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Recent News

February 13, 2014

Nearly 6,000 Gas Leaks Discovered under Washington D.C.

Robert Jackson and his team discovered 5,893 methane gas leaks beneath the nation's capital.

February 3, 2014

Antarctic Mysteries Lecture Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m.

Prof. Rob Dunbar will deliver the Winter Quarter Earth Matters Lecture thru Stanford's Continuing Studies Program in Cubberley Auditorium. Admission is free.

January 15, 2014

Climate change award to Chris Field

Based in Spain, the BBVA Foundation selected Prof. Chris Field to receive its Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change

January 15, 2014

A Ridiculously Resilient Ridge and the California drought

Grad student Daniel Swain explains the role of a persistent mass of warm air over the north Pacific Ocean, which he's dubbed the "ridiculously resilient ridge", in California's extreme dry spell.

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Upcoming Events

Feb 18

Carnegie Institution for Science - Global Ecology Seminar: Marion O'Leary

3:30 PM - Turing Auditorium, Polya Hall
Carnegie Institution for Science - Department of Global Ecology
Feb 19

Joint EESS/GES Winter Seminar Series, Andrew Ridgwell, University of Bristol

2:15 PM - GeoCorner, Room 220
Department of Environmental Earth System Science
Feb 26

Joint EESS/GES Winter Seminar Series, David Fike, Washington University

2:15 PM - GeoCorner, Room 220
Department of Environmental Earth System Science
Mar 5

Joint EESS/GES Winter Seminar Series, Carl Simpson, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

2:15 PM - GeoCorner, Room 220
Department of Environmental Earth System Science
Mar 12

Joint EESS/GES Winter Seminar Series, Kliti Grice, Curtin University

2:15 PM - GeoCorner, Room 220
Department of Environmental Earth System Science

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Graduate Student Adventures

你好 folks! As you may have guessed from my greeting, I am writing this message to you from China. My travels initially brought me to Beijing where I studied Mandarin for a few weeks and met with fellow researchers at Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have since moved westward to my field site in Zhangye where I am studying sustainable water management for irrigated agriculture.