Gordon Brown

Title: | Dorrell William Kirby Professor; Professor, Department of Photon Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering |
Primary Affiliation: | Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences |
Office Location: | Green Earth Sci. 309 |
Research Group: | Environmental Molecular Science Institute (EMSI) |
Phone: | (650) 723-9168 |
Fax: | (650) 725-2199 |
E-mail: | gordon.brown@stanford.edu |
My research interests involve five main areas: (1) geochemistry of mineral surfaces and their reactivity with aqueous metal complexes, organic matter, and microbial organisms; (2) structure and properties of natural and manufactured nanoparticles; (3) environmental chemistry/geochemistry of heavy metal and actinide contaminants; (4) experimental studies of carbon sequestration through mineral carbonation reactions; and (5) structure-property relationships of silicate liquids and glasses. The first four areas have bearing on the sequestration, transport, and transformations of environmental contaminants (e.g., mercury, lead, arsenic, uranium, and CO2) in aquatic systems, soils, and the atmosphere; the last focuses on the high-temperature geochemistry of silicate magmas and their trace elements. My students and I utilize various types of macroscopic and microscopic measurements, including the very intense x-rays from synchrotron radiation sources, as well as field investigations.
I teach courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including Earth Materials (GES 102), the basic sophomore-level course required of GES majors on minerals and rocks and the processes that form and modify them; Environmental Geochemistry (GES 170), a senior-, first-year graduate-level course on the chemistry of the environment; and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Mineral Surfaces (GES 261), a graduate-level course on my specialty. I also occasionally teach a sophomore seminar on environment and human health as well as graduate seminars on current topics in environmental geochemistry and mineral surface and aqueous geochemistry.
Professional Activities
Ian Campbell Medal, American Geosciences Institute (2102); Patterson Medal, Geochemical Society for Environmental Geochemistry Research (2007); Roebling Medal, Mineralogical Society of America (2007); director, Stanford-NSF Environmental Molecular Science Institute (2004-2011); member, Science Advisory Committees of the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (2011-present); Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory-PNNL (2003-present); Sincrotrone Trieste-Italian National Synchrotron Laboratory (2005-2011); Center for Advanced Microdevices-LSU (2005-2010); Advanced Light Source-LBNL (1997-2000); Canadian Light Source (1999-2002); Chemistry Division-Los Alamos National Laboratory (1988-2003); fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2000); fellow, Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry (1999); fellow, Geological Society of America (1997); Docteur Honoris Causa degree, Universite Paris 7 (1997); president, Mineralogical Society of America (1996); professor (1988-present) and chair (1998-2007), Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Faculty (now Department of Photon Science), SLAC; member, Board of Governors, Gemological Institute of America (1988-2008); chair, Department of Geology, Stanford (1986-1992); co-director, Stanford-NSF Center for Materials Research (1987-1989)
- 1970 | Ph.D. Mineralogy and Crystallography Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- 1968 | M.S. Mineralogy and Crystallography Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- 1965 | B.S. Chemistry and Geology Millsaps College
Professional Experience
- 2008 - present | Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering Stanford University
- 2004 - 2011 | Director, Stanford Environmental Molecular Science Institute Stanford University
- 1998 - 2007 | Chair Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Faculty (now Department of Photon Science), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- 1997 – 1998 | Acting Chair Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Faculty
- 1992 – Present | Professor of Photon Science Photon Science Department (formerly Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Faculty), SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- 1987 - 1990 | Co-Director Center for Materials Research, Stanford University
- 1986 - 1992 | Chairman Geology Department, Stanford University
- 1986 – Present | Professor of Mineralogy and Geochemistry Stanford University
- 1984 | Visiting Professor Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, Laboratoire de Mineralogie-Cristallographie, Paris, France
- 1983 | Visiting Faculty Fellow High Temperature Chemistry and Ceramics Division, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 1977 - 1986 | Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography Stanford University
- 1973 - 1977 | Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography Stanford University
- 1972 - 1973 | Scientific Collaborator Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- 1971 - 1973 | Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography Princeton University
- 1970 - 1971 | Postdoctoral Research Associate State University of New York, Stony Brook
Honors & Awards
- 2012 | Ian Campbell Medal, American Geosciences Institute (the highest award of the AGI "given in recognition of singular performance in and contribution to the profession of geology.")
- 2007 | Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors 2007 Outstanding Paper Award - “In recognition of the authors of a landmark environmental engineering paper that has withstood the test of time and significantly influenced the practice of environmental engineering”: shared with co-authors K.L. Hayes, A.L. Roe, K.O. Hodgson, J.O. Leckie, and G.A. Parks; the publication is Hayes et al. (1987) In-situ x-ray absorption study of surface complexes at oxide/water interfaces: selenium oxyanions on a-FeOOH. Science 238, 783-786).
- 2007 | Roebling Medal, Mineralogical Society of America
- 2007 | Patterson Medal, The Geochemical Society
- 2007 | Hawley Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, for best paper published in the Canadian Mineralogist in 2006 (shared with co-authors Francois Farges, Ralf Siewert, Carl W. Ponader, Michel Pichavant, and Harald Behrens)
- 2004 | Distinguished Lecturer: Distinguished Lecturer Series on Frontier Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Cornell University
- 2000 | Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 2000 | Mineralogical Society of America Best Paper Award for 1999 (shared with co-authors Guillaume Morin, Farid Juillot, John D. Ostergren, Phillippe Ildefonse, and Georges Calas)
- 2000 | Umbgrove Lecturer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- 1999 | Edison Lecturer, University of Notre Dame
- 1999 | Fellow, European Association of Geochemistry
- 1999 | Fellow, Geochemical Society
- 1997 | Fellow, Geological Society of America
- 1997 | Docteur Honoris Causa, Universite Paris VII
- 1994 - 1996 | Elected Vice President and President, Mineralogical Society of America
- 1992 | 24th Hallimond Lecturer of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- 1991 – Present | Dorrell William Kirby Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University
- 1984 | French Government Fellowship as Professor associe, Universit Paris VI-VII
- 1975 | Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America
- 1966 – 1969 | National Defense Education Act Graduate Fellow
- 1965 – 1966 | National Science Foundation Graduate Traineeship
University Service
- 2010-present | Member, Provost's Committee on Postdoctoral Students
- 2009 - 2010 | Member, Stanford Faculty Senate
- 2009 - Present | Affiliated Faculty, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
- 2008 - 2010 | Chair, University Committee to Examine the Non-academic Council Appointment Process (CENCAP)
- 2007 - 2008 | Member, SLAC Strategic Planning Committee, DOE Contract Competition
- 2007 - 2008 | Co-Chair, Task Force Team on Materials, Energy, Environment, and Techology, SLAC
- 2007 – Present | Member, School of Earth Sciences Council
- 2007 - 2008 | Member, Junior Faculty Search Committee, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University
- 2007 – Present | Member: SLAC Faculty Task Force
- 2007 – Present| Member: GES Graduate Admissions Committee
- 2006 - 2009 | Member, Search Committee, Senior Faculty Position in Molecular Theory, Photon Science Department, SLAC
- 2005 | Chair, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Director Search Committee
- 2004 – 2006 | Member, Search Committee, Junior Faculty Position in X-ray Imaging and Ultra-Fast Scattering, SSRL Faculty
- 2004 – 2005 | Member, Search Committee in Chemical Engineering for New Faculty Member in Heterogeneous Catalysis
- 2003 - 2004 | Chair, Core Disciplines Subcommittee, School of Earth Sciences
- 2003 - 2004 | Member, Grants Committee, Stanford Institute for the Environment
- 2002 - 2003 | Chair, Search Committee for Geomicrobiology Faculty Position
- 2000 - 2001 | Chair, GES Graduate Admissions Committee
- 2000 - 2003 | Member, University Committee on Land and Building Development
- 1999 | Member, Search Committee, Ion Microprobe Faculty Position
- 1999 – 2000 | Co-Chair, GES Research Infrastructure Committee
- 1998 | Member, Search Committee, Director of SLAC
- 1998 – 2001 | Chair, Search Committee for Two Senior Faculty Members at SSRL
- 1998 - 2007 | Chair, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Faculty, SLAC
- 1997 - 1998 | Chair, Search Committee, Director of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
- 1994 - 1998 | Chair, Search Committee for Soil/Environmental Geochemist
- 1978 - Present | Curator, Stanford Research Mineral Collection and Display
- 1978 - 1999 | Member, Executive Committee of the Center for Materials Research
Professional Activities
- 2012 | Invited Talk: “Probing Environmental Nanoparticles and Chemical Reactions at Solid-Water-Microbial Biofilm Interfaces with Synchrotron Light.” Synchrotron Soleil – French National Synchrotron Facility Seminar, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, May 2012.
- Co-Organizer (with Georges Calas, University of Paris 6, and Francois Guyot, University of Paris 7): Session in honor of MSA Medalist Dr. Karim Benzerara on “The Role of Mineralogy in Geobiology: Nanoscale Studies”, GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 2012.
- Organizer: Session on “Surface Adsorption and Reaction Processes of Nanomaterials Relevant to Environmental Science.” Division of Colloid and Surface Science, 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2012.
- 2011-Present | Member Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Subcommittee on Mesoscale Science & Engineering, Department of Energy
- 2011 - Present | Member, Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, Department of Energy
- Co-Organizer (with Georges Calas, Univerisity of Paris 6): Session on Actinides in the Environment, AGU Fall National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
- 2011 | Member, Organizing Committee, NSF Chemistry Workshop on "Nanomaterials and the Environment: The Role of Chemists", Arlington, VA, June 28-30, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker: Session on Chemical and Microbial Electron Transfer Processes at Mineral Surfaces, Goldschmidt 2011 Conference: “Element Attachment and Electron Transfer Reactions at Mineral-Water and Mineral-Microbe Interfaces”, Prague, The Czech Republic, August 2011.
- Invited Speaker: NSF Chemistry Workshop on Nanomaterials and the Environment: “Surface Adsorption and Reaction Processes Relevant to Environmental Science” and “Infrastructure and Human Resources Needs in Nano/Environmental Science: Computational Tools”, Arlington, VA, June 2011
- 2010 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Spectroscopic Investigations of Metal Interactions at Mineral/Water/Microbial Interfaces: “Spectroscopic Investigations of Metal Ion Interactions with Mineral Surfaces – What Have We Learned in the Last 30 Years?”, 239th American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2010.
- 2010 | Invited Speaker: Session on Biotic and Abiotic Transformations and Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials – Fundamental Environmental Aspects, Goldschmidt 2010 Conference: “Sulfidation of Silver Nanoparticles”, Knoxville, TN, June 2010.
- 2010 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Environmental Interfaces, 57th Annual American Vacuum Society Meeting: “Environmental Interfaces: Where the Vacuum, Cleanliness, and Size Gaps Must be Minimized”, Albuquerque, NM, October 2010.
- 2010 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology, PacifiChem Meeting: “Structure and Reactivity of Silver and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, Honolulu, HI, December 2010.
- 2009-2010 | Co-Chair, Science Theme Advisory Panel on Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry, and Subsurface Science, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- 2009 | Discussion Leader: Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Reactions at Surfaces, Session on “Environmental Surface Chemistry”, Ventura, CA, February 2009.
- 2009 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Metal and Metalloid Speciation and Adsorption: “Interaction of Zn(II) with Mineral Nano- and Microparticles, Bacterial Surfaces, and Biofilm-Coated Metal Oxides”, 237th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2009.
- 2009 | Co-Organizer (with Janet Hering, ETH): Session on “Mineral/Water Interface Chemistry: The Legacy of Stumm and Schindler and What We Have Learned Since,” 2009 | Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, June 2009.
- 2009 | Invited Speaker: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Seminar: “Mercury Pollution in California - From Subduction to Mercury in Tuna”, Washington University St. Louis, April 2009.
- 2009 | Invited Speaker: Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität: “Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Earth, Environmental, and Energy Sciences”, Munich, Germany, June 2009.
- 2009 | Co-Organizer and Invited Speaker (with Georges Calas, University of Paris 6): Symposium on Environmental Mineralogy, French Academy of Sciences, Institut de France: “Environmental Mineralogy – Molecular-level Perspectives”, Paris, France, September 2009.
- 2009 | Co-Organizer (with Abby Kavner, UCLA; Nancy Ross, Virginia Tech; Glenn Waychunas, LBNL): Mineralogical Society of America Symposium on “Frontiers in Mineral Sciences: Mineral/Melt Energetics, Mineral Surface Chemistry, Mineral Nanoscience, and High Pressure Mineralogy,” Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 2009.
- 2009 | Invited Speaker: Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology Annual Meeting: “Surface Science Studies of Iron Oxide and Silver Nanoparticles,” Washington, DC, September 2009.
- 2009 | Invited Speaker: San Jose State University Geology Club: “From Subduction to Mercury in Tuna: The Legacy of Mercury and Gold Mining in California”, San Jose, CA, November 2009.
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Louisiana State University Office of Research and Economic Development Workshop - Enabling Grand Challenge Science: The Light Source of the Future, “A Case for Environmental Science at the ‘Next Generation’ Light Source”, Baton Rouge, LA, January 2008
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: U.C. Berkeley Workshop on Imaging Complex Pore Structure of Cement: “ Synchrotron X-ray Spectromicroscopy Studies of Minerals and Biominerals in Complex, Multi-phase Samples”, Berkeley, CA, April 2008.
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Geochemistry Division Symposium on Advanced Approaches to Investigating Adsorption at the Solid-Water Interface: “Factors Controlling the Reactivity of Metal Oxide Surfaces”, American Chemical Society 235th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2008.
- 2008 – 2009 | Member, Proposal Review Panel, Geobiology and Low Temperature Geochemistry Program, Earth Sciences Division, National Science Foundation 2008 Keynote Speaker: Beveridge Symposium on the Interaction of Metal Ions with Bacteria: “Synchrotron X-ray Studies of Bacteria-Mineral-Metal Ion Interactions”, Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 2008.
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Stanford-Berkeley Summer School in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Physical Sciences: “Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Environmental Sciences”, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Stanford University, Stanford, CA, August 2008.
- 2008 | Member: External Review Committee, Geosciences, Environmental Sciences, and Planetary Sciences Programs, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Cross-Cutting Review of Environmental Science at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: “STXM Studies of Nanoscale Environmental and Geological Materials and Processes”, Berkeley, CA, October 2008.
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, U.C. Berkeley: “Shedding New Light on Environmental Chemistry and Environmental Microbiology: Synchrotron-Based Studies of Complex Environmental Processes”, Berkeley, CA, September 2008.
- 2008 | Invited Participant, DOE-BES Workshop on Solving Science and Energy Grand Challenges with Next Generation Photon Sources, Rockville, MD, October 2008.
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Institute Seminar, EAWAG, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology: “Mercury Pollution in California – From Subduction to Mercury in Tuna”, Dübendorf, Switzerland, November 2008
- 2008 | Invited Speaker: Department of Environmental Science Seminar: “Microbial and Chemical Interactions at Mineral Surfaces and Their Impact on Trace Element Cycling”, ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2008
- 2008 | Co-Organizer, Session on Nanoparticles in the Environment, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2008
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Glen T. Seaborg Institute for Transactinium Science Seminar Series, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: ìUranium Speciation in Contaminated Sediments: XAFS Studies of Model and Natural Systemsî, Berkeley, CA, January 2007
- 2007 | Keynote Speaker: Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium ñ Inorganic Oxide Surfaces, ìFactors Controlling the Reactivity of Metal Oxide Surfacesî, Sydney, Australia, February 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Workshop on Colloidal Ceramic Processing - The Role of Interfaces, University of Melbourne: ìReactivity of Hematite Nanoparticles in the Presence of Zn(II)aq and Shewanella oneidensisî, Melbourne, Australia, February 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Institut de MinÈralogie et de Physique des Milieux CondensÈs, University of Paris VI-VII: ìUranium Speciation in Contaminated Sediments: XAFS Studies of Model and Natural Systemsî, Paris, France, March 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: 1st ERA-Chemistry Flash Conference: ìFactors Controlling Chemical Reactivity at Metal Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfacesî, Autrans, France, March 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Department of Chemistry Seminar, University of Paris VI: ìFactors Controlling Chemical Reactivity at Metal Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfacesî, Paris, France, March 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: The FYSICUM, Stockholm University: Molecular Environmental Science-Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Environmental Problems at the Molecular Level, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2007.
