must be a recognized expert in his or her field and have a doctoral degree.
    4. A copy of the proposed letter of invitation.
    5. Documentation supporting any sources of funding. If personal funds are to be used, official documentation needs to be provided to verify the minimal amount required (a letter from the candidate is insufficient). The visitor’s funding must be equal to Stanford University’s minimum stipend for a first-year Postdoctoral Scholar.
    6. A signed Patent and Copyright Agreement (or affirmation that an electronic agreement was signed).

    The Department Chair should inform the Visiting Scholar of his or her role and responsibilities at Stanford.

    For further information regarding Visiting Scholar status in the School of Medicine, contact the Office of Academic Affairs in the School of Medicine Dean’s Office, and see https://med.stanford.edu/academicaffairs/other/visiting-scholars.html

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