Research Honors Track - Applications due October 26, 2012

This innovative program leads to a BA degree with honors and will give participants the analytical tools they need to write top-notch honors theses and collaborate with Stanford faculty and Ph.D. students.  Through a specially designed program of study and research, students will develop the foundation for successful careers in academia, law, government, business, and other fields.  Click here to download the application.


The program is geared towards students about to enter their junior year. However, rising sophomores may apply as well.  All applications must be submitted to sburbank [at] stanford [dot] edu (Stephanie Burbank) by October 26, 2012. 

Special Coursework

During their junior year, Research Honors Track students will take three faculty-taught honors seminars: Political Institutions (PS 291), Political Behavior (PS 292), and Research Design (PS 293). These special seminars will be held during the winter and spring quarters. (Students who wish to study abroad may do so during the fall quarter.) During the senior year, students will take two graduate-level seminars.

Honors Thesis

In their senior year, all Research Honors Track students will write an honors thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor. They will also meet regularly with advanced graduate student mentors, and with other members of the honors program, to present their research and receive feedback on their honors projects.

Summer Research Experience

Each Research Honors Track student must complete at least one intensive summer research experience. Students may gain this experience by: (1) participating in the Political Science Department’s Summer Research College, a ten-week program in which students get paid to help faculty with research projects; and/or (2) spending a summer developing their honors thesis or other research project, under the direction of a faculty mentor.

Students who choose this second option may apply for funding to travel to foreign research sites or purchase the data they need for their projects.  In addition, the independent summer research project should be the student’s full-time summer activity, averaging about 40 hours per week.  The student is expected to gain important research experience and skills that will help with the formulation of an honors thesis.  The independent research project must be approved by a Political Science faculty member in order to certify that the project is academically rigorous research.

Other Benefits

Research Honors Track students will receive privileged access to lab space in the Political Science Department. They will also have access to statistical software and will receive consulting from advanced Ph.D. students.

Research Honors Track Application Requirements

A complete application includes (1) a transcript, (2) a letter of recommendation from a member of the Stanford Political Science faculty or from a teaching assistant in a Political Science course, and (3) a personal statement about your interest in the Research Honors Track. Strongest applications are from students who have successfully completed two Introductory lecture courses in Political Science (PoliSci 1, 2, 3 or 3P, 4). Applicants are also encouraged to take two courses in quantitative methods before beginning the program, but they may complete this requirement during junior year.

Click here to view current honors students.

How can I learn more?

Talk to Undergraduate Student Services Advisor sburbank [at] stanford [dot] edu (Stephanie Burbank).