- 2007 – 2008 | Member, Committee on Committees, Mineralogical Society of America 2007 | Keynote Speaker: Frontiers in Mineral Sciences 2007 Conference: Interaction of Organic Molecules and Microorganisms with Mineral Surfaces and Their Impact on Metal Ion Sorption Processes, Cambridge, U.K., June 2007.
- 2007 | Co-Organizer: SSRL Workshop on STXM and X-ray Nanoprobe Capabilities and Needs for Geological, Environmental, and Biological Sciences, Stanford University, July 2007.
- 2007 | Participant and Discussion Leader: 2007 EnviroSync DOE Workshop: Assessing Synchrotron Radiation Capabilities and Future Needs for Molecular Environmental Science and Low Temperature Geochemistry, Rockville, MD, July 2007.
- 2007 | Plenary Lecturer: 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction: Recent Advances in Surface, Interface, and Environmental Geochemistry, Kunming, China, August 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Speciation and Reactivity of Trace Elements in Natural Environments, Mercury Speciation in Mining Environments, Cologne, Germany, August 2007.
- 2007 | Plenary Lecturer: Goldschmidt Conference, Patterson Medal Lecture, A Geochemists View of the Environment from the Molecular Perspective, Cologne, Germany, August 2007.
- 2007 | Member, External Review Committee, Chemistry and Forensics Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: Hudnall Symposium in Memory of Prof. Joseph V. Smith, “Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Earth Materials”, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, October 2007.
- 2007 | Invited Speaker: The Future of X-ray Science – A symposium in honor or Prof. Joachim Stohr, Director of SSRL, on his 60th birthday, “Molecular Environmental and Interface Science - Applications of Synchrotron X-rays to Pollutants and Their Interactions at Environmental Interfaces”, SLAC, Stanford, CA, September 2007.
- 2007 | Third Roebling Medallist Lecturer: “Reminiscences of a Mineralogist Who Went Astray”, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 2007.
- 2007 |Invited Lecturer and Participant: DOE Workshop on Molecular Dynamics and Structure of Geofluids, Claremont Resort, Berkeley, CA
- 2007 – Present | Member, Science Advisory Board, Calera Corporation, Cupertino, CA
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: Department of Chemstry Seminar, Autonomous University of Barcelona, "Environmental Interfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Shedding New Light on Environmental Science at the Molecular Level", Barcelona, Spain, April 2006
- 2006 | Member, DOE Chemical Sciences Division Program Review Committee, Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, March 2006
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: Stanford-Berkeley Summer School in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Physical Sciences, ìInterfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Shedding New Light on Environmental Science at the Molecular Levelî, U.C. Berkeley, June 2006
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: Energy Recovery Linac Workshop on Frontier Applications of X-ray Science in Biology, ìApplications of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Microbial Biomineralizationî, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 2006.
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: Workshop on the Development of New User Research Capabilities in Environmental Molecular Science: ìStanford EMSI ñ Current and Future Research Effortsî, W.R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, August 2006.
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: Stanford Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Seminar Series in Earth Sciences: ìMercury in the Environmentî, Stanford University, July 2006.
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: NSF Workshop on Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences, ìStanford Environmental Molecular Science Institute Overviewî, Stanford University, July 2006.
- 2006 | Invited Speaker: 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry Symposium on Environmental Interfaces, ìSoft X-ray Spectroscopy Studies of Environmental Interfacesî, San Francisco, CA, September 2006.
- 2006 | Keynote Speaker: Annual Meeting of the Center for Environmental Molecular Science, Stony Brook University: ìChemical and Microbial Processes at Environmental Interfaces ñ From Molecular to Field Scalesî, Stony Brook, NY, November 2006. 2005 Invited Speaker: Department of Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series, Stanford University, ìX-ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy Studies of Chemical and Biological Processes at Environmental Interfacesî, Stanford, CA, January 2005
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Chemistry Department Seminar Series, U.C. Irvine, ìChemical and Biological Processes at Environmental Interfaces ñ A Reductionist Approach Using Synchrotron Radiation Methodsî, Irvine, CA, February 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Los Alamos National Lab Workshop on Addressing National Security Needs at DOE User Laboratories - Determining Structure-Function Relationships in Security-Relevant Materials, (1) ìMolecular Environmental Science: An Example of Applied Science at the User Facilitiesî; (2) ìResearch Opportunities at SSRL Relevant to National Securityî, Los Alamos, NM, February 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Robinson Environmental Theme Dormitory Seminar Series, Stanford University, ìExploring Environmental Science Issues at the Molecular Levelî, Stanford, CA, March 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Applications of Physical Chemistry to Environmental and Biogeochemical Research, 229th American Chemical Society National Meeting, ìThe Role of Organic Molecules and Microbial Organisms in Metal Ion Sorption Processesî, San Diego, CA, March 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Environmental Interfaces, American Physical Society March Meeting, ìChemical Reactivity at Metal Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfacesî, Los Angeles, CA, March 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Bancroft Symposium, 88th Canadian Chemistry Conference, ìSynchrotron Radiation Studies of Environmental Interfacesî, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Stanford-Berkeley Summer School in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Physical Sciences, ìInterfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Shedding New Light on Environmental Science at the Molecular Levelî, SLAC, June 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: DOE Review and Site Visit of SSRL, ìMolecular Environmental and Interface Science Research at SSRLî, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA, January 2005
- 2005 – Present | Member, Science Advisory Council, Sincrotrone Trieste, ELETTRA, Trieste, Italy
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Environmental Mineralogy Seminar ñ Studies at the Molecular Level, ìMolecular-Level Studies of Chemical and Biological Interactions at Iron and Aluminum Oxide Surfacesî, Universite de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, October 2005.
- 2005 | Plenary Speaker: Synchrotron Environmental Science III, ìSynchrotron Environmental Science: What Have We Accomplished and What Lies Ahead?î, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, September, 2005.
- 2005 | Plenary Speaker: Workshop on In-Situ Characterization of Surface and Interface Structures and Processes, Argonne National Laboratory, ìSynchrotron-Based Studies of Environmental Surfaces, Interfaces, and Reactionsî, Argonne, IL, September 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Symposium on Research, Education, and Outreach in the NSF Environmental Molecular Science Institutes, 230th American Chemical Society Meeting, ìResearch Overview of the Stanford EMSIî, Washington, DC, August 2005.
- 2005 | Invited Speaker: Stanford-Berkeley Summer School in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Physical Sciences, ìInterfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Shedding New Light on Environmental Science at the Molecular Levelî, SLAC, June 2005.
- 2005 - 2006 | Member, International Program Committee, XAFS13, 13th International Meeting on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy, Stanford, CA
- 2005 – 2006 | Member, Local Organizing Committee, XAFS 13
- 2004 | Invited Lectures: Invited Speaker: Environmental Protection Agency STAR Mercury Program Final Review, ìProcesses Controlling the Chemical/Isotopic speciation and Distribution of Mercury from Contaminated Mine Wastesî, Washington, DC, November 2003; Invited Speaker: Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation as a Frontier Multidisciplinary Scientific Tool, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, ìShedding New Light on Environmental Problems: Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Environmental Science at the Molecular Levelî, Seattle, WA, February 2004; Keynote Speaker: 7th Annual Environmental Chemistry Symposium, Pennsylvania State University Center for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry, ìFrom Subduction to Mercury in Tuna: Hg Mining and Contamination in the California Coast Range, USAî and ìEnvironmental Interfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Environmental Science at the Molecular Levelî, University Park, PA, March 2004; Co-Convener: Symposium on ìHeterogeneous Interfacial Phenomena: Linking atomistic and macroscopic propertiesî, 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 2004; Invited Speaker: Session on Nanogeosciences: Nanoparticle Geochemistry in Water and Air, Nanotechnology and the Environment Symposium, 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, ìNanomaterials in Mining Environmentsî, Anaheim, CA, March 2004; Keynote Speaker: 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction: ìSynchrotron-based Studies of Microbe-Metal Ion-Mineral Interactionsî, Saratoga Springs, NY, June 2004; Invited Speaker: Gordon Research Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, ìStructure and Reactivity of Metal Oxide Surfaces under Environmental Conditionsî, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, July 2004.
- 2004 | Member, Visiting Committee, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Geophysical Laboratory
- 2004 - 2005 | Chair, Committee of Visitors, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Department of Eneregy
- 2004 – Present| Member, Science Advisory Committee, Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- 2003 | Invited Lectures : Invited Speaker: Mesilla Chemistry Workshop on Environmental Chemistry at Interfaces: Advances through Molecular-Level Insight: ìApproaching the Complexity of Natural Environmental Interfaces: Spectroscopic Studies of Aqueous Metal and Metalloid Reactions with Biofilm-Coated Metal Oxidesî, Mesilla, NM, February 2003; Invited Speaker: DOE Geosciences Program Principal Investigator Symposium on Surficial Geochemical Processes: ìSorption Reactions at Mineral-Water Interfaces: X-ray Spectroscopy/Scattering Studies of Sorption Complex Geometries, Surface Structure, and Reactivity, Effects of Organic and Inorganic Ligands, and Complex Natural Samplesî, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, March 2003; Plenary Science Lecture: American Chemical Society 225th National Meeting, Symposium on Synchrotron-Based Analytical Techniques for Nuclear and Environmental Sciences: ìOverview of Applications of Synchrotron-Based Techniques in Environmental and Nuclear Scienceî, New Orleans, LA, March 2003; Invited Speaker: Berkeley-Stanford Summer School on Synchrotron Radiation and Its Applications: ìApplications of Synchrotron Radiation in Environmental Scienceî, Berkeley, CA, June 2003; Plenary Lecturer: XAFS12 ñ 12th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: ìEnvironmental Interfaces, Heavy Metals, Microbes, and Plants: Applications of XAFS Spectroscopy and Related Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Environmental Scienceî, Malmˆ, Sweden, June 2003; Invited Speaker: University of Paris VI-VII: ìFrom Subduction to Mercury in Tuna: Hg Mining and Contamination in the California Coast Range, USAî, Paris, France, June 2003; Invited Speaker: Department of Geology and Geophysics Seminar Series, Yale University, ìFrom Subduction to Mercury in Tuna: Hg Mining and Contamination in the California Coast Range, USAî, New Haven, CN, November 2003
- 2003 | Member (and Chair of X-ray and Neutron Science Subcommittee): Committee of Visitors, Materials Science and Engineering Division, Basic Energy Sciences, Department of Energy
- 2003 – Present | Member, Science Advisory Committee, Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- 2002 | Invited Lectures: Invited Speaker: Spectroscopic Characterization of Speciation and Chemistry on Mineral Surfaces, Symposium on Chemistry and the Environment in the 21st Century - Session on Environmental Chemistry at Interfaces, 223rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, April 2002; Invited Speaker: Spectroscopic Characterization of Speciation and Chemistry on Mineral Surfaces, Symposium on Chemistry and the Environment in the 21st Century - Session on Environmental Chemistry at Interfaces, 223rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, April 2002; Invited Lecture: Berkeley-Stanford Summer School on Synchrotron Radiation and Its Applications: Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Environmental Science, Stanford, CA, July 2002; Invited Lecture: Mineralogical Society of America-Geochemical Society Short Course on Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Low Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Science: Overview of Applications to Low Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Science, Monterey, CA, December 2002; Invited Speaker: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Union Session on National Facilities in the Earth Sciences:Overview of Applications to Low Temperature Geochemistry and Environmental Science, San Francisco, CA, December 2002.
- 2002 | Panel Member: Chemistry Division, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research in Chemistry Panel
- 2002 | Member: NSF Advisory Committee on Government Performance and Assessment (GPRA) Performance Assessment
- 2002 | Invited Participant: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Workshop on Environmental Chemistry, Irvine, CA (Nov. 2002)
- 2001 | Member, External Review Committee, Columbia University NSF-DOE-Environmental Molecular Sciences Institute
- 2001 | Invited Lectures: Invited Speaker: Second International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces, Taos, NM; Plenary Lecture: UK Natural Environment Research Council Workshop on Unlocking the Potential of DIAMOND and SOLIEL for Environmental Sciences, Strasbourg, France; Keynote Speaker: Session on Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry The Molecular Environmental Science Perspective, European Union of Geosciences Meeting, Strasbourg, France; Invited Speaker: Workshop on the Fate, Transport, and Transformation of Mercury in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments, West Palm Beach, FL; Invited Speaker: Session on Advances in the Development and Application for In Situ Techniques for the Investigation of Geochemical Systems, Goldschmidt Conference, The Homestead, Hot Springs, VA; Invited Lecture: Berkeley-Stanford Summer School on Synchrotron Radiation and Its Applications, Berkeley, CA; Invited Lecture: Symposium on Establishing a National Synchrotron Light Research Facility in Israel, SLAC, Stanford University; Plenary Lecture: Workshop on Molecular Environmental Science and Soft X-ray Sources, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; Invited Lecture, Departmental Seminar Series, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2000 | Invited Lectures: Invited Speaker: University of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Light Source, Invited Speaker: DOE Workshop on Soft X-Ray Science in the Next Millennium, Pikeville, TN; Plenary Lecturer: Users Meeting, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL; Invited Speaker: Advanced Light Source Division Seminars, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; Plenary Lecturer: 2nd Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Grenoble, France; Invited Speaker: SLAC High Energy Physics Symposium, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA; Umbgrove Lecturer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Invited Speaker: Environmental Science, Engineering, and Policy in the 21st Century Distinguished Lecture Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- 2000 | Member, Advisory Board, NSF EPSCoR Interface Science Center, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- 2000 | Participant, American Academy of Microbiology Workshop on Geobiology, Tuscon, AZ
- 1999 | 1999 Invited Lectures: Invited Lecture: DOE-BES Geosciences Research Symposium VI: Interfacial Processes, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA; Plenary Lecture: NRCan Light Source Synchrotron Workshop, Ottawa, Canada; Keynote Speaker: ACS Symposium on Interfacial and Colloidal Phenomena in Aquatic Environments, Environmental Chemistry Division, 217th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA; Edison Lecturer: Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN; Invited Lecture: Corning Science Fellows Conference, Corning, NY; Invited Lecture: Mineralogy at the Millenium Symposium, Carnegie Institution of Washington - Geophysical Laboratory; Keynote Speaker: Synchrotron Environmental Science Conference, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL; Invited Lecture: New Opportunities in Molecular Environmental Science, Science Policy Committee Meeting, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Invited Speaker: NSF/DOE Chemistry Workshop on Molecular Energy and Environmental Science, Chicago, IL; Invited Speaker: NSF Earth Sciences Workshop on Mineral and Rock Physics and Earth Materials, Scottsdale, AZ; Invited Lecture: 6th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-6), Vancouver, B.C., Canada; Plenary Lecture: ACS Symposium on First Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program, Nuclear Chemistry Division, 218th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA; Keynote Speaker: Chemistry on Oxides Session, 46th American Vacuum Society International Symposium, Seattle, WA; Invited Speaker: Krauskopf Symposium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; Invited Speaker: Gibbs Symposium, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- 1999 - 2002 | Member, MSA Distinguished Public Serve Award Committee (Chair, 2002)
- 1999 – 2001 | Member: Facility Advisory Committee, Canadian Light Source
- 1999 | Participant: NSF/DOE Chemistry Workshop on Energy and Environmental Science
- 1999 | Participant: NSF Earth Sciences Workshop on Mineral and Rock Physics and Earth Materials
- 1998 | Participant, Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Workshop, Washington, DC
- 1998 | Participant and Invited Speaker, National Academy of Sciences Colloquium on Geology, Mineralogy, and Human Welfare, Irvine, CA
- 1998 - 2001 | Member, AGU Mineral and Rock Physics National Committee
- 1998 – 2004 | Co-Chair, EnviroSync, A National Organization of Environmental Science Users of U.S. Synchrotron Radiation Sources
- 1998 | Chair, Environmental Science/Geosciences Working Group, DOE-BES Workshop on Building a Scientific Case for the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
- 1998 – 1999 | Visiting Professor, Universite Paris VII
- 1998 | Co-Convener: Symposium on Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Mineralogy, 17th International Mineralogical Association Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 1998 | Invited Lectures: Keynote Address: Canadian Synchrotron Institute Workshop on Opportunities for Synchrotron Light in Mining, Natural Resources, and the Environment, Vancouver, B.C., Canada; Invited Lecture: Nanostructures, Energy, and Technology Seminar, U.C. Davis, Davis, CA; Invited Lecture: San Francisco Gem and Mineral Society; Invited Lecture: DOE-BES Workshop on Building a Scientific Case for the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; Invited Lecture: Environmental Science Colloquium, Dept. of Physics, U.C. Riverside, Riverside, CA; Invited Lecture: Interface Science Seminar, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hanford, WA; Plenary Lecture: Environmental Management Science Program Review, Chicago, IL; Invited Lecture: Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting Workshop on Environmental and Geosciences, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL; Invited Lecture: National Academy of Sciences Colloquium on Geology, Mineralogy, and Human Welfare, Irvine, CA
- 1997 Member, Visiting Committee, Department of Geology, Arizona State University
- 1997 - 2000 | Member, Users Advisory Committee, Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- 1997 – 1998 | Member, Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Panel on Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Science
- 1997 | Co-Convener: DOE Workshop on Chemical Interactions at Metal Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfaces, Santa Fe, NM
- 1997 | Participant, DOE Earth Sciences Council Workshop on Scaling in Geological Processes
- 1997 | Co-Convener: Symposium on Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 1997 | Member, International Organizing Committee, 10th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
- 1997 - 2002 | Member, Environmental Research Division Review Committee, Argonne National Laboratory
- 1997 - 2001 | Member, Science Advisory Committee, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1997 Organizer, DOE-Chemical Sciences Workshop on Molecular Environmental Science and Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
- 1996 - 2000 | Member, Visiting Committee, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington
- 1996 - 2001 | Member, U.S. Department of Energy, Council on Chemical Sciences
- 1996 - 1999 | Co-Chair, DOE Council on Chemical Sciences Workshop on Chemical Interactions at Metal Oxide-Aqueous Solution Interfaces.
