Gary Segura

Gary Segura

Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contact Info

segura [at] stanford [dot] edu
(650) 723 3583
Office Location: 
314 Encina West
Office Hours: 
Tuesdays/Thursdays 10-11am

Gary M. Segura is a Professor of American Politics and Chair of Chicano/a Studies in the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at Stanford University.   He is also a principal in the polling firm Latino Decisions™.  His work focuses on issues of political representation, and the politics to America’s growing Latino minority.  Among his most recent publications are Latino Lives in America: Making It Home (2010, Temple University Press), “Su Casa Es Nuestra Casa: Latino Politics Research and the Development of American Political Science,” (2007), in the American Political Science Review, “Race and the Recall: Racial Polarization in the California Recall Election,” (2008) in the American Journal of Political Science, “Hope, Tropes, and Dopes: Hispanic and White Racial Animus in the 2008 Election,” (2010) in Presidential Studies Quarterly, and “Assimilation, Incorporation, and Ethnic Identity in Understanding Latino Electoral and Non-Electoral Political Participation,” (2011) in Political Research Quarterly.  In 2011, his book with Shaun Bowler, "The Future is Ours:" Minority Politics, Political Behavior, and the Multiracial Era of American Politics, will be published by Congressional Quarterly Press.  In 2012, his co-authored book Latinos in the New Millennium: An Almanac of Opinion, Behavior, and Policy Preferences will be published by Cambridge University Press.  Segura is one of three Principal Investigators of the 2012 American National Election Studies, and in 2009-10 was the President of the Midwest Political Science Association.  In 2010, he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Other Affiliations: 

Chair of Chicana/o Studies, Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Co-Director, Stanford Center for American Democracy
Co-Principal Investigator, American National Election Studies
Director, Institute on the Politics of Inequality, Race and Ethnicity at Stanford (InsPIRES)


Last modified Tuesday, June 26, 2012 - 11:15pm