Graduate Program

The principal goal of the Stanford Ph.D. program in political science is the training of scholars. Most students who receive doctorates in the program do research and teach at colleges or universities. Admission to the graduate program in political science is highly selective. About twelve to fifteen students, chosen from a large pool of applicants, enter the program each year. 

Applicants offered admission to the PhD program will be invited to attend the Department's annual Admit Visit scheduled for April 7-9, 2013. This event offers admitted students the opportunity to meet with faculty and current graduate students, sit in on classes, and enjoy the Stanford campus.  Decisions regarding Fall 2013 admission will be made in February 2013.  Learn more about the graduate student experience:

Programs of study leading to the Ph.D. degree in political science are designed by the student, in consultation with advisers and the Director of Graduate Studies, to serve his or her particular interests as well as to achieve the program requirements.  The Department encourages students in all stages of the program to apply for funding from outside sources.