Programs of study leading to the Ph.D. degree in political science are designed by the student, in consultation with advisers and the Director of Graduate Studies, to serve his or her particular interests as well as to achieve the program requirements. The Department encourages students in all stages of the program to apply for funding from outside sources.
In addition to the fellowship and grant opportunities administered by the School of Humanities and Sciences, there are numerous awards offered by area studies programs within Stanford, private foundations, and the federal government. Such awards can provide important funding for students to undertake fieldwork or language study, or to complete dissertation writing after departmental funding is no longer available.
The Political Science Graduate Student Association (PSGSA) is a student organization, financially assisted by the Department, which seeks to represent graduate students in the Department of Political Science. Its mission is to communicate with the University administration and department faculty and administration on behalf of Political Science graduate students; to facilitate faculty-student interaction; to facilitate student-initiated academic activities outside of the usual curriculum; to enhance social interactions among graduate students within the department; and to secure from the department the funding necessary for these activities.