Category: In Memoriam
Iranian poet's death sparks Stanford recollections
by Clifton Parker on August 22, 2014 4:00 am
When Iranian poet SIMIN BEHBAHANI died on Aug. 19 at age 87, it rekindled fond remembrances of her numerous visits to the Stanford campus. An icon of the Iranian literary community, Behbahani was dubbed the “lioness of Iran.” Her poems are quoted like aphorisms and proverbs in her country. ABBAS MILANI, director of the Hamid… Read more Iranian poet's death sparks Stanford recollections
Medical community mourns loss of leading international HIV/AIDS researcher
by Elaine Ray on July 20, 2014 3:00 pm
Stanford researchers specializing in HIV/AIDS mourned the loss Friday of Dutch scientist JOEP LANGE, a leading AIDS researcher who died in the Malaysia Airlines crash Thursday in the Ukraine. Lange, a virologist, was particularly well-known for his work in helping expand access to antiretroviral therapy in developing countries. He was among dozens of people on… Read more Medical community mourns loss of leading international HIV/AIDS researcher
World's first radio sundial dedicated in memory of Ron Bracewell
by Bjorn Carey on October 2, 2013 4:00 am
The world’s first and only radio sundial has been erected in memory of RON BRACEWELL, a professor of electrical engineering and a pioneer in radio astronomy. The sundial was unveiled at the Very Large Array (VLA) Radio Telescope Observatory in New Mexico. It was constructed using pieces of a famous radio telescope that Bracewell built… Read more World's first radio sundial dedicated in memory of Ron Bracewell
Al Gore dedicates bench in memory of Stephen Schneider
by Elaine Ray on April 25, 2013 4:00 am
Former Vice President AL GORE was on campus Tuesday to remember a friend. Gore spoke at a private ceremony dedicating a stone bench in the Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden in memory of renowned climate scientist STEPHEN SCHNEIDER, a former Stanford biology professor and senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, who… Read more
Stanford Athletics remembers Peter Sauer
by Elaine Ray on July 11, 2012 4:00 am
PETER SAUER, a co-captain and starter on the 1998 Stanford Final Four basketball team, collapsed and died Sunday night after he fell and hit his head on the concrete court during a pickup basketball game in White Plains, N.Y. He was 35. The outgoing Sauer, who played four seasons for the Cardinal and graduated with… Read more
Statement by Stanford President John Hennessy on the legacy of Steve Jobs
by Elaine Ray on October 6, 2011 11:05 am
“Steve Jobs was an extraordinary man, and I am deeply saddened to learn of his death. A pioneer in the computer industry, his creativity and vision are legend. But he was also a great communicator, who was able to cultivate innovation in others. When he spoke at Stanford’s 2005 Commencement, he told our students that… Read more Statement by Stanford President John Hennessy on the legacy of Steve Jobs
Filled to the rafters
by Elaine Ray on September 11, 2011 9:20 pm
The voices of the Peninsula choral community and a standing-room-only crowd filled Stanford Memorial Church on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. Led by Schola Cantorum, an 80-member chorus based in Mountain View, and in partnership with the university’s Office for Religious Life and Department of Music, singers and musicians from throughout the Bay Area paid tribute to… Read more Filled to the rafters
Paul Costello remembers Jack LaLanne
by Elaine Ray on January 25, 2011 4:00 am
Three years ago, PAUL COSTELLO, executive director of communications and public affairs at the School of Medicine, interviewed fitness guru Jack LaLanne for a Stanford Medicine magazine issue devoted to the topic of longevity. “I found him to be indefatigable, and I thought then perhaps he really would never die,” Costello wrote of LaLanne, who… Read more
Stanford's connection to 'Dancing with the Stars'
by Elaine Ray on November 17, 2010 4:00 am
Dancing with the Stars may not be the height of intellectual fare, but in some corners of the Stanford campus it’s must-see TV, or at least a guilty pleasure. As of last night, the finalists in the competition included Bristol Palin, daughter of former Republican veep candidate Sarah; somewhat grown-up child actor Kyle Massey; and… Read more
Stanford salutes its veterans
by Elaine Ray on November 11, 2010 3:32 pm