- 1995 - 2003 | Co-Editor, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
- 1994 - 1998 | Co-Chair, Beam Line 11 Technical Planning Group, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
- 1994 - 1997 | Chair, U.S. Department of Energy, Chemical Sciences Division, Initiative in Molecular Environmental Science
- 1993 - 2000 | Member, Visiting Committee, Department of Geological & Geophysical Sciences, Princeton University
- 1993 - 1999 | Member and Co-organizer, Interdisciplinary Research Group on the Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Surfaces, Stanford Center for Materials Research
- 1992 - Present | Head, Environmental Sciences Section, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Research Department
- 1990 – Present | Member, Steering Committee, GeoSoilEnviro CARS, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
- 1988 - 2008 | Member, Board of Governors, Gemological Institute of America
- 1988 - 2003 | Member (Chair, 1990-1992, 1999-2002), External Review Committee, Chemical Science and Technology Division (now Chemistry Division), Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 1984 – 2008 | Chair, Research Advisory Committee, Gemological Institute of America
Courses Taught
- 2012 (Spring) | GES 261 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Mineral Surfaces [Enrolled 8]
- 2012 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2012 (Spring) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2012 (Winter) | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 6]
- 2012 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2012 (Winter) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2011 (Fall) | GES 102 Introduction to Mineralogy (w/ Mao) [Enrolled 6]
- 2011 (Fall) | GES 10L Introduction to Mineralogy Lab (w/ Mao) [Enrolled 5]
- 2011 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2011 (Fall) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2011 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2011 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2011 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2011 (Winter) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2011 (Winter) | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 6]
- 2010 (Fall ) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 6]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 261 Phy & Chem of Minerals [Enrolled 8]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Summer) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Spring ) |GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Summer) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 102 Earth Materials (w/ Mahood) [Enrolled 11]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 8]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 102 Earth Materials (w/ Mahood) [Enrolled 10]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 6]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2008 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 261 Phy & Chem of Minerals [Enrolled 3]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Winter) | 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Winter) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | 299 Field Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | -- On Sabbatical Leave
- 2007 (Fall) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4 ]
- 2007 (Winter) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Winter) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Summer) | 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Summer) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Spring) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Spring) | 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Spring) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Spring) | 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 399 Adv Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Summer) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Summer) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 399 Adv Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Winter) | 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 6]
- 2006 (Winter) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Spring) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2006 (Spring) | 261 Phy & Chem of Minerals [Enrolled 4]
- 2006 (Fall) | 102 Earth Materials (cotaught with Chris Mattinson) [Enrolled 14]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 | GES 80 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 16]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2005 (Winter) |GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 | GES 170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 8]
- 2005 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Fall) | 399 Advanced Projects[Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Summer) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Spring) | 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 399 Adv Projects [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Spring) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 2]
- 2005 (Winter) | 399 Advanced Projects [Enrolled 2]
- 2004 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 7]
- 2004 (Winter) | GES802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2004 (Winter) | GES400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2004 | GES261 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Mineral Surfaces, and Melts [Enrolled 8]
- 2004 | GES 261 Phy & Chem of Minerals [Enrolled 6]
- 2004 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2004 (Spring) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 2]
- 2004 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2004 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 3]
- 2004 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2003 (Winter) | GES400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 6]
- 2003 (Winter) | GES801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2003 | GES80 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 14]
- 2003 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 9]
- 2003 (Spring) | GES801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2003 (Spring) | GES400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 6]
- 2003 | GES51Q Geology and Human Health [Enrolled 8]
- 2003 (Fall) | GES400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 5]
- 2003 (Fall) | GES802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2003 (Summer) | GES400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 6]
- 2003 (Summer) | GES802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2002 | GES080 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 27]
- 2002 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 10]
- 2002 | GES422 Research in Biogeochemistry [Enrolled 1]
- 2002 | GES460 Research in Low Temperature Aqueous Geochemistry [Enrolled 5]
- 2002 | GES469 Research in Geochemistry [Enrolled 18]
- 2002 | GES802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 7]
- 2002 | GES261 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Mineral Surfaces [Enrolled 22]
- 2002 | GES801 TGR Project [Enrolled 3]
- 2000 | GES469 Research in Geochemistry [Enrolled 16]
- 2000 | GES080 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 14]
- 2000 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 5]
- 2000 | GES261 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Mineral Surfaces [Enrolled 5]
- 2000 | GES460 Research in Low Temperature Aqueous Geochemistry [Enrolled 5]
- 1999 | GES080 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 15]
- 1999 | GES422 Research in Biogeochemistry [Enrolled 1]
- 1999 | GES460 Research in Aqueous Geochemistry [Enrolled 4]
- 1999 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 12]
- 1999 | GES469 Research in Geochemistry [Enrolled 17]
- 1998 | GES080 Earth Materials (w/ Liou) [Enrolled 12]
- 1998 | GES469 Research in Geochemistry [Enrolled 18]
- 1998 | GES460 Research in Aqueous Geochemistry [Enrolled 1]
- 1998 | GES361 Chemical speciation [Enrolled 4]
- 1998 | GES261 Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Mineral Surfaces [Enrolled 7]
- 1998 | GES170 Environmental Geochemistry [Enrolled 10]
- 1998 | GES369 Problems in Geochemistry [Enrolled 1]
- 2012 * | Kim, B., Levard, C., Murayama, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Hochella, Jr., M.F., Analytical electron microscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy analyses of sphalerite (ZnS) nanocrystals in final sewage sludge products: Implications for Zn solubility in sewage sludge-amended soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. (submitted).
- 2012 * | Cismasu, A.C., Michel, F.M., Tcaciuc, A.P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Properties of impurity-bearing ferrihydrite II. Effects of Si on the structure of 2-line ferrihydrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (submitted).
- 2012 * | Kendelewicz, T., Kaya, S., Newberg, J.E., Bluhm, H., Mulakluri, N., Mortitz, W., Scheffler, M., Nilsson, A., Pentcheva, R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Photoemission and DFT study of the reaction of water vapor with the Fe3O4 (100) surface at near-ambient conditions. J. Phys. Chem. C (submitted).
- 2012 * | Kaya, S., Yamamoto, S., Newberg, J.T., Bluhm, H., Ogasawara, H., Kendelewicz, T., Brown, Jr., G. E., Pettersson, L. G. M., and Nilsson, A., High density liquid-like structure in thin water films on BaF2(111) under ambient conditions. (submitted).
- 2012 * | Levard, C. M., Hotze, M., Lowry, G. V., and Brown, Jr., G. E., Environmental transformations of silver nanoparticles: Impact on stability and toxicity. Environ. Sci. Technol. (in press).
- 2012 * | Priadi, C., Morin, G., Ayrault, S., Maillot, F., Juillot, F., Alliot, I., Testemale, D., Proux, O., Bonté, P., and Brown, Jr., G. E., EXAFS and SEM evidence for zinc sulfide solid phases in riverine suspended matter from the Seine River, France. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 3712-3720.
- 2012 * | Couradeau, E., Benzerara, K., Gerard, E., Moreira, D., Bernard, S., Brown, Jr., G. E., and Lopez-Garcia, P., An early-branching microbialite cyanobacterium forms intracellular carbonates. Science 336, 459-462.
- 2012 * | Galves, M. E., Beyssac, O., Benzerara, K., Bernard, S., Menguy, N., Cox, S. C., Martinez, I., Johnston, M. R., and Brown, Jr., G. E., Morphological preservation of plant fossils in blueschist metamorphic rocks from New Zealand. Geobiology 10, 118-129.
- 2012 * | Reinsch, B. C., Levard, C. M., Li, Z., Ma, R., Wise, A., Gregory, K.B., Brown, Jr., G. E., and Lowry, G.V., Sulfidation decreases silver nanoparticle growth inhibition effect for Escherichia coli. Environ. Sci. Technol. (in press).
- 2012 * | Cismasu, A. C., Michel, F. M., Levard, C. M., Tylisczcak, T., Stebbins, J. F., and Brown, Jr., G. E., Properties of impurity-bearing ferrihydrites I. Effects of Al content and synthesis methods on Al speciation and ferrihydrite structure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (in press).
- 2012 * | Ma, R., Levard, C. M., Marinakos, S., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Michel, F.M., Brown, Jr., G. E., and Lowry, G. V., Size-controlled dissolution of organic-coated silver nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 752-759.
- 2012 * | Harrington, R., Hausner, D. B., Xu, W., Bhandari, N., Michel, F. M., Brown, Jr., G. E., Strongin, D. R., and Parise, J. B., Neutron pair distribution function study of two-line ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 9883-9890.
- 2011 | Grassian, V., Hamers, R., Brown, Jr., G.E., Fairbrother, H., Johnston, M., and Penn, R.L., Nanomaterials and the Environment: The Chemistry and Materials Perspective. Workshop Report, NSF-Chemistry Workshop on Nanomaterials and the Environment: The Chemistry and Materials Perspective, Arlington, VA, June 2011.
- 2011 * | Levard, C. M., Michel, F. M., Wang, Y., Choi, Y., Eng, P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Probing Ag nanoparticle behavior in contact with (in)organic phases: An x-ray scattering and fluorescence yield approach. J. Synchrotron Rad. 18(6), 871-878.
- 2011 * | Wang, Y., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Distinctive arsenic(V) trapping modes by magnetite nanoparticles induced by different sorption processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 7258-7266.
- 2011 * | Benzerara, K., Menguy, N., Obst, M., Stolarski, J., Mazur, M., Tylisczak, T., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Meibom, A., Study of the crystallographic architecture of corals at the nanoscale by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and tranmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 111, 1268-1275.
- 2011 * | Juillot, F., Maréchal, C., Morin, G., Jouvin, D., Cacaly, S., Telouk, P., Benedetti, M.F., Ildefonse, P., Sutton, S., Guyot, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Evidence for contrasted isotopic signatures between anthropogenic and natural Zn in smelter-impacted soils from Northern France. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75 2295-2308.
- 2011 * | Hohmann, C., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Guigner, J-M., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Kappler, A., Molecular-level modes of As binding to iron (oxy)hydroxides precipitated by the anaerobic nitrate-reducing iron(II)-oxidizer Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75, 4699-4712.
- 2011 * | Levard, C. M., Reinisch, B., Michel, F. M., Oumahi, C., Lowry, G. V., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Sulfidation of silver nanoparticles in aqueous solution: Impact on dissolution rate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (12), 5260-5266.
- 2011 * | Newberg, J. T., Starr, D. E., Posgaard, S., Yamamoto, S., Kaya, S., Kendelewicz, T., Mysak, E., Salmeron, M. B., Nilsson, A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Bluhm, H., Water reaction with MgO(100) probed by ambient pressure XPS. J. Phys. Chem. C. 115 (26), 12864-12872.
- 2011 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Calas, G., Environmental mineralogy – Understanding element behavior in ecosystems. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 343, 90-112.
- 2011 * | Cismasu, A.C., Michel, F.M., Tcaciuc, A.P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Composition and structural aspects of naturally occurring ferrihydrite. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 343, 210-218.
- 2011 * | Aboud, S., Wilcox, J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Density functional theory investigation of the interaction of water with α-Al2O3 and α-Fe2O3 (1-102) surfaces: Implications for surface reactivity. Phys. Rev. B 83(12), 125407(1-16).
- 2011 * | Newberg, J.T., Starr, D.E., Yamamoto, S., Kaya, S., Kendelewicz, T., Mysak, E.R., Posgaard, S., Salmeron, M.B., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nilsson, A., and Bluhm, H., Formation of hydroxyl and water layers on MgO films studied with ambient pressure XPS. Surf. Sci. 605, 89-94.
- 2011 * | Jew, A.D., Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., Gustin, M.S., and Brown, Jr., G.E., A new technique for quantification of elemental Hg in mine wastes and its implications for mercury evasion into the atmosphere. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 412-417.
- 2010 * | Ha, J., Gélabert, A., Spormann, A.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Role of extracellular polymeric substances in metal complexation on Shewanella oneidensis: Batch uptake, thermodynamic modeling, ATR-FTIR, and EXAFS study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74(1), 1-15.
- 2010 * | Bernard, S., Benzerara, K., O. Beyssac, O., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Multiscale characterization of pyritized plant tissues in high-grade metamorphic rocks. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, 5054-5068.
- 2010 * | Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Gautier, Q., Kazmierczak, J., Stolarski, J., Lopez-Garcia, P., Menguy, N., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Nanotextures of aragonite in stromatolites from the quasi-marine Satonda crater lake, Indonesia. In: Tufas and Speleothems: Unraveling the Microbial and Physical Controls (Pedley, H.M. and Rogerson, M., eds.), Geological Society of London Special Publications 336, 211-224.
- 2010 * | Wang, Y., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Guyot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Extended x-ray absorption fine structure analysis of arsenite and arsenate adsorption on green rust. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44(1), 109-115.
