Yale’s Daniel Hartwig is named university archivist

DANIEL HARTWIG will join the Stanford University Libraries’ Department of Special Collections and University Archives as Stanford University Archivist. His appointment begins Sept. 7.

Hartwig comes to Stanford from the Yale University Archives, where, as the records services archivist since 2006, he has been the primary point of contact between the university archives and the rest of Yale. He holds an MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MA in history and philosophy of science from Indiana University and a BA from the University of Iowa.

He has big shoes to fill. He replaces a legend: the popular MARGARET KIMBALL, who was university archivist for two decades.

Hartwig will be ably aided by Assistant Archivist AIMEE MORGAN, who performed many of Kimball’s duties in the interim.

“An important aspect of the job is acting as a public face for the University Archives and Stanford history – getting out there and promoting interest in Stanford history, both on campus and beyond,” said Morgan. “The mission of University Archives is a complicated job. It is to collect, preserve and provide access to pretty much all aspects of Stanford history.”

“All aspects” might include minutes of trustees meetings, administrative records, faculty research papers, lab notebooks and material developed to support teaching, such as lecture notes. It includes making tough decisions about what to include in the archives and what to give a pass.

Overwhelming? “Absolutely. It’s a huge job,” said Morgan. “Stanford is an incredibly active and dynamic place.”

Cynthia Haven