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Claude Steele

Lucie Stern Professor in the Social Sciences / Emeritus
Office phone: 
(650) 725-2400

Research Summary

Stereotype threat: the experience of performing under the threat of possibly confirming a negative stereotype about your group. Its role in intellectual performance and social functioning (e.g. women in math; minority students on academic tasks, interracial relationships, etc.) Social psychological interventions that reduce the impact of this threat, and other interfering identity pressures in schools, workplaces and relationships.

A theory of self-affirmation that interprets a variety of psychological motives--such as cognitive dissonance and reactance--as reflecting an underlying need to perceive integrity of the self.

Current research focuses on how affirmations of self-integrity allows people to accept useful but threatening information such as that in health messages.


Ph.D. Psychology, Ohio State University, 1971