- 2010 * | Yamamoto, S., Kendelewicz, T., Newberg, J.T., Ketteler, G., Starr, D.E., Mysak, E.R., Andersson, K., Ogasawara, H., Bluhm, H., Salmeron, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nilsson, A., Water adsorption on α-Fe2O3(0001) at near ambient conditions. J. Phys. Chem. C. 114, 2256-2266.
- 2010 * | Michel, F.M., Barrón, V., Torrent, J., Morales, M.P., Serna, C.J., Boily, J-F., Liu, Q.S., Ambrosini, A., Cismasu, C.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Ordered ferrimagnetic form of ferrihydrite reveals links among structure, composition, and magnetism. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107(7), 2787-2792.
- 2010 * | Ona-Nguema, G., Morin, G., Foster, A.L., Juillot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XANES evidence for rapid As(III) oxidation at magnetite and ferrihydrite surfaces by dissolved O2- via Fe2+-mediated reactions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44 (14), 5416-5422.
- 2010 * | Bernard, S., Beyssac, O., Benzerara, K., Findling, N., Tzvetkov, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XANES, Raman, and XRD study of anthracene-based cokes and saccharose-based chars submitted to high temperature pyrolysis. Carbon 48, 2506-2516.
- 2009 * | Chalmin, E., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., A pre-edge analysis of Mn K-edge XANES spectra to help determine the speciation of manganese in minerals and glasses. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 157(1), 111-126.
- 2009 * | Bernard, S., Benzerara, K., Beyssac, O., Brown, Jr., G.E., Grauvogel Stamm, L., and Duringer, P., Ultrastructural and chemical study of modern and fossil sporoderms by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM). Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 156, 248-261.
- 2009 * | Singer, D.M., Zachara, J.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Uranium speciation as a function of depth in contaminated Hanford Sediments – A micro-XRF, micro-XAFS, and micro- and bulk XRD study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(3) 630-636.
- 2009 * | Ha, J., Trainor, T.P., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Interaction of Zn(II) with hematite nanoparticles and microparticles: Part 1. EXAFS spectroscopy study of Zn(II) adsorption and precipitation. Langmuir 25(10), 5574-5585.
- 2009 * | Ha, J., Trainor, T.P., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Interaction of Zn(II) with hematite nanoparticles and microparticles: Part 2. ATR-FTIR and EXAFS spectroscopy study of the Zn(II)-oxalate-hematite ternary system. Langmuir 25(10), 5586-5593.
- 2009 * | Kelsey, K.E., Stebbins, J.F., Singer, D.M., Brown, Jr., G.E., Mosenfelder, J.L., and Asimow, P.D., Cation field strength effects on high pressure aluminosilicate glass structure: Multinuclear NMR and La XAFS results. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 3914-3933.
- 2009 * | Singer, D.M., Maher, K., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Uranyl-chlorite sorption/desorption: Evaluation of different sequestration processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 5989-6007.
- 2009 * | Singer, D.M., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Biogenic nanoparticulate UO2: Synthesis, characterization, and factors affecting surface reactivity. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 3593-3611.
- 2009 * | Miot, J., Morin, G., Skouri-Panet, F., Ferard, C., Poitevin, A., Aubry, E., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Guyot, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Speciation of arsenic in Euglena gracillis cells exposed to As(V). Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(9), 3315-3321.
- 2009 * | Ona-Nguema, G., Morin, G., Wang, Y., Menguy, N., Juillot, F., Olivi, L., Aquilanti, G., Abdelmoula, M., Ruby, C., Bargar, J.R., Guyot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Arsenic sequestration at the surface of nano-Fe(OH)2, ferrous carbonate hydroxide, and green rust after bioreduction of arsenic-sorbed lepidocrocite by Shewanella oneidensis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73(5), 1359-1381.
- 2009 * | Miot, J., Benzerara, K., Morin, G., Kappler, A., Bernard, S., Obst, M., Férard, C., Skouri-Panet, F., Guigner, J-M., Posth, N., Galvez, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Guyot, F., Iron biomineralization by neutrophillic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73(3) 696-711.
- 2009 * | Fandeur, D., Juillot, F., Morin, G., Olivi, L., Cognigni, A., Webb, S., Ambrosi, J-P., Fritsch, E., Guyot, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XANES evidence for oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) by Mn-oxides in a lateritic regolith developed on serpentinized ultramafic rocks on New Caledonia. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(19), 7384-7390.
- 2009 * | Morin, G., Wang, Y., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Calas, G., Menguy, N., Aubry, E., Bargar, J.R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS and HRTEM evidence for surface precipitation of arsenic(III) on nanocrystalline magnetite: Implications for As sequestration. Langmuir 25(16), 9119-9128.
- 2009 * | Yoon, J., Ha, J., Hwang, J., Hwang, B-H., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Study of iodide adsorption on organobentonite using x-ray absorption spectroscopy. J. Mineral. Soc. Korea 22(1), 23-34.
- 2009 * | Lepot, K., Benzerara, K., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Philippot, P., Organic matter heterogeneities in 2.72 Ga stromatolites: Alteration versus preservation by sulfur incorporation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 6579-6599.
- 2008 * | Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Wang, Y., Menguy, N., Juillot, F., Proux, O., Guyot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS analysis of arsenite and arsenate adsorption on maghemite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 2361-2366.
- 2008 * | Wang, Y., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Menguy, N., Juillot, F., Aubry, E., Guyot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Arsenite adsorption at the magnetite-water interface during aqueous precipitation of magnetite: EXAFS evidence for a new arsenite surface compolex. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 2573-2586.
- 2008 * | Lepot, K., Benzerara, K., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Philipot, P., Microbially influenced formation of 2,724-million-year-old stromatolites. Nature Geosciences 1, 118-121.
- 2008 * | Cancès, B., Juillot, F., Morin, G., Laperche, V., D. Polya, D., Vaughan, D.J., Hazemann, J-L., Proux, O., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Calas, G., Change in arsenic speciation through a contaminated soil profile: an XAS based study. Sci. Total Environ. 397, 178-189.
- 2008 * | Miot, J., Morin, G., Skouri-Panet, F., Ferard, C., Aubry, E., Briand, J., Wang, Y., Ona-Nguema, G., Guyot, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAS study of arsenic coordination in Euglena gracilis exposed to arsenite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 5342-5347.
- 2008 * | Ha, J., Yoon, T.H., Wang, Y., Musgrave, C.B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., ATR-FTIR and quantum chemical study of the interaction of lactate with hematite nanoparticles. Langmuir 24, 6683-6692.
- 2008 * | Benzerara, K., Morin, G., TYoon, T. H., Miot, J., Tyliszczak, T., Casiot, C., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Nanoscale study of As transformations by bacteria in an acid mine drainage system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72(16), 3949-3963.
- 2008 | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., DeBeer-George, S., and Ohldag, H., SSRL Workshop on STXM and X-ray Nanoprobe Capabilities and Needs in the Environmental, Geological, and Biomedical Sciences. Synchrotron Radiation News 21(2), 22-24.
- 2008 * | Singer, D.M., Johnson, S.B., Catalano, J.G., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Sequestration of Sr(II) by calcium oxalate – A batch uptake study and EXAFS analysis of model compounds and reaction products. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 5055-5069.
- 2007 * | Slowey, A.J. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Transformations of mercury, iron, and sulfur during the reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxide by sulfide. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(4), 877-894.
- 2007 * | Slowey, A.J., Johnson, S.B., Newville, M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Speciation and colloid transport of arsenic from mine tailings. Appl. Geochem. 22, 1884-1898.
- 2007 * | Tanwar, K.S., Lo, C.S., Eng, P.J., Catalano, J.G., Walko, D., Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Chaka, A.M., and Trainor, T.P., Surface diffraction study of the hydrated hematite (1-102) surface. Surf. Sci. 601, 460-474.
- 2007 * | Bernard, S., Benzerara, K., Beyssac, O., Menguy, N., Guyot, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Goffe, B., Exceptional preservation of fossil plants spores in high-pressure metamorphic rocks. Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 262 (1-2), 257-272. (Chosen as Research Highlight, Nature Geosciences, 18 October 2007).
- 2007 * | Singer, D.M., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Biogenic UO2 characterization and surface reactivity. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 277-279.
- 2007 * | Ha, J., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption and precipitation of aqueous Zn(II) on hematite nano- and microparticles. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 238-240.
- 2007 * | Farges, F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Coordination environments of higly charged cations (Ti, Cr, and Light REEís) in borosilicate glass/melts to 1120°C. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 208-210.
- 2007 * | Chalmin, E., Farges, F., Vignaud, C., J. Susini, J., Menu, M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Discovery of unusual minerals in Paleolithic black pigments from Lascaux (France) and Ekain (Spain). Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 220-222.
- 2007 * | Farges, F., Benzerara, K., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Chrysocolla redefined as spertiniite. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 223-225.
- 2007 * | Farges, F., Etcheverry, M-P., Trocellier, P., Curti, E., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Durability of silicate glasses: an historical approach. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 44-50.
- 2007 * | Cances, B., Benedetti, M., Farges, F., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption mechanisms of trivalent gold onto iron oxy-hydroxides: From the molecular scale to the model. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 217-219.
- 2007 * | van Hullebusch, E., Farges, F., Lenz, M., Lens, P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Selenium speciation in biofilms from granular sludge bed reactors used for wastewater treatment. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 229-231.
- 2007 * | Juillot, F., Morin, G., Hazemann, J-L., Proux, O., Belin, S., Briois, V., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Calas, G., EXAFS signatures of structural Zn at trace levels in layered minerals. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 247-249.
- 2007 * | Benzerara, K., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Tyliszczak, T., Studies of the interactions between microbes and minerals by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 726-730.
- 2007 * | Haddi, A., Harfouche, M., Farges, F., Trocellier, P., Curti, E., and Brown, Jr., G.E., On the coordination of actinides and fission products in silicate glasses. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 256-258.
- 2007 * | Benzerara, K., Menguy, N., Banerjee, N.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Guyot, F., Alteration of submarine basaltic glass from the Ontong Java Plateau: a STXM and TEM study. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 260, 187-200.
- 2007 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Kendelewicz, T., Trainor, T.P., Tanwar, K.S., Chaka, A.M., Bluhm, H., Starr, D.E., Yamamoto, S., Nilsson, A., Catalano, J.G., Benzerara, K., Yoon, T.H., Morin, G., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Cances, B., and Calas, G., Recent advances in surface, interface, and environmental geochemistry. In: Water-Rock Interaction-12, Proc. 12th Internat. Water-Rock Interaction-12, Proceedings of the 12th International Water-Rock Interaction Conference, Kunming, China (Thomas Bullen and Yanxin Wang, eds.), Taylor & Francis Publishers, London, Vol. 1, pp. 3-11.
- 2007 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Trainor, T.P., and Chaka, A.M., Geochemistry of mineral surfaces and factors affecting their chemical reactivity. In: Chemical Bonding at Surfaces and Interfaces (A. Nilsson, L.G.M. Pettersson, and J. Norskov, eds.), Elsevier, New York, pp. 457-509.
- 2006 * | Farges, F., Siewert, R., Brown, Jr., G.E., Guesdon, A., and Morin, G., Structural environment around molybdenum in silicate glasses and melts: Part I. Influence of composition and oxygen fugacity on the local structure of molybdenum. Canadian Mineral. 44(3), 731-753.
- 2006 * | Farges, F., Siewert, R., Ponader, C.W., Brown, Jr., G.E., Pichavant, M., and Behrens, H., Structural environment around molybdenum in silicate glasses and melts: Part II. Effect of temperature, pressure, water, halogens, and sulfur. Canadian Mineral. 44(3), 755-773.
- 2006 * | Piilonen, P., Farges, F., Linnen, R.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., Pawlak, M., and Pratt, A., Structural environment of Nb5+ in dry and fluid-rich (H2O, F) silicate glasses: A combined XANES and EXAFS study including a novel approach to ICP-AES analysis of micro materials. Canadian Mineral. 44(3), 775-794.
- 2006 * | Farges, F., Linnen, R.L., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Redox and speciation of tin in hydrous silicate glasses: A comparison with Nb, Ta, Mo, and W. Canadian Mineral. 44(3), 795-810.
- 2006 * | Bluhm, H., Andersson, K., Araki, T., Benzerara, K., Brown, Jr., G.E., Dynes, J.J., Ghosal, S., Gilles, M.K., Hansen, H.-Ch., Hemminger, J.C., Hitchcock, A.P., Ketteler, G., Kneedler, E., Lawrence, J.R., Leppard, G.G., Majzlam, J., Mun, B.S., Myneni, S.C.B., Nilsson, A., Ogasawara, H., Ogletree, D.F., Pecher, K., Salmeron, M., Shuh, D.K., Tonner, B., Tyliszczak, T., and Yoon, T.-H., Soft x-ray microscopy and spectroscopy using the Molecular Environmental Science beamline at the Advanced Light Source. J. Elec. Spectros. Rel. Phenom. 150(2-3), 86-104.
- 2006 * | Benzerara, K., Menguy, N., Lopez-Garcia, P., Yoon, T.H., Kazmierczak, J., Tyliszczak, T., Guyot, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nanoscale detection of organic signatures in carbonate microbialites. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 9440-9445.
- 2006 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Calas, G., Hemley, R.J., Scientific advances made possible by user facilities. Elements 2(1), 9-14.
- 2006 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Sutton, S.R., and G. Calas, G., User facilities around the world. Elements 2(1), 23-30.
- 2006 * | Parise, J. and Brown, Jr., G.E., New opportunities at emerging facilities. Elements 2(1), 37-42.
- 2006 * | Catalano, J.G., McKinley, J.P., Zachara, J.M., Smith, S.C., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Changes in uranium speciation through a depth sequence of contaminated Hanford sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(8), 2517-2524.
- 2006 * | Juillot, F., Morin, G., Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS signature of structural Zn at trace levels in natural and synthetic tri- and dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates. Am. Mineral. 91(8-9), 1432-1441.
- 2006 | Brown, Jr., G.E., Nilsson, A., Spormann, A.M., Addiego, W.P., Benzerara, K., Bergmann, U., Bluhm, H., Brown, B.A., Calas, G., Chaka, A.M., Constantz, B.R., Farges, F., Fendorf, S.E., Foster, A.L., Juillot, F., Morin, G., Myneni, S.C.B., Pettersson, L.G.M., Rosso, K.M., Rytuba, J.J., Salmeron, M., Saltzman, J., Toney, M., Trainor, T.P., and Yoon, T-H., The Stanford Environmental Molecular Science Institute: A Focus on Chemical and Microbial Processes at Environmental Interfaces. The Geochemical News 128, 7-30 (July 2006).
- 2006 * | Benzerara, K., Miller, V.M., Barell, G., Kumar, V., Miot, J., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Lieske, J.C., Search for microbial signatures within human and microbial calcifications using soft X-ray spectromicroscopy. J. Investigative Medicine 54(7), 367-379.
- 2006 * | Yoon, T.H., Benzerara, K., Ahn, S., Luthy, R.G., Tyliszczak, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Nanometer-scale chemical heterogeneities of black carbon materials and their impacts on PCB sorption properties: Soft x-ray spectromicroscopy study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(19), 5923-5929.
- 2005 * | Farges, F., Rossano, S., Wilke, M., Lefrere, Y., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Iron in silicate glasses: Systematic analysis of pre-edge and XANES features. Physica Scripta T115, 957-959.
- 2005 * | Farges, F., Chalmin, E., Vignaud, C., Pallot-Frossard, I., Susini, J., Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Menu, M., Archeological applications of XAFS: prehistorical paintings and medieval glasses. Physica Scripta T115, 885-887.
