Graduate Program

This section includes information for prospective and current Ph.D. students, as well as alumni. Our department offers a Ph.D in Psychology. We have five different areas of study: Cognitive, Developmental, Neuroscience, Affective Science, and Social Psychology. We do not offer programs in Clinical, Counseling, Industrial, Organizational, or Para Psychology. While we do not offer a terminal Masters degree program, we do have a coterminal Masters program for students accepted and enrolled in our Ph.D. program. For post-doctoral positions, please visit our Postdoctoral Program page and feel free to contact individual faculty directly.

Please note that we do not provide print materials of admissions information by mail.  All information regarding the graduate program is provided on the Psychology Department website.

For more information about our program and requirements, go to one of the following pages:

For graduate and postdoc publications and awards, please see pages below:

Contact Information

Student Services, Department of Psychology
Jordan Hall, Bldg. 420, Room 100
450 Serra Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2130
Email: [email protected]