Category: Great reads


Stanford center honors Asia correspondent with journalism award

by on April 7, 2015 10:50 pm
  Stanford’s Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) recently honored Wall Street Journal reporter JACOB SCHLESINGER with the Shorenstein Journalism Award. Schlesinger received the honor, which includes a $10,000 cash prize, for his work on Japan that spans nearly three decades. Since 2002, the annual award has recognized journalists who are outstanding in their… Read more Stanford center honors Asia correspondent with journalism award
Matt Lathrop portrait in front of theater lighting fixtures

Groundbreaking theater technology in the making

by on March 27, 2015 4:48 pm
When Stanford’s Ram’s Head Theatrical Society presented Les Misérables last year, it wasn’t just the telling of a tale of love and the power of the human spirit. It was a demonstration of ingenuity. Lighting designer MATT LATHROP ’16, developed a digitally operated remote control follow spot for the production. “Rather than using a typical… Read more Groundbreaking theater technology in the making
The dress that became a viral phenomenon

Deconstructing the 'dress' meme

by on March 19, 2015 5:09 pm
“The Dress” that erupted into a viral phenomenon last month led DAMON CENTOLA to investigate the optical illusion more deeply. Centola, a resident fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, studies the collective dynamics of social consensus. Last month, he and a colleague had a paper published about how the structure… Read more Deconstructing the 'dress' meme
Bard Prison Initiative commencement

Stanford scholar co-authors study on the value of higher ed programs for inmates

by on March 5, 2015 4:00 am
  Giving prisoners the opportunity to get a college education is a worthy idea on many levels, according to Stanford researchers. Such access to higher education can help California build safer communities while boosting the economy with more brainpower – brainpower that is often overlooked and shortchanged, the authors wrote in a recent report. The… Read more Stanford scholar co-authors study on the value of higher ed programs for inmates
Steve Ringman and Craig Welch (Photo Credit: Steve Castillo)

Stanford prize spotlights Western environmental journalism

by on March 1, 2015 12:00 pm
Seattle Times reporter Craig Welch and photographer Steve Ringman traversed the Pacific Ocean – from Papua New Guinea’s coral reefs to Alaska’s king crab fisheries – to see how carbon emissions are changing the ground rules for ocean life. Their multimedia series “Sea Change: The Pacific’s Perilous Turn” earned them the 2014 Knight Risser Prize… Read more Stanford prize spotlights Western environmental journalism
Issa Rae reading her book, "Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl"

Alumna Issa Rae brings her wit and wisdom back to Stanford

by on February 23, 2015 4:00 am
  When ISSA RAE was thinking about colleges, the then budding teenage cyber nerd who loved creating her own stories, thought a university in lower Manhattan well known for its school of the arts was the place for her. But after 9/11, her parents told her they wanted her closer to home. After that, Rae,… Read more Alumna Issa Rae brings her wit and wisdom back to Stanford

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan presides over Stanford Law School’s Moot Court final arguments

by on February 6, 2015 2:36 pm
  A sterling reputation is the key driver of success for lawyers, agreed U.S. Supreme Court Justice ELENA KAGAN and U.S. Circuit Judges SRI SRINIVASAN and RAYMOND KETHLEDGE during a recent conversation at Stanford Law School. The event, presented by the American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society, was held prior to this year’s Moot… Read more Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan presides over Stanford Law School’s Moot Court final arguments
Photo of students jump roping near

Double Dutch gains a foothold at Stanford

by on January 29, 2015 4:35 pm
For JOSH SIEGEL, there was no question what his favorite sport was. Since early grade school, he’d been in love with jump rope, performing with a traveling team that wowed crowds across Northeast Iowa. But the dawn of Siegel’s Stanford career four years ago didn’t seem like the best time to admit to such a… Read more
Photo of the late John W. Gardner in a cap and gown gesturing toward the crowd.

Life lessons from the late John W. Gardner

by on January 8, 2015 5:00 pm
Earlier this week, New York Times columnist David Brooks referenced Stanford’s 100th Commencement address, delivered by the late JOHN GARDNER,in a column about finding meaning. Gardner, a Stanford alumnus, had a distinguished career in public service before he was named the first Miriam and Peter Haas Centennial Professor in Public Service at Stanford in 1989.… Read more

Finding a workout plan that works for you

by on January 7, 2015 12:01 am
As we head into the New Year, many of us will make a resolution that involves exercise. But how do we make sure that 2015 is the year our exercise program succeeds? To find out, BeWell sat down with ASHLEY GEPHART, a BeWell health adviser. Starting a fitness routine seems easy, but maintaining that plan… Read more Finding a workout plan that works for you