Photon scientists get national awards

From left: Moler, Stohr and Shen
From left: Moler, Stöhr and Shen

Three photon scientists at Stanford and at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory were recognized recently. KATHRYN ANN MOLER, associate professor of physics and applied physics and deputy director of the Stanford Institute for Materials & Energy Science (SIMES), was recipient of the Richtmyer Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers.

ZHI-XUN SHEN, chief scientist at SLAC, director of SIMES and a professor in applied physics, physics and photon science, won the 2011 Oliver E. Buckley Prize in Condensed Matter Physics from the American Physical Society. JOACHIM STÖHR, associate laboratory director of the Linac Coherent Light Source and professor of photon science, won the 2011 Davisson-Germer Prize from the American Physical Society.

“All of these awardees are selected on the basis of recommendations from peers,” SLAC Director PERSIS DRELL wrote in Friday’s SLAC Today. “And while we do our science for the joy of the science, it is always nice to have our work recognized, especially by colleagues in the field.”

Read Drell’s full column on the SLAC Today website.