- 2005 * | Piilonen, P., Farges, F., Linnen, R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Sn and Nb in dry and fluid-rich (H2O, F) silicate glasses. Physica Scripta T115, 405-407.
- 2005 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Catalano, J.G., Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Farges, F., Bostick, B.C., Kendelewicz, T., Doyle, C.S., Spormann, A.M., Revill, K., Morin, G., Juillot, F., and Calas, G., Environmental interfaces, heavy metals, microbes, and plants: Applications of XAFS spectroscopy and related synchrotron radiation methods to environmental science. Physica Scripta T115, 80-87.
- 2005 * | Jackson, W.E., Farges, F., Yeager, M., Mabrouk, P.A., Rossano, S., Waychunas, G.A., Solomon, E.I., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Multi-spectroscopic study of Fe(II) in silicate glasses: Implications for the coordination environment of Fe(II) in silicate melts. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 69, 4315-4332.
- 2005 * | Catalano, J.G., Warner, J.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Sorption and precipitation of Co(II) in alkali aluminate solutions and Hanford sediments. Appl. Geochem. 20, 193-205.
- 2005 * | Benzerara, K., Yoon, T.H., Menguy, N., Tyliszczak, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Nanoscale environments associated with bioweathering of a Mg-Fe-pyroxene. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 204 (19), 979-982.
- 2005 * | Slowey, A.J., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Speciation of mercury and mode of transport from placer gold mine tailings. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(6), 1547-1554.
- 2005 * | Catalano, J.G. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Uranyl adsorption on montmorillonite: evaluation of binding sites and carbonate complexation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69(12), 2995-3005.
- 2005 * | Catalano, J.G., Trainor, T.P., Eng, P.J., Waychunas, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., CTR diffraction and grazing incidence XAFS study of U(VI) adsorption to α-Al2O3 and α-Fe2O3 (1-102) surfaces. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69(14), 3555-3572.
- 2005 * | Yoon, T.H., Trainor, T.P., Eng, P.J., Bargar, J.R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Trace element partitioning at polymer film/metal oxide interfaces: Long-period x-ray standing wave (XSW) study of the partitioning of Pb(II) and As(V) ions at mineral-PAA interfaces. Langmuir 21, 4503-4511.
- 2005 * | Yoon, T.H., Johnson, S.B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: 4. Adsorption of humic substances at boehmite-water interfaces and impact on boehmite dissolution. Langmuir 21(11), 5002-5012.
- 2005 * | Johnson, S.B., Brown, Jr., G.E., Healy, T.W., and Scales, P.J., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: 6. Effect of inner-sphere vs. outer-sphere adsorption on colloidal stability. Langmuir 21(14), 6356-6365.
- 2005 * | Slowey, A.J., S.B. Johnson, S.B., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Role of organic acids in promoting transport of mercury from mine tailings. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(20), 7869-7874.
- 2005 * | Ona-Nguema, G., Morin, G., Juillot, F., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Arsenite sorption onto 2-line ferrihydrite, hematite, goethite, and lepidocrocite under anoxic conditions: a XANES and EXAFS study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(23), 9147-9155.
- 2005 * | CancËs, B., Juillot, F., Morin, G., Laperche, V., Alvarez, L., Proux, O., Hazemann, J-L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Calas, G., XAS evidence of As(V) association with iron oxyhydroxides in a contaminated soil at a former arsenical insecticides processing plant. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(24), 9398-9405.
- 2005 * | Bostick, B.C., Fendorf, S., and Brown, Jr., G.E., In situ analysis of thioarsenite complexes in neutral to alkaline arsenic sulfide solutions. Mineral. Mag. 69(5), 781-795.
- 2005 * | Johnson, S.B., Yoon, T.H., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: 5. Effects of adsorbed natural organic matter analogs on mineral dissolution. Langmuir 21(7), 2811-2821.
- 2005 * | Farges, F., Djanarthany, S., de Wispelaere, S., Munoz, M., Magassouba, B., Haddi, A., Wilke, M., Schmidt, C., Borchert, M., Trocellier, P., Crichton, W., Simionovici, A., Petit, P.-E., Mezouar, M., Etcheverry, M.-P., Pallot-Frossard, I., Bargar, J. R., Brown, Jr., G.E., Grolimund, D., and Scheidegger, A., Water in silicate glasses and melts of environmental interest: from volcanoes to cathedrals. Phys. Chem. Glasses 46(4), 350-353.
- 2005 * | Waychunas, G.A., Trainor, T.P., Eng, P., Catalano, J.G., Brown, Jr., G.E., Davis, J.A., Rogers, J., and Bargar, J.R., Surface complexation studied via combined grazing-incidence EXAFS and surface diffraction: arsenate on hematite (0001) and (1-102). Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 383(1), 12-27.
- 2004 * | Zachara, J.M., Ainsworth, C.C., Brown, Jr., G.E., Catalano, J.G., McKinley, J.P., Oafoku, O., Smith, S.C., Szecsody, J.E., Traina, S.J., and Warner J.A., Chromium speciation and mobility in a high level nuclear waste vadose zone plume. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 13-30.
- 2004 * | Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS study of mercury(II) sorption on Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxides: I. Effects of pH. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 271, 1-15.
- 2004 * | Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J.,Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS study of mercury(II) sorption on Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxides: II. Effects of chloride and sulfate. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 270, 9-20.
- 2004 * | Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., Geological and anthropogenic factors influencing mercury speciation in mine wastes. Appl. Geochem. 19, 379-393.
- 2004 * | Yoon, T.H., Johnson, S.B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of Suwannee River Fulvic Acid on mineral surfaces: An in situ ATR-FTIR study. Langmuir Lett. 20(14), 5655-5658.
- 2004 * | Bargar, J.R., Trainor, T.P., Fitts, J.P., Chambers, S.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., In-situ grazing incidence EXAFS study of Pb(II) chemisorption on hematite (0001) and (1-102). Langmuir 20(5), 1667-1673.
- 2004 * | Catalano, J.G. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Analysis of uranyl-bearing phases by EXAFS spectroscopy: Interferences, multiple scattering, accuracy of structural parameters, and spectral differences. Am. Mineral. 89, 1004-1021.
- 2004 * | Kendelewicz, T., Doyle, C.S., Bostick, B.C., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Oxidation of fractured surfaces of FeS2 (100) by molecular oxygen, water vapor, and air. Surf. Sci. 558(1-3), 80-88.
- 2004 * | Berrodier, I., Farges, F., Benedetti, M., Winterer, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., DeveughÈle, M., Adsorption mechanisms of trivalent gold on iron- and aluminum-oxyhydroxides. Part I: X-ray absorption and Raman scattering spectroscopic studies of Au(III) adsorbed on ferrihydrite, goethite and boehmite. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 68, 3019-3042
- 2004 * | Doyle, C.S., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Inhibition of the reduction of Cr(VI) at the magnetite-water interface by calcium carbonate coatings. Appl. Surf. Sci. 230/1-4, 260-271.
- 2004 * | Doyle, C.S., Kendelewicz, T., Bostick, B.C., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Soft x-ray spectroscopic studies of the reaction of fractured pyrite surfaces with Cr(VI)-containing aqueous solutions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68(21), 4287-4299.
- 2004 * | Catalano, J.G., Heald, S.M., Zachara, J.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray spectroscopic and diffraction study of uranium speciation in contaminated vadose zone sediments from the Hanford site, Washington State, USA. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38(10), 2822-2828.
- 2004 * | Yoon, T.H., Johnson, S.B., Musgrave, C.B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: I. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic and quantum chemical study of oxalate adsorbed at boehmite/water and corundum/water interfaces. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 4505-4518.
- 2004 * | Johnson, S.B., Yoon, T.H., Kocar, B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: II. Outer-sphere adsorption of maleate on aluminum oxide and implications for dissolution processes. Langmuir 20(12), 4996-5006.
- 2004 * | Tyliszczak, T., Warwick, T., Kilcoyne, A.L.D., Fakra, S., Shuh, D.K., Yoon, T.H., Brown, Jr., G.E., Andrews, S., Chembrolu, V., Strachan, J., and Acremann, Y., Soft x-ray scanning transmission microscope working in an extended energy range at the Advanced Light Source. Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 705, 1356-1359.
- 2004 * | Lowry, G.V., Shaw, S., Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Macroscopic and microscopic observations of particle-facilitated mercury transport from New Idria and Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Tailings. Environ Sci. Technol. 38(19), 5101-5111.
- 2004 * | Trainor, T.P., Chaka, A.M., Eng, P.J., Newville, M., Waychunas, G.A., Catalano, J.G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure and reactivity of the hydrated hematite (0001) surface. Surf. Sci. 573(2), 204-224.
- 2004 | Brown, Jr., G.E., Sutton, S.R., Bargar, J.R., Shuh, D.K., Bassett, W.A., Bertsch, P.M., Bisognano, J., Bleam, W.F., Clark, D.L., De Stasio, P., Fendorf, S.E., Fenter, P.A., Fontes, E., Hormes, J., Kemner, K.M., Myneni, S.C.B., O'Day, P.A., Pecher, K.H., Reeder, R.J., Roy, A., Traina, S.J., Willson, C., and Zachara, J.M., Molecular Environmental Science: An Assessment of Research Accomplishments, Available Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, and Needs. A Report Prepared on Behalf of EnviroSync - A National Organization Representing Molecular Environmental Science Users of Synchrotron Radiation Sources. SLAC Pub. SLAC-R-704, 60p.
- 2004 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Spormann, A.M., Yoon, T.H., and Benzerara, K., Synchrotron-based studies of microbe-metal ion-mineral interactions. Water-Rock Interaction. Proc. 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, R.B. Wanty and R.R. Seal II, Eds., Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 1069-1077.
- 2004 * | Catalano, J.G. and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS study of uranyl adsorption on Wyoming montmorillonite. Water-Rock Interaction. Proc. 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, R.B. Wanty and R.R. Seal II, Eds., Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 665-669.
- 2004 * | Benzerara, K., Yoon, T.H., Tyliszczak, T., Constantz, B., Spormann, A.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy study of microbial calcification. Geobiol. 2, 249-259.
- 2004 * | Rogers, J.H., Bargar, J.R., Waychunas, G.A., Yoon, T.H., and Brown, Jr., G.E., A novel spectrometer system for hard x-ray interfacial environmental chemistry. Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation 2003, AIP Conference Proceedings 705, 981-984.
- 2004 * | Farges, F., LefrËre, Y., Rossano, S., Berthereau, A., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., The effect of redox state on the local structural environment of iron in silicate glasses: a combined XAFS spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and bond valence study. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 344(3), 176-188.
- 2004 * | Andersson, K., Nyberg, M., Ogasawara, H., Nordlund, D., Kendelewicz, T., Doyle, C.S., Brown, Jr., G.E., Pettersson, L.G.M., and Nilsson, A., Experimental and theoretical characterization of the structure of defects at the pyrite FeS2 (100) surface. Phys. Rev. B 70(19), 195404(1-5).
- 2004 * | Yoon, T.H., Johnson, S.B., Doyle, C.S., Benzerara, K., Tyliszczak, T., Shuh, D.K., and Brown, G.E., Jr., In-situ characterization of aluminum-containing mineral-microorganism aqueous suspensions using scanning transmission x-ray microscopy. Langmuir Lett. 20(24), 10361-10366.
- 2004 * | Johnson, S.B., Yoon, T.H., Slowey, A.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water interfaces: 3. Implications of surface dissolution for adsorption of oxalate. Langmuir 20(26), 11480-11492.
- 2003 * | Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Sporman, A.M., Newville, M., Sutton, S., Dohnalkova, A., Gorby, Y., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Sorption vs. biomineralization of Pb(II) within Burkholderia cepacia biofilms on alumina. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 300-307.
- 2003 * | Juillot, F., Morin, G., Ildefonse, Ph., Trainor, T.P., Benedetti, M., Galoisy, L., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Occurrence of Zn/Al hydrotalcite in smelter-impacted soils from Northern France: Evidence from EXAFS spectroscopy and chemical extractions. Am. Mineral. 88, 509-526.
- 2003 * | Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Spormann, A.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Selenium speciation and partitioning within B. cepacia biofilms formed on metal oxide surfaces. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 3547-3557.
- 2003 * | Foster, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS study of As(V) and Se(IV) sorption complexes on hydrous Mn oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1937-1953.
- 2003 * | Templeton, A.S., Spormann, A.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Speciation of Pb sorbed by Burkholderia cepacia/goethite composites. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 2166-2172.
- 2003 * | Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., Bloom, N.S., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Mercury speciation by x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy and sequential chemical extractions: A comparison study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 5102-5108.
- 2002 * | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., Evans, I., Rabedeau, T., Rowen, M., and Rogers, J., A new hard x-ray XAFS spectroscopy facility for environmental samples, including actinides, at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. Proc. Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Grenoble, France, Sept. 10-12, 2000, Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, AEN/NEA 2002, Paris, pp. 169-176.
- 2002 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Farges, F., Bargar, J.R., and Berbeco, H.T., Actinides in silicate glasses and melts and on mineral surfaces: Information on local coordination environments from XAFS spectroscopy and bond valence theory. Proc. Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Grenoble, France, Sept. 10-12, 2000, Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, AEN/NEA 2002, Paris, pp. 15-31.
- 2002 * | Farges, F., Harfouche, M., Petit, P-E., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Actinides in earth materials: The importance of natural analogues. Proc. Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Grenoble, France, Sept. 10-12, 2000, Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, AEN/NEA 2002, Paris, pp. 63-74.
- 2002 * | Trainor, T.P., Fitts, J.P., Templeton, A.S., Grolimund, D., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Grazing-incidence XAFS study of aqueous Zn(II) sorption on alpha-Al2O3 single crystals. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 244, 239-244.
- 2002 * | Trainor, T.P., Eng, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., Robinson, I.K., and De Santis, M., Crystal truncation rod diffraction study of the clean and hydrated α-Al2O3 (1-102) surface. Surf. Sci. 496, 238-250.
- 2002 * | Chambers, S.A., Farrow, R.F.C., Maat, S., Toney, M., Folks, L., Catalano, J.G., Trainor, T.P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Molecular beam epitaxial growth and properties of CoFe2O4 on MgO(110). J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 246, 124-140.
- 2002 * | Rossano, S., Farges, F., Ramos, A., Delaye, J.-M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Bond valence in silicate glasses. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 304, 167-173.
- 2002 * | Trainor, T.P., Templeton, A.S., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Application of the long-period x-ray standing wave technique to the analysis of surface reactivity: Pb(II) sorption at α-Al2O3/aqueous solution interfaces in the presence and absence of Se(VI). Langmuir 18, 5782-5791.
- 2002 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Sturchio, N.C., An overview of synchrotron radiation applications to low temperature geochemistry and environmental science. Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 49, 1-115.
- 2001 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Chambers, S.A., Amonette, J.E., Rustad, J.R., Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Doyle, C.S., Grolimund, D., Foster-Mills, N.S., Joyce, S.A., and Thevuthasan, S., Interaction of water and aqueous chromium ions with iron oxide surfaces. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 778, Nuclear Site Remediation - First Accomplishments of the Environmental Management Science Program, Eller, P.G., and Heineman, W.R. (eds.), pp. 212-246, Am. Chem. Soc., Columbus, OH.
- 2001 * | Morin, G., Juillot, F., Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., Samama, J.-C., Chevallier, P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Mineralogy of lead in a soil developed on a Pb-mineralized sandstone (Largentiere, France). Am. Mineral. 86, 92-104.
