Current Version: June 4, 1976
Establishes the policy that acting principal investigatorship is subject to the same criteria for eligibility as regular PIship
Some questions have arisen regarding eligibility criteria for acting principal investigator status on sponsored projects during the regular PI's sabbatical or other leave from the University. Ordinarily, if a faculty member is absent from campus for a period of less than three months, he or she retains the title of PI for the project. Even if the leave period exceeds three months, in some cases, the regular PI may still retain responsibility for the overall intellectual and fiduciary direction of the project, with the sponsor's permission.
Occasionally a member of the PI's staff may be designated as acting project manager during the PI' s leave. This would be appropriate if the staff member is asked to assume the day-to-day administrative tasks of the project while still adhering to the overall goals, objectives, and protocol outlined by the PI before his or her departure.
If the regular PI's absence from Stanford does not permit a sufficient level of involvement in the sponsored activity, another faculty member should assume the role of Acting PI. That is, Acting PIship is subject to the same criteria for eligibility as is regular PIship. Designation of individuals as acting PIs who are not ordinarily eligible to be regular PIs requires the prior approval of the cognizant dean and the Vice Provost and Dean of Research according to the criteria outlined in Stanford's policy on PI Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions.
Responsibilities for the intellectual direction of our externally sponsored teaching and research activities must rest with the faculty and should not be delegated to others, even on a temporary basis, without prior approval.