Current version: February 1, 1996
Outlines procedures for transportation, care, and use on the Stanford campus of laboratory animals which are not owned by Stanford
The care and use of laboratory animals procured by Stanford University for teaching, research, and related activities are governed by policies designed to keep the University in compliance with all relevant external regulations for the humane treatment of laboratory animals. Occasionally, Stanford investigators engage in collaborations with or provide services to outside institutions that require the transportation of non-Stanford owned laboratory animals onto the Stanford campus. This document sets forth procedures that must be followed in these situations so that the animals involved are treated humanely, there is appropriate risk management, and the University remains in compliance with relevant external regulations.
The owners of non-Stanford laboratory animals must assume responsibility for the animals' welfare while on the campus and act in a supervisory role in overseeing the animals' welfare. Stanford personnel may serve as assistants.
When non-Stanford owned laboratory animals are to be brought to Stanford as a result of a collaboration between Stanford investigators and an outside institution, the Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care (A-PLAC) requires the following:
When non-Stanford owned laboratory animals are to be brought to campus as a result of Stanford providing services to an outside entity (e.g., use of special equipment), the A-PLAC requires the following before approval can be granted:
Animals may not be held on the Stanford campus overnight without a formal transfer of ownership to Stanford. The A-PLAC and the Attending Veterinarian must approve all such arrangements.
Non-Stanford owned laboratory animals may not be brought to or taken from the Stanford campus without the prior review and approval of the A-PLAC. The A-PLAC will review such requests in consultation with the Attending Veterinarian who must be notified in advance when approved transportation of laboratory animals will occur. The Attending Veterinarian can be reached at 723-3876.