- 2001 * | Astheimer, R., Kristin, B., Brown, Jr., G.E., Hoy, J., Jones, K.W., Sturchio, N.C., Sutton, S.R., Waychunas, G.A., and Woodward, N.B., Inside rocks. Geotimes, American Geological Institute, 20-23.
- 2001 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Petit, P.-E., and Munoz, M. Transition elements in water-bearing silicate glasses/melts. Part I. A high resolution and anharmonic EXAFS analysis of Ni coordination environments in crystals, glasses, and melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 1665-1678.
- 2001 * | Farges, F., Munoz, M., Siewert, R., Malavergne, V., Brown, Jr., G.E., Behrens, H., Nowak, M., and Petit, P.-E., Transition elements in water-bearing silicate glasses/melts. Part II. Ni in water-bearing glasses. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 1679-1693.
- 2001 * | Wilke, M., Farges, F., Petit, P-E., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Martin, F., Oxidation state and coordination of Fe in minerals: an Fe K-XANES study. Am. Mineral. 86, 714-730.
- 2001 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Parks, G.A., Sorption of trace elements from aqueous media: Modern perspectives from spectroscopic studies and comments on adsorption in the marine environment. Int. Geol. Rev. 43, 867-976.
- 2001 * | Templeton, A.S., Trainor, T.P., Traina, S.J., Spormann, A.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Pb(II) distribution at biofilm-metal oxide interfaces. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 11897-11902.
- 2001 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., How minerals react with water. Science 294, 67-69.
- 2000 * | Ostergren, J.D., Trainor, T.P., Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Inorganic ligand effects on Pb(II) sorption to goethite (α-FeOOH): I. Carbonate. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 225, 466-482.
- 2000 * | Kim, C.S., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Rytuba, J.J., Characterization and speciation of mercury-bearing mine wastes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Sci. Total Environ. 261, 157-168.
- 2000 * | Thompson, H.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Formation and release of cobalt(II) sorption and precipitation products in aging kaolinite-water slurries. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 222, 241-253.
- 2000 * | Ostergren, J.D., Persson, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Inorganic ligand effects on Pb(II) sorption to goethite (α-FeOOH): II. Sulfate. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 225, 483-493.
- 2000 * | Biener, J., Baumer, M., Madix, R.J., Liu, P., Nelson, E., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Growth and electronic structure of vanadium on α-Al2O3 (0001). Surf. Sci. 449, 50-60.
- 2000 * | Eng, P.J., Trainor, T.P., Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Newville, M., Sutton, S.R., and Rivers, M.L., Structure of the hydrated α-Al2O3 (0001) surface. Science 288, 1029-1033.
- 2000 * | Cheah, S.-F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS study of copper model compounds and copper(II) sorption on amorphous SiO2, α-Al2O3, and anatase. Am. Mineral. 85, 118-132.
- 2000 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Doyle, C.S., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nelson, E.J., and Chambers, S.A., Reaction of water with the (100) and (111) surfaces of Fe3O4. Surf. Sci. 453, 32-46.
- 2000 * | Fitts, J.P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Structural evolution of Cr(III) polymeric species at the gamma-Al2O3-water interface. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 5122-5128.
- 2000 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Doyle, C.S., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Spectroscopic study of the reaction of Cr(VI)aqueous with Fe3O4 (111) surfaces. Surf. Sci. 469, 144-163.
- 2000 * | Trainor, T.P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Adsorption and precipitation of aqueous Zn(II) on alumina powders. J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 231, 359-372.
- 1999 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Henrich, V.E., Casey, W.H., Clark, D.L., Eggleston, C., Felmy, A., Goodman, D.W., Graetzel, M., Maciel, G., McCarthy, M.I., Nealson, K., Sverjensky, D.A., Toney, M.F., and Zachara, J.M., Metal oxide surfaces and their interactions with aqueous solutions and microbial organisms. Chem. Rev. 99, 77-174.
- 1999 * | Towle, S.N., Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Sorption of Co(II) on metal oxide surfaces: II. Identification of Co(II)(aq) adsorption sites on (1-102) and (0001) surfaces of α-Al2O3 by grazing-incidence XAFS spectroscopy. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 217, 312-321.
- 1999 * | Towle, S.N., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Sorption of Co(II) on metal oxide surfaces: I. Identification of specific binding sites of Co(II) on (110) and (001) surfaces of TiO2 (rutile) by grazing-incidence XAFS spectroscopy. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 217, 299-311.
- 1999 * | Templeton, A.S., Ostergren, J.D., Trainor, T.P., Foster, A.L., Traina, S.J., Spormann, A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAFS and XSW studies of the distribution and chemical speciation of Pb sorbed to biofilms on α-Al2O3 and α-FeOOH surfaces. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 642-644.
- 1999 * | Grolimund, D., Kendelewicz, T., Trainor, T.P., Liu, P., Fitts, J.P., Chambers, S.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Identification of Cr species at the solution-hematite interface after Cr(VI)-Cr(III) reduction using GI-XAFS and Cr L-edge NEXAFS. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 612-614.
- 1999 * | Thevuthasan, S., Kim, Y.J., Yi, S.I., Chambers, S.A., Morais, J., Denecke, R., Fadley, C.S., Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Surface structure of MBE-grown α-Fe2O3(0001) by intermediate-energy x-ray photoelectron diffraction. Surf. Sci. 425, 276-286.
- 1999 * | Morin, G., Juillot, F., Ostergren, J.D., Ildefonse, P., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAFS determination of the chemical form of lead in smelter-contaminated soils and mine tailings: Importance of adsorption processes. Am. Mineral. 84, 420-434.
- 1999 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Doyle, C., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nelson, E.J., and Chambers, S.A., X-ray absorption and photoemission study of the adsorption of aqueous Cr(VI) on single crystal hematite and magnetite surfaces. Surf. Sci. 424, 219-231.
- 1999 * | Fitts, J.P., Trainor, T.P., Grolimund, D., Bargar, J.R., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Grazing-incidence XAFS investigations of Cu(II) sorption products at the oxide-water interface. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 627-629.
- 1999 * | Ostergren, J.D., Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Combined EXAFS and FTIR investigation of sulfate and carbonate effects on Pb(II) sorption to goethite (α-FeOOH). J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 645-647.
- 1999 * | Thompson, H.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Dynamic interactions of dissolution, surface adsorption, and precipitation in an aging cobalt(II)-clay-water system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 1767-1779.
- 1999 * | Doyle, C.S., Traina, S.J., Ruppert, H., Kendelewicz, T., Rehr, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Al-XANES studies of aluminum-rich surface phases in the soil environment. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 621-623.
- 1999 * | Thompson, H.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Ambient-temperature synthesis, evolution, and characterization of cobalt-aluminum hydrotalcite-like solids. Clays and Clay Minerals 47, 425-438.
- 1999 * | Biener, J., Baumer, M., Madix, R.J., Liu, P., Nelson, E.J., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., A synchrotron study of the growth of vanadium oxide on α-Al2O3 (0001). Surf. Sci. 441, 1-9.
- 1999 * | Trainor, T.P., Fitts, J.P., Grolimund, D., Bargar, J.R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Grazing-incidence XAFS studies of aqueous Zn(II) on sapphire single crystals. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, p. 618-620.
- 1999 * | Fitts, J.P., Persson, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Structure and bonding of Cu(II)-glutamate complexes at the α-Al2O3-water interface. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 220, 133-147.
- 1999 * | Cheah, S.-F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Structure and composition of copper(II)-2,2'-bipyridine sorption complexes on amorphous SiO2. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 3229-3246.
- 1999 * | Ostergren, J.D., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Tingle, T.N., Quantitative lead speciation in selected mine tailings from Leadville, CO. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 1627-1636.
- 1999 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Foster, A.L., and Ostergren, J.D., Mineral surfaces and bioavailability of heavy metals: a molecular-scale perspective. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, 3388-3395.
- 1999 * | Berrodier, I., Farges, F., Benedetti, M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption of Au on iron oxy-hydroxides using Au L3-edge XAFS spectroscopy. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 651-652.
- 1999 * | Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Utility of EXAFS in characterization and speciation of mercury-bearing mine wastes. J. Synchrotron Rad. 6, 648-650.
- 1999 * | Kendelewicz, T., Doyle, C.S., Carrier, X., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Reaction of water with clean surfaces of MnO(100). Surf. Rev. Lett. 6, 1255-1263.
- 1999 * | Farges, F., Neuville, D.R., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structural investigation of platinum solubility in silicate glasses. Am. Mineral. 84, 1562-1568.
- 1999 * | Bargar, J.R., Persson, P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Outer-sphere adsorption of Pb(II)EDTA on goethite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 63, 2957-2969.
- 1999 * | Carrier, X., Doyle, C.S., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Reaction of CO2 with MgO(100) surfaces. Surf. Rev. Lett. 6, 1237-1245.
- 1998 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., Bargar, J.R., and Towle, S.N., Use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy to study reaction mechanisms at metal oxide-water interfaces. In Am. Chem. Soc. Symposium Series 715, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Reactions at the Mineral/Water Interface, Sparks, D.L. and Grundl, T. (eds.), pp. 14-37.
- 1998 * | Thompson, H.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure and composition of uranium(VI) sorption complexes at the kaolinite-water interface. In Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia, Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications, Jenne, E.A. (ed.)., Academic Press, pp. 349-370.
- 1998 * | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface complexation of Pb(II) at oxide-water interfaces. III: XAFS determination of Pb(II) and Pb(II)-chloro adsorption complexes on goethite and alumina. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62, 193-207.
- 1998 * | Cheah, S.-F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS spectroscopic study of Cu(II) sorption on amorphous SiO2 and gamma-Al2O3: Effect of substrate and time on sorption complexes. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 208, 110-128.
- 1998 * | Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., Brown, Jr., G.E.., and Parks, G.A., Reaction of water with MgO(100) surfaces: I. Synchrotron X-ray photoemission spectroscopy studies of low defect surfaces. Surf. Sci. 412/413, 287-314.
- 1998 * | Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nelson, E.J., and Chambers, S.A., Reaction of water with α-Al2O3 and α-Fe2O3 (0001) surfaces: synchrotron x-ray photoemission studies. Surf. Sci. 417, 53-65.
- 1998 * | Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Pianetta, P., Reaction of water with vacuum-cleaved CaO(100) surfaces: An X-ray photoemission spectroscopy study. Surf. Sci. 416, 326-340.
- 1998 * | Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Reaction of water with MgO(100) surfaces: II. Synchrotron X-ray photoemission spectroscopy studies of defective surfaces. Surf. Sci. 412/413, 315-332.
- 1998 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Nelson, E.J., Interaction of sodium overlayers with cleaved surfaces of galena (PbS(100)): Evidence for exchange reactions. Surf. Sci. 411, 10-21.
- 1998 * | Foster, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., Tingle, T.N., and Parks, G.A., Quantitative arsenic speciation in mine tailings using x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Am. Mineral. 83, 553-568.
- 1998 * | Foster, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS study of photocatalyzed, heterogeneous As(III) oxidation on kaolin and anatase. Environ. Sci. Technol. 32, 1444-1452.
- 1998 * | Liu, P., Kendelewicz, T., Nelson, E.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Reaction of water with MgO(100) surfaces: III. X-ray standing wave studies. Surf. Sci. 415, 156-169.
- 1998 * | Thompson, H.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure and composition of uranium(VI) sorption complexes at the kaolinite-water interface. In: Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia, Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications, Ed. E.A. Jenne, Academic Press, pp. 349-370.
- 1998 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Nelson, E.J., Atomic geometry of the PbS(100) surface. Surf. Sci. 395, 229-238.
- 1997 * | McCarthy, M.I., Schenter, G.K., Chacon-Taylor, M.R., Rehr, J.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Prediction of extended x-ray absorption fine-structure spectra from molecular interaction models: Na+(H2O)n-MgO (100) interface. Phys. Rev. B 56, 9925-9936.
- 1997 * | Peterson, M.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Stein, C.L., Differential redox and sorption of Cr(III/VI) on natural silicate and oxide minerals: EXAFS and XANES results. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3399-3412.
- 1997 * | Myneni, S.C.B., Tokunaga, T.K., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Abiotic selenium redox transformations in the presence of Fe(II,III) hydroxides. Science 278, 1106-1109.
- 1997 * | Foster, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., Tingle, T.N., Voigt, D., and Brantley, S.L., XAFS determination of As(V) associated with Fe(III) oxyhydroxides in weathered mine tailings and contaminated soil from California, USA. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 815-816.
- 1997 * | Bochatay, L., Persson, P., Lövgren, L., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAFS study of Cu(II) at the water-goethite (alpha-FeOOH) interface. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 819-820.
- 1997 * | Peterson, M.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Oxidation state, local structure, and ab-initio XAFS modeling of chromium in contaminated soils and model compounds. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 781-783.
- 1997 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Rehr, J.J. Ti K-edge XANES studies of oxides: Theory and experiment. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 191-193.
- 1997 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Wu, Z., Coordination of actinides in silicate melts. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 1009-1010.
- 1997 * | Bargar, J.R., Persson, P., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAFS study of Pb(II)-chloro- and Hg(II)-chloro- ternary complexes on goethite. J. de Physique IV, Colloque C2, 825-826.
- 1997 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Rehr, J.J., Ti K-edge XANES studies of Ti coordination and disorder in oxide compounds: Comparison between theory and experiment. Phys. Rev. B 56, 1809-1819.
- 1997 * | Thompson, H.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS spectroscopic study of uranyl coordination in solids and aqueous solution. Am. Mineral. 82, 483-496.
- 1997 * | Farges F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Coordination chemistry of titanium(IV) in silicate glasses and melts. Part IV. XANES studies of synthetic and natural glasses and tektites at ambient temperature and pressure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 1863-1870.
- 1997 * | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface complexation of Pb(II) at oxide-water interfaces: II. XAFS and bond-valence determination of mononuclear Pb(II) sorption products and surface functional groups on iron oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 2639-2652.
- 1997 * | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface complexation of Pb(II) at oxide-water interfaces: I. XAFS and bond-valence determination of mononuclear and polynuclear Pb(II) sorption products on aluminum oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 2617-2637.
- 1997 * | Peterson, M.L., White, A.F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface passivation of magnetite (Fe3O4) by reaction with aqueous Cr(VI): XAFS and TEM results. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1573-1576.
- 1997 * | Tokunaga, T.K., Brown, Jr., G.E., Pickering, I.J., Sutton, S.R., and Bajt, S., Selenium transport between ponded waters and sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1419-1425.
- 1997 * | Towle, S.N., Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface precipitation of Co(II) (aq) on Al2O3. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 187, 62-82.
- 1997 * | Towle, S.N., Bargar, J.R., Persson, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Surface precipitation in the Co(II)/Al2O3 system. In Aqueous Chemistry and Geochemistry of Oxides, Oxyhydroxides, and Related Materials, eds. J.A. Voigt, B.C. Bunker, W. Casey, T.E. Wood, and L.J. Crossey, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 432, pp. 237-242.
- 1997 * | Peterson, M.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Quantitative determination of chromium valence in environmental samples using XAFS spectroscopy. In Aqueous Chemistry and Geochemistry of Oxides, Oxyhydroxides, and Related Materials; eds. J.A. Voigt, B.C. Bunker, W. Casey, T.E. Wood, and L.J. Crossey, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 432, pp. 75-80.
- 1997 * | Cheah, S.-F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., The effect of substrate type and 2,2’-bipyridine on the sorption of copper(II) on silica and alumina. In Aqueous Chemistry and Geochemistry of Oxides, Oxyhydroxides, and Related Materials, eds. J.A. Voigt, B.C. Bunker, W. Casey, T.E. Wood, and L.J. Crossey, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 432, pp. 231-236.
