Welcome to EESS
Our goal is to understand, predict, and respond to human-caused and natural environmental change at local to global scales. To take on this challenge, we strive to investigate the complexity of the global system, including the interactions, synergies, and feedbacks that link the oceans, atmosphere, land surfaces, and freshwater systems. Through the graduate and undergraduate programs, we will train a new generation of scientists that comprehend the multiple facets of environmental processes.
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Graduate Admissions Deadline
The deadline for Graduate Admissions is Tuesday, December 10, 2013 by 5 p.m. PST. Learn more.
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Recent News
Nearly 6,000 Gas Leaks Discovered under Washington D.C.
Robert Jackson and his team discovered 5,893 methane gas leaks beneath the nation's capital.
Antarctic Mysteries Lecture Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m.
Prof. Rob Dunbar will deliver the Winter Quarter Earth Matters Lecture thru Stanford's Continuing Studies Program in Cubberley Auditorium. Admission is free.
Climate change award to Chris Field
Based in Spain, the BBVA Foundation selected Prof. Chris Field to receive its Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change
A Ridiculously Resilient Ridge and the California drought
Grad student Daniel Swain explains the role of a persistent mass of warm air over the north Pacific Ocean, which he's dubbed the "ridiculously resilient ridge", in California's extreme dry spell.
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