Beth Fox named director of Academic Advising Center at Duke

BETH FOX, associate dean of undergraduate advising and research, has been named the director of the Academic Advising Center for Duke’s Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. Fox, who earned her PhD in biological anthropology from Duke, will also serve as associate dean of Trinity, which enrolls more than 80 percent of Duke’s undergraduates. She starts there in October.
Fox, who has been at Stanford since 2007, also served as resident fellow in Schiff House, which is part of Governor’s Corner.
JULIE LYTHCOTT-HAIMS, associate vice provost and dean of freshmen and undergraduate advising, credits Fox with being the “sophomore experience expert” in the office of Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR).
She said, “Working in close partnership with academic departments, Beth created programs designed to guide sophomores toward meaningful and timely exploration of departments, programs and majors, and supervised the residential academic directors as they expanded in 2009-10 from a freshman-only focus to coverage of all freshmen and sophomores in residence. She also enhanced UAR’s advising practices by developing a process of ongoing curricular training for our professional advisors, modeling a more robust advising pedagogy and articulating learning outcomes appropriate for students in each class year. Through a disciplined, data-driven approach, she made terrific contributions to our organization and to the university during her short time here and had exciting plans in store, but we know that the call of her alma mater was too compelling to ignore.”
Said Fox: “My three years at Stanford have been a source of great intellectual, personal and professional joy, and I am grateful for all that Stanford has helped me to become.”
Learn more by reading the Duke University press release.