- 1997 * | Kirkpatrick, R.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., Xu, N., and Cong, X., Ca-X-ray absorption spectroscopy of C-S-H and some model compounds. Adv. Cement Res. 9, 31-36.
- 1997 * | Bargar, J.R., Towle, S.N., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Structure, composition, and reactivity of Pb(II) and Co(II) sorption products and surface functional groups on single-crystal α-Al2O3. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 185, 473-493.
- 1996 * | Bargar, J.R., Towle, S.N., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Outer-sphere lead(II) adsorbed at specific surface sites on single crystal α-alumina. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3541-3547.
- 1996 * | Xu, N., Hochella, Jr., M.F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Co(II) sorption at the calcite-water interface: I. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 2801-2815.
- 1996 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., A. Navrotsky, A., Gan, H., and Rehr, J.J., Coordination chemistry of titanium(IV) in silicate glasses and melts. Part III. Glasses and melts from ambient to high temperatures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3055-3065.
- 1996 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., A. Navrotsky, A., Gan, H., and Rehr, J.J., Coordination chemistry of titanium(IV) in silicate glasses and melts. Part II. Glasses at ambient temperature and pressure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3039-3053.
- 1996 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Rehr, J.J.,Coordination chemistry of titanium(IV) in silicate glasses and melts. I. XAFS study of Ti coordination in oxide model compounds. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3023-3038.
- 1996 * | Tokunaga, T.K., Pickering, I.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of selenium transformations in ponded sediments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60, 781- 790.
- 1996 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., Nelson, E.J., and Pianetta, P., Photoemission Study of Na and Cs Adsorption on MgO(100)1x1. Surf. Sci. 352-354, 451-456.
- 1996 * | O’Day, P.A., Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Towle, S.N., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Co(II) sorption complexes on quartz (α-SiO2) and rutile (TiO2). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 2515-2532.
- 1996 * | Farges, F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., An empirical model for the anharmonic analysis of high-temperature XAFS spectra of oxide compounds with applications to the coordination environment of Ni in NiO, gamma-Ni2SiO4 and Ni-bearing Na-disilicate glass and melt. Chem. Geol. 128, 93-106.
- 1996 * | Peterson, M.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Direct XAFS evidence for heterogeneous redox at the aqueous chromium/magnetite interface. Colloids and Surfaces 107, 77-88.
- 1995 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Farges, F., and Calas, G., X-ray scattering and x-ray spectroscopy studies of silicate melts. In: Structure, Dynamics, and Properties of Silicate Melts, eds. J.F. Stebbins, P.F. McMillan, and D.B. Dingwell, eds., Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. 32, Washington, DC: Mineralogical Society of America, pp. 317-410.
- 1995 | Brown, Jr., G.E., Chiamelli, R., Stock, L., Stults, R., Sutton, S.R., Traina, S.J. (eds), Molecular Environmental Science: Speciation, Reactivity, and Mobility of Environmental Contaminants, Report of the DOE Molecular Environmental Science Workshop, July 5-8, 1995, Airlie Center, VA, SLAC Publication SLAC-R-95-477, Menlo Park, CA, 125 p.
- 1995 * | Towle, S.N.,Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Barbee, Jr., T.W., Effect of surface structure on the adsorption of Co(II) on alpha-Al2O3: a glancing angle XAFS study. In: eds. D.A. Bonnell, U. Chowdhry, and M. Rühle, Structure and Properties of Interfaces in Ceramics, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 357, pp. 23-28.
- 1995 * | Pickering, I.J., Brown, Jr., G.E.,and Tokunaga, T.K., X-ray absorption spectroscopy of selenium transformations in Kesterson Reservoir soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 2456-2459.
- 1995 * | Persson, P., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Adsorption and local environment of Co(II) at the zinc oxide- and zinc sulfide-aqueous interfaces. Langmuir 11, 3782-3794.
- 1995 * | Galoisy, L., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Intracrystalline distribution of nickel in San Carlos olivine: An EXAFS study. Am. Mineral. 80, 1089-1092.
- 1995 * | Papelis, C., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Leckie, J.O., X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of cadmium and selenite adsorption on aluminum oxides. Langmuir 11, 2041-2048.
- 1995 * | Wong, J., Rek, Z.U., Rowen, M., Tanaka, T., Schäfers, F., Müller, B., George, G.N., Pickering, I.J., Via, G., DeVries, B., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Fröba, M., New opportunities in 1-2 keV spectroscopy. Physica B 208 & 209, 220-222.
- 1995 * | Fröba, M., Wong, J., Rowen, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., Tanaka, T., and Rek, Z., Al and Si K absorption edges of Al2SiO5 polymorphs using the new YB66 soft X-ray monochromator. Physica B 208 & 209, 555-556.
- 1995 * | Persson, P., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., XAFS study of Co(II) at the ZnO and ZnS-aqueous interfaces. Physica B 208 & 209, 453-454.
- 1995 * | Thompson, H.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Low and ambient temperature XAFS study of U(VI) in solids and aqueous solutions. Physica B 208 & 209, 167-168.
- 1995 * | Kendelewicz, T., Liu, P., Labiosa, W.B., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Surface EXAFS and X-ray standing wave study of the cleaved CaO(100) surface. Physica B 208 & 209, 441-442.
- 1995 * | Calas, G., Brown, Jr., G.E., Farges, F., Galoisy, L., Itie, J.P., and Polian, A., Cations in glasses under ambient and non-ambient conditions. Nucl. Instru. Meth. Phys. Res. B 97, 155-161.
- 1995 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Calas, G., Galoisy, L., and Waychunas, G.A., (Coordination change around 2 wt% Ni in Na2Si2O5 glass/melt systems. Physica B 208 & 209, 381-382.
- 1995 * | Towle, S.N., Bargar, J.R., Persson, P., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS study of Co(II) sorption at the α-Al2O3-water interface. Physica B 208 & 209, 439-440.
- 1995 * | Bargar, J.R., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., XAFS study of Pb(II) sorption at the α-Al2O3-water interface. Physica B 208 & 209, 455-456.
- 1995 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and O'Day, P.A., Sorption at mineral-water interfaces: macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. In Mineral Surfaces, eds. D.J. Vaughan and R.A.D. Pattrick, Chapman & Hall: London, pp. 129-183.
- 1994 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Velde, D., X-ray spectroscopic study of the structural environment of Zr in two inosilicates from Cameroon: implications for substitution mechanisms and Zr-partitioning. Am. Mineral. 79, 838-847.
- 1994 * | Wong, J., George, G.N., Pickering, I.J., Rek, Z.U., Rowen, M., Tanaka, T., Via, G.H., DeVries, B., Vaughan, D.E.W., and Brown, Jr., G.E., New XAFS spectroscopic investigations in the 1-2 keV region. Solid State Commun. 92, 559-562.
- 1994 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Calas, G., Galoisy, L., and Waychunas, G.A., Structural transformations in Ni-bearing Na2Si2O5 glass and melt. Geophys. Res. Lett. 21, 1931-1934.
- 1994 * | O'Day, P.A., Parks, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Molecular structure and binding sites of cobalt (II) surface complexes on kaolinite from x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Clays and Clay Minerals 42, 337-355.
- 1994 * | O'Day, P.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cobalt(II) multinuclear surface complexes and surface precipitates on kaolinite. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 165, 269-289.
- 1994 * | Waychunas, G.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Fluorescence yield XANES and EXAFS experiments: application to highly dilute and surface samples. Advances in X-ray Analysis 37, 607-617.
- 1994 * | O'Day, P.A., Rehr, J.J., Zabinsky, S.I., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) analysis of disorder and multiple-scattering in complex crystalline solids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 2938-2949.
- 1993 * | Jackson, W.E., Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Mustre de Leon, J., Conradson, S.D., and Combes, J.-M., High-temperature XAS study of Fe2SiO4: evidence for reduced coordination of ferrous iron in the liquid. Science 262, 229-233.
- 1993 * | Farges, F., Ewing, R.C., and Brown, Jr., G.E., The structure of aperiodic, metamict, (Ca,Th)2Zr2Ti4O14: an EXAFS study of the Zr, Th, and U sites. J. Mater. Res. 8, 1983-1995.
- 1993 * |Farges, F., Sharps, J.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Local environment around gold(III) in aqueous chloride solutions: an EXAFS spectroscopy study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 1243-1252.
- 1993 * | Rowen, M., Rek, Z.U.,Wong, J., Tanaka, T., George, G.N., Pickering, I.J., Via, G.H., and Brown, Jr., G.E., First XAFS spectra with a YB66 monochromator. Synchrotron Radiation News 6, 25-27.
- 1993 * | Sharps, J.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Stebbins, J., Kinetics and mechanism of ligand exchange of Au(III), Zn(II), and Cd(II) chlorides in aqueous solution: an NMR study from 28-98°C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 57, 721-731.
- 1992 * | Farges, F., Ponader, C.W., Calas, G., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structural environments of incompatible elements in silicate glass/melt systems: II. U(IV), U(V), and U(VI). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 4205-4220.
- 1992 * | Combes, J.-M., Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., Conradson, S.D., Eller, P.G., Triay, I., and Meier, A., EXAFS spectroscopic study of neptunium (V) sorbed at the α-FeOOH/water interface. Environ. Sci. Technol. 26, 376-382.
- 1992 * | Bassett, W.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Synchrotron radiation in the earth sciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Systems Science (Vol 4), Academic Press, pp. 339-350.
- 1991 * |Mustre de Leon, J., Conradson, S.D., Batistic, I., Bishop, A.R., Raistrick, I., Jackson W.E.,, and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray absorption fine structure of systems in the anharmonic limit. Proc. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1550 (X Rays Mater. Anal. 2: Novel Appl. Recent Dev.), 85-96.
- 1991 * | Farges, F., Ponader, C.W., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structural environments of incompatible elements in silicate glass/melt systems: I. Zr at trace levels. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 1563-1574.
- 1991 * | Mustre de Leon, J., Conradson, S.D., Batistic, I., Bishop, A.R., Raistrick, I., Jackson W.E., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Waychunas, G.A., XAFS analysis in the anharmonic limit: Applications to Hi-Tc superconductors and ferrosilicates. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 54-57.
- 1991 * | W.E. Jackson, W.E., Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Mustre de Leon, J., Conradson, S.D., and Combes, J.-M. (1991) In-situ high temperature x-ray absorption study of ferrous iron in orthosilicates crystals and liquids. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 298-301.
- 1991 * | Farges, F., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Ponader, C.W., EXAFS study of the structural environments of trace levels of Zr4+, Mo6+, and U6+/U5+/U4+ in silicate glass/melt systems. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 309-311.
- 1991 * | Farges, F., Peck, J.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray absorption and Raman-UV/visible spectroscopic study of Au(III) complexes in chloride solutions: direct evidence for chlorine and oxychlorine complexes. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 478-480.
- 1991 * | Combes, J.-M., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Waychunas, G.A., X-ray absorption study of the local Ca environment in silicate glasses. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 312-314.
- 1991 * | Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., In-situ EXAFS study of changes in Co(II) sorption complexes on gamma-Al2O3 with increasing sorption densities. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 263-265.
- 1991 * | O'Day, P.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., EXAFS study of aqueous Co(II) sorption complexes on kaolinite and quartz surfaces. In: XAFS VI, Sixth Internat. Conf. on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, ed. S.S. Hasnain, Ellis Horwood Ltd, Publishers, pp. 260-262.
- 1991 * | Peck, J.A., Tait, C.D., Swanson, B.I., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Speciation of aqueous gold(III) chlorides from ultraviolet/visible absorption and Raman/resonance Raman spectroscopies. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 671-676.
- 1991 * | Roe, A.L., Hayes, K.F., Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., Hodgson, K.O., Parks, G.A., and Leckie J.O., X-ray absorption study of lead complexes at α-FeOOH/water interfaces. Langmuir 7, 367-373.
- 1990 * | Waychunas, G.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Polarized x-ray absorption spectroscopy of metal ions in minerals: identification of near edge electronic transitions and scattering resonances and application to site geometry determinations. Phys. Chem. Minerals 17, 420-430.
- 1990 * | Chisholm-Brause, C.J., O'Day, P.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., Evidence for multinuclear metal-ion complexes at solid/water interfaces from x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Nature 348, 528-531.
- 1990 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Spectroscopic studies of chemisorption reaction mechanisms at oxide/water interfaces. In: Mineral-Water Interface Geochemistry, eds. M.F. Hochella, Jr. and A.F. White, Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. 23, Washington, DC: Mineralogical Society of America, pp. 309-363.
- 1990 * | Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Hayes, K.F., Roe, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., G.A. Parks, G.A., and Leckie, J.O., Spectroscopic investigation of Pb(II) complexes at the gamma-Al2O3/water interface. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 1897-1909.
- 1990 * | Bassett, W.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Synchrotron radiation in the earth sciences. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 18, 387-447.
- 1989 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Bassett, W.A., Manghnani, M.H., Mao, H.-K., and Shankland, T.J., Synchrotron radiation facilities: opportunities in the earth sciences. In S.J. Mackwell, W.A. Bassett, and P.F. McMillan, eds., Frontiers in Mineral Physics, Report of the Mineral Physics Committee of the American Geophysical Union., pp. 87-96.
- 1989 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F., Eggleston, C.M., Elings, V.B., Parks, G.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., Wu, C.M., and Kjoller, K.,Mineralogy in two dimensions: Scanning tunneling microscopy of semiconducting minerals with implications for geochemical reactivity. Am. Mineral. 74, 1235-1248.
- 1989 * | Bassett, W.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Synchrotron radiation: applications in the earth sciences. Report of the Mineral Physics Committee, American Geophysical Union, pp. 1-28.
- 1989 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Parks, G.A., Synchrotron-based x-ray absorption studies of cation environments in earth materials. Rev. Geophys. 27, 519-533.
- 1989 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Chisholm-Brause, C.J., In-situ x-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of ions at oxide-water interfaces. Chimia 43, 248-256.
- 1989 * | Ponader, C.W. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Rare earth elements in silicate glass/melt systems: II. Interactions of La, Gd, and Yb with halogens. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2905-2914.
- 1989 * | Ponader, C.W. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Rare earth elements in silicate glass/melt systems: I. Effects of composition on the coordination environment of La, Gd, and Yb. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 2893-2903.
- 1989 * | Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Parks, G.A., EXAFS investigation of aqueous Co(II) adsorbed on oxide surfaces in situ. Physica B 158, 646-648.
- 1989 * | Chisholm-Brause, C.J., Roe, A.L., Hayes, K.F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Parks, G.A., and Leckie, J.O., XANES and EXAFS study of aqueous Pb(II) adsorbed on oxide surfaces. Physica B 158, 674-676.
- 1989 * | Waychunas, G.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., Jackson, W.E., and Ponader, C.W., In-situ high temperature x-ray absorption study of iron in alkalisilicte melts and glasses. Physica B 158, 67-68.
- 1988 * | Sutton, S.R.,Rivers, M.L., Smith, J.V., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Jones, K.W., Synchrotron x-ray sources in the earth sciences. EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 69, No. 52, 1666-1675.
- 1988 * | Little, W.A., Collman, J.P., Yee, G.T., Holcomb, M.T., McDevitt, J.T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Electronic absorption in the high Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3Ox. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 1301-1302.
- 1988 * | Waychunas, G.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., Ponader, C.W., and Jackson, W.E., Evidence from x-ray absorption for network-forming Fe2+ in molten alkali silicates. Nature 332, 251-253.
- 1988 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Calas, G., Waychunas, G.A., and Petiau, J., X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its applications in mineralogy and geochemistry. In F. Hawthorne, ed., Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Geology, Reviews in Mineralogy, vol. 18, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, pp. 431-512.
- 1988 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Aspects of silicate surface and bulk structure analysis using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52, 1641-1648.
- 1987 * | Hayes, K.F., Roe, A.L., Brown, Jr., G.E., Hodgson, K.O., Leckie, J.O., and Parks, G.A., (1987) In-situ x-ray absorption study of surface complexes at oxide/water interfaces: selenium oxyanions on α-FeOOH. Science 238, 783-786.
- 1987 * | Jackson, W.E., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Ponader, C.W., X-ray absorption study of the potassium coordination environment in glasses from the NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8 binary: structural implications for the mixed-alkali effect. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 93, 311-322.
- 1987 * | Calas, G., Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., and Petiau, J., X-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of silicate glasses and minerals. Phys. Chem. Minerals 15, 19-29.
- 1987 * | Jackson, W.E.,Knittle, E., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Jeanloz, R., Partitioning of Fe within high-pressure silicate perovskite: evidence for unusual geochemistry in the lower mantle. Geophys. Res. Lett. 14, 224-224.
- 1986 * | Sainctavit, Ph., Calas, G., Petiau, J., Karnatak, R., Esteva, J.M., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Electronic structure from x-ray K-edges in ZnS:Fe and CuFeS2. J. de Physique, Colloque C8, 47, C8411-C8414.
- 1986 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Stöhr, J., and Sette, F., Near-edge structure of oxygen in inorganic oxides: effects of local geometry and cation type. J. de Physique, Colloque C8, 47, C8685-C8689.
- 1986 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Waychunas, G.A., Ponader, C.W., Jackson, W.E., and McKeown, D.A., EXAFS and NEXAFS studies of cation environments in oxide glasses. J. de Physique, Colloque C8, 47, C8661-C8668.
- 1986 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Ewing, R.C., The mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry of pegmatites and related granitic rocks: Introduction to the Jahns Memorial Issue. Am. Mineral. 71, 233-238.
- 1986 * | Stern, L.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., Bird, D.K., Jahns, R.H., Foord, R.E.,Shigley, J.E., andSpaulding, Jr., L.B., Mineralogy and geochemical evolution of the Little Three pegmatite-aplite layered intrusive, Ramona, California. Am. Mineral. 71, 406-427.
- 1986 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Mills, B.A., High temperature structure and crystal chemistry of a hydrous alkali-rich beryl from the Harding Pegmatite, Taos County, New Mexico. Am. Mineral. 71, 547-556.
- 1986 * | Shigley, J.E. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Lithiophilite formation in granitic pegmatites: a reconnaissance experimental study of phosphate crystallization from hydrous aluminosilicate melts. Am. Mineral. 71, 356-366.
- 1986 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Mechanism of anomalous thermal expansion behavior of cordierite-beryl and other framework silicates. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 69, 13-18.
- 1986 * | Waychunas, G.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Apted, M.J., X-ray K-edge absorption spectra of Fe minerals and model compounds: II. EXAFS. Phys. Chem. Minerals 13, 31-47.
- 1985 * | Apted, M.J., Waychunas, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure and speciation of iron complexes in aqueous solutions determined by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 49, 2081-2089.
- 1985 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., The structures of albite and jadeite composition glasses quenched from high pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 49, 1137-1142.
- 1985 * | McKeown, D.A., Waychunas, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS study of the coordination environment of aluminum in a series of silica-rich glasses and selected minerals within the sodium aluminosilicate system. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 74, 349-371.
- 1985 * | McKeown, D.A., Waychunas, G.A., and Brown, Jr., G.E., EXAFS and XANES study of the local coordination environment of sodium in
a series of silica-rich glasses and selected minerals within the sodium
aluminosilicate system. J. Non-Crystal.
Solids 74, 325-348.
- 1985 * | Shigley, J.E. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Occurrence and alteration of phosphate minerals at the Stewart Pegmatite, Pala District, San Diego County, California. Am. Mineral. 70, 395-408.
- 1984 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure and viscosity of rhyolitic composition melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 48, 2631-2640.
- 1984 * | McKeown, D.A., Galeener, F.L., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Raman studies of Al coordination in silica-rich sodium aluminosilicate glasses and some related minerals. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 68, 361-378.
- 1984 * | Waychunas, G.A. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Applications of EXAFS and XANES spectroscopy to problems in mineralogy and geochemistry, In K.O. Hodgson, B. Hedman, J.E. Penner-Hahn, eds., EXAFS and Near Edge Structure III, Springer-Verlag, pp. 336-342.
- 1984 * | McKeown, D.A., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Waychunas, G.A., Local coordination environment of Na in a series of silica-rich glasses and selected minerals within the Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system. In K.O. Hodgson, B. Hedman, and J.E. Penner-Hahn, eds., EXAFS and Near Edge Structure III, Springer-Verlag, pp. 308-310.
- 1983 * | Waychunas, G.A., Apted, M.J., and Brown, Jr., G.E., X-ray K-edge absorption spectra of Fe minerals and model compounds: I. Near edge structure. Phys. Chem. Minerals 10, 1-9.
- 1983 | Brown, Jr., G.E., Dikmen, F.D., and Waychunas, G.A., Total electron yield K-XANES and EXAFS investigation of aluminum in amorphous and crystalline aluminosilicates. Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Report 83/01, 148-149.
- 1981 * | de Jong, B.H.W.S., Keefer, K.D., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Taylor, C.M., Polymerization of silicate and aluminate tetrahedra in glasses, melts and aqueous solutions: III. X-ray emission spectral study of binary alkali silicate glasses. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 45, 1291-1308.
- 1980 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Crystal chemistry of the olivines and silicate spinels. In P.H. Ribbe, ed., Reviews in Mineralogy, vol. 5, Mineralogical Society of America, pp. 275-381. (2nd edition, 1982).
- 1980 * | Harlow, G.E. and Brown, Jr., G.E., A neutron and x-ray diffraction study of Amelia low albite. Am. Mineral. 65, 986-995.
- 1980 * | de Jong, B.H.W.S. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Polymerization of silicate and aluminate tetrahedra in glasses, melts and aqueous solutions: II. The network modifying effects of Mg2+, K+, Na+, Li+, H+, OH-, F-, Cl-, H2O, and CO2 in silicate melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44, 1627-1642.
- 1980 * | Clark, J.R. and Brown, Jr., G.E., The crystal structure of rasvumite, KFe2S3. Am. Mineral. 65, 477-482.
- 1980 * | de Jong, B.H.W.S. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Polymerization of silicate and aluminate tetrahedra in glasses, melts and aqueous solutions: I. Electronic structures of H6Si2O7, H6SIAlO71- and H6Al2O72-. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44, 491-511.
- 1980 * | Taylor, M., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Fenn, P.M., Structure of mineral glasses III: NaAlSi3O8 supercooled liquid at 805°C and the effects of thermal history. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44,109-117.
- 1979 * | Taylor, M. and Brown, Jr. G.E., Structure of mineral glasses II: The SiO2-NaAlSiO4 join. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 43,1467-1473.
- 1979 * | Taylor, M. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Structure of mineral glasses I: The feldspar glasses NaAlSi3O8, KAlSi3O8, CaAl2Si2O8. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 43, 61-75.
- 1979 * | Hochella, Jr., M.F., Brown, Jr., G.E., Ross, F.K., and Gibbs, G.V., High temperature crystal chemistry of hydrous Mg- and Fe-cordierites. Am. Mineral. 64, 337-351.
- 1979 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Fenn, P.M., Structure energies of the alkali feldspars. Phys. Chem. Minerals 4, 337-351.
- 1978 * | Keefer, K.D. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Crystal structures and compositions of sanidine and high albite in cryptoperthitic intergrowth. Am. Mineral. 63, 1264-1273.
- 1978 * | Brown Jr., G.E. and Clark, J.R., Crystal structure of hydrochlorborite Ca2B3O3(OH)4 . OB(OH)3Cl . 7H2O, a seasonal evaporite mineral. Am. Mineral. 63, 814-823.
- 1977 * | Fenn, P.M. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Crystal structure of a synthetic compositionally intermediate, hypersolvus alkali feldspar: evidence for Na, K site ordering. Zeit. Kristallogr. 145, 124-145.
- 1976 * | Taylor, M.P. and Brown, Jr., G.E., High-temperature structural study of the P21/a to A2/a phase transition in synthetic titanite, CaTiSiO5. Am. Mineral. 61, 435-447.
- 1975 * | Dodd, R.T., Grover, J.E., and Brown, Jr., G.E., Pyroxenes in the Shaw (L-7) chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 39, 1585-1594.
- 1975 * | Rajamani, V., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Prewitt, C.T., Cation ordering in Ni-Mg-olivine. Am. Mineral. 60, 292-299.
- 1974 * | Radtke, A.S. and Brown, Jr., G.E., Frankdicksonite, BaF2, a new mineral from Nevada. Am. Mineral. 59, 885-889.
- 1974 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Hamilton, W.C., Prewitt, C.T., and Sueno, S., Neutron diffraction study of Al/Si ordering in sanidine: a comparison with X-ray data. In W.S. Mackenzie and J. Zussman, eds., The Feldspars, NATO Advanced Studies Institute on Feldspars, Manchester, England, Manchester University Press, pp. 68-80.
- 1973 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Wechsler, B.A., Crystallography of pigeonites from basaltic vitrophyre 15597. Proc. 4th Lunar Science Conference. Supplement 4, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1, 887-900.
- 1973 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Prewitt, C.T., High-temperature crystal chemistry of hortonolite. Am. Mineral. 58, 577-587.
- 1973 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Ernst, W.G., Earth Materials, Chapter 5 in Geology Today, Del Mar Books, Del Mar, California, pp. 91-113. (Revised Printing 1974)
- 1973 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Sueno, S., and Prewitt, C.T., A new single-crystal heater for the precession camera and four-circle diffractometer. Am. Mineral. 58, 698-704.
- 1972 * | Sueno, S., Papike, J.J., Prewitt, C.T., and Brown, Jr., G.E., The crystal structure of high cummingtonite. J. Geophys. Res. 77, 5767-5777.
- 1972 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Prewitt, C.T., Papike, J.J., and Sueno, S., A comparison of the structures of low and high pigeonite. J. Geophys. Res. 77, 5578-5589.
- 1972 * | Prewitt, C.T., Brown, Jr., G.E., and Papike, J.J., Apollo 12 clinopyroxenes: high temperature x-ray diffraction studies. Proc. 2nd Lunar Science Conference 1, 59-68.
- 1971 * | Papike, J.J., Bence, A.E., Brown, Jr., G.E., Prewitt, C.T., and Wu, C.H., Apollo 12 clinopyroxenes: exsolution and epitaxy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 10, 307-315.
- 1970 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Gibbs, G.V., Stereochemistry and ordering in the tetrahedral portion of silicates. Am. Mineral. 55, 1587-1607.
- 1969 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Gibbs, G.V., Refinement of the crystal structure of osmulite. Am. Mineral. 54, 101-116.
- 1969 * | Brown, Jr., G.E. and Gibbs, G.V., Oxygen coordination and the Si-O bond. Am. Mineral. 54, 1528-1539.
- 1969 * | Brown, Jr., G.E., Gibbs, G.V., and Ribbe, P.H., The nature and variation in length of the Si-O and Al-O bonds in framework silicates. Am. Mineral. 54, 1044-1061.
Advisee Degrees
- 2008 | Juyoung Ha: Hematite Nanoparticle Interactions with Metal Ions, Organic Matter, and Microbes, Ph.D. (Post-Doctoral Fellow, U.C. Berkeley, Civil & Environ. Engineerin)
- 2008 | David M. Singer: Uranium and Strontium (Bio)geochemistry: Limits on Uranium and Strontium Mobility in the Environment, Ph.D. (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Earth Sciences Division, LBNL)
- 2006 | Aaron J. Slowey: Speciation and Transport of Mercury from Mine Tailings to Model Sulfidogenic Sediments, Ph.D. (Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow, U.S.G.S., Menlo Park, CA)
- 2004 | Jeffrey G. Catalano: Molecular Scale Studies of Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford, Washington Sediments and Related Model Systems, Ph.D. (Asst. Prof. of Earth Sciences, Washington Univ. St. Louis)
- 2004 | Colin S. Doyle: Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Studies of Reactions at Mineral Surfaces and Mineral Surface Coatings, Ph.D. (Research Assoc., University of Auckland, New Zealand)
- 2004 | Tae Hyun Yoon: Spectroscopic Studies of Organic Matter at Mineral/Water Interfaces, Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., Chemsitry Dept., Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea)
- 2002 | Alexis S. Templeton: Lead and Selenium Distributions and Speciation at Biofilm/Metal-Oxide Interfaces, Ph.D. (Asst. Prof. of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado)
- 2002 | Christopher S. Kim: Mercury Speciation and Sorption Processes in Mining Environments, Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., Chemistry Dept, Chapman University, Anahei)
- 2001 | Thomas P. Trainor: X-Ray Scattering and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of the Structure and Reactivity of Aluminum Oxide Surfaces, Ph.D. (Assoc. Prof., Chemistry Dept., University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
- 2000 | Jeffrey P. Fitts: Molecular-scale characterization of sorption reactions for copper(II), copper(II) and glutamate, and chromium(III) at the aluminum oxide-water interface., Ph.D. (Staff Scientist, Environmental Research Division, Brookhaven Nat)
- 1999 | Andrea L. Foster: Partitioning and transformation of arsenic and selenium in natural and laboratory systems., Ph.D. (Staff Scientist, USGS, Menlo Park, CA)
- 1999 | John D. Ostergren: Molecular-scale studies of lead(II) speciation in mine tailing and related model systems: Improving understanding of sorption processes in natural environments., Ph.D. (Environmental Lawyer, St. Paul, MN)
- 1998 | Hillary A. Thompson: Dynamic partitioning among dissolved, adsorbed, and precipitated phases in aging cobalt(II)/kaolinite/water systems. (Co-advisor w/Parks), Ph.D. (Asst. Prof., Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA)
Advisee Publications
- 2005 * | Wang, Z., Zachara, J.M., Gassman, P.L., Liu, C., Qafoku, O., Yantasee, W., and Catalano, J.G., Fluorescence spectroscopy of U(VI)-silicates and U(VI)-contaminated Hanford sediment, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69, 1391-1403.
- 2005 * | Wellman, D.M., Catalano, J.G., Icenhower, J.P., and Gamerdinger, A.P., Synthesis and characterization of sodium meta-autunite, Na2[(UO2)(PO4)]2 ? 3H2O, Radiochimica Acta 93(7), 393-399.
- 2005 * | Pierce, E. M., Icenhower, J. P., Serne, R. J., Catalano, J. G., Experimental determination of UO2(cr) dissolution kinetics: Effects of solution saturation state and pH. Journal of Nuclear Materials 345(2-3), 206-218.
- 2003 * | Helean, K.B., Navrotsky, A., Lumpkin, G.R., Colella, M., Lian, J., Ewing, R.C., Ebbinghaus, B., and Catalano, J.G., Enthalpies of formation of U-, Th-, Ce-brannerite: implications for plutonium immobilization. Journal of Nuclear Materials 320, 231-244.
- 2002 * | Helean, K.B., Navrotsky, A., Vance, E.R., Carter, M.L., Ebbinghaus, B., Krikorian, O., Lian, J., Wang, L.M., and Catalano, J.G., Enthalpies of formation of Ce-pyrochlore, Ca0.93Ce1.00Ti2.035O7.00, U-pyrochlore, Ca1.46U4+0.23U6+0.46Ti1.85O7.00 and Gd-pyrochlore, Gd2Ti2O7: Three materials relevant to the proposed waste form for excess weapons plutonium. Journal of Nuclear Materials 303, 